Office of the-
Commissioner of State Tax,
Maharashtra State,
8th Floor, GST Bhavan,
Mazgaon, Mumbai-400010
No: -JCST/Mahavikas/GST Enrollment/2017-18/B-582 Mumbai,
Trade Circular No. 41T of 2017
Dt. 19/09/2017
Subject: Distribution of GST Provisional Id and Access Token of Phase 12 dealers.
Reference: 1) Trade Circular 35 T of 2016 dt. 12-11-2016.
2) Trade Circular 2 T of 2017 dt. 06-01-2017.
3) Trade Circular 5 T of 2017 dt. 27-02-2017.
4) Trade Circular 6 T of 2017 dt. 04-03-2017.
5) Trade Circular 7 T of 2017 dt. 08-03-2017.
6) Trade Circular 12 T of 2017 cit. 25-04-2017.
7) Trade Circular 17 T of 2017 dt. 30 05 2017.
8) Trade Circular 25 T of 2017 dt. 27-06 2017.
9) Trade Circular 28 T of 2017 dt. 07-07-2017.
10) Trade Circular 33T of 2017 dt. 21-07-2017.
11) Trade Circular 35 T of 2017 dt. 11-08-2017
12) Trade Circular 36 T of 2017 dt. 18-08-2017
13) Trade Circular 38 T of 2017 dt. 04-09-2017.
With reference to the above referred Trade Circulars, the activity of GST data migration and distribution of Provisional Ids and Access Token is in progress since 14th November 2016. This activity has been carried out by Maharashtra GST Department in stage-wise manner in different 11 phases.
Provisional Ids and Access Token of Phase 12 dealers, are now made available by GSTN. Dealer can obtain their Provisional Ids from department’s portal www.mahavat,, using their login credentials. The list of all such dealers is published under GST Tab on Mahavat portal. This phase 12 mainly considers the 460 dealers whose Provisional IDs are recently restored.
This circular is clarificatory in nature and cannot be made use of for legal interpretation of provisions of Law. If any member of trade has any doubt, he may refer the matter to this Office for further clarifications.
Rajiv Jalota
Commissioner of State Tax,
Maharashtra State
No: -JCST/Mahavikas/GST Enrollment/2017-18/B-582 Mumbai,
Trade Circular No. 41T of 2017
Dt. 19/09/2017
Copy forwarded for information to:
1) Officer on Special Duty, Finance Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai
2) Under Secretary, Finance Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai
3) Accounts Officer, Sales Tax Revenue Audit, Mumbai and Nagpur.
Joint Commissioner of State Tax,
thanks for informing