D.O. letter regarding deployment of IT infrastructure to enable digital monitoring of GST
Tel. No. +91-11-23092303, Fax No.: +91-11-23092417
D. O. NO. 3/Member (IT)/2017
Dated: 26 Sept, 2017
Dear Colleagues,
As you are aware, the deployment of IT infrastructure to enable the digital monitoring of GST by the Department is in its final stages. On completion of deployment, the documents filed by the taxpayers at the GSTIN portal would be available to all the formations, upto the range level Inspector, for suitable verification.
To this end our readiness has to be manifold. The following are some of the critical aspects need to be kept in mind by the field, to enable its success.
(1) The all-in-ones (AI0s) need to be installed in the premises of the Commissionerates / Divisions / Ranges.
(2) The node to which the AIO is connected should be functioning with respect to the Local Area Network (LAN) router placed in the building. In case of formations where VPN (Virtual Private Network) connections are provided, then further steps are required to identify the port of the machine by the Central Server of CBEC via MTNL / BSNL connection.
(3) The LAN routers should have been connected to the Wide Area Network provided by MTNL / BSNL in your respective zones (either MPLS / VPN).
(4) The officers authorized to view the information pertaining to GST should have been issued SSO-IDs
(5) The officers with their SSO-IDs should be mapped to their concerned jurisdiction – Range / Division / Commissionerate. This would enable the network to recognize the login credentials.
(6) The PIN of the jurisdiction which come under the Range needs to be correctly identified, updated by the CPC Officers. This would help in mapping the taxpayer to the jurisdiction.
Once these steps are completed in its entirety, the documents form the taxpayer received by CBEC, would seamlessly flow to the Ranges for necessary action by the Department.
As you can see there are multiple points of concern in each of these steps. I urge you to carefully identify the bottleneck, unique to your jurisdiction and resolve it at the earliest. The annexures attached would indicate where action is incomplete and are lagging.
with warm wishes
your Sincerely
(S. K. Panda)
Encl: Annexure – Zone-Wise PIN Code Mapping
Annexure – Zone-Wise Users Mapping
All Chief Commissioner of Central Tax
Copy To:
i. The Chairman, CBEC, North Block, New Delhi,
ii. All Member of CBEC
iii. DG (Systems).