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1st November, 2004

Notification No. 36/2004-Central Excise (N.T.)

In exercises of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of  rule 12 of the Central Excise Rules, 2002, the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby specifies the following Form for the purposes of the said clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of rule 12, namely,:-

“Form E.R.-4
Original / Duplicate

[See rule 12(2)(a) of the Central Excise Rules, 2002]

(All figure relating to value and amount to be given in Rs. lakhs)

1. Registration number
2 . Registration number

3. Details of expenditure:          

(i) Details of inputs including packing material and components used for manufacture.
(a) Total value of inputs including packing materials and components used for manufacturing on which CENVAT credit availed (value as per purchase invoice or import document excluding all taxes).  Rs…………….
(b)  Total value of inputs including packing materials used for manufacturing on which CENVAT credit not availed.  Rs……………
(c)  Value of raw material including packing material and components consumed as per Profit and loss account.                Rs…………….
(ii) Value and quantity of each major raw material consumed in the manufacture of goods#.
 (a) Description of raw material……………………..                    Raw Material ‘A’
Quantity (Please specify the unit also) Value
Opening stock of Raw material
(+) Purchase of raw material
(-) Closing Stock of Raw Material
Raw Material consumption
(b) Please state description of final product {as mentioned at Sr. No. 4 (ii) below}, where the raw material is principally used

(iii) Details of other expenditure

(a)  Total Inward Freight  Rs…………..
(b) Total Outward Freight Rs…………..
(c) Advertisement/Sales Promotion  Rs………….
  (d) Commission paid for sales of manufactured goods Rs………….
 (e) Total R & D expenditure  Rs…………
(f)  Wages Rs…………
  (g)  Power and Fuel   Rs…………
(h) Other expenses* {excluding (a) to (g) above}. Rs…………
  (iv)  Details of goods got manufactured by the assessee through job workers:
(a) Whether goods are got manufactured through job worker? Yes/No
 (b) If yes, whether any raw material/inputs are supplied to job worker? Yes/No
  (c) Whether any raw material/inputs are used by the job worker       which are not supplied by the assessee? Yes/No
 (d)  Total amount paid by the assessee to jobworker.     Rs. ………….

4. Details of Income:

(i) Total Sales value (Gross) as per Profit & Loss account   Rs………….
(ii)  Value and quantity of each major manufactured finished goods sold@.

Please mention description and Chapter sub-heading.    Finished Good ‘A’

Quantity (Please specify the unit also) Value (excluding Taxes)
Opening stock of finished goods
(+) Production of finished goods
(-) Closing Stock of finished goods
Finished goods sold

(iii) Details of trading activity {excluding inputs cleared as such as per Sr. No.(viii) below}

Quantity (Please also specify the unit) Value  (excluding Taxes)
Opening stock of Trading Goods
(+) Purchase of Trading Goods
(-) Closing Stock of Trading Goods
Trading Goods sold
(iv) Sale value of non-excisable and fully exempted goods (excluding the goods exported) cleared during the financial year. Rs…………….
(v) Value of goods exported under Bond
(vi) Value of goods exported under claim for rebate  Rs ……………
(vii)  Total value of sale of waste and scrap.     Rs…………..
(viii) Value of inputs on which CENVAT credit has been availed and cleared as such:
 (a) On payment of amount equal to the credit availed. Rs………….
(b) Without payment of any such amount to job worker (excluding the value of both the inputs as such or the inputs used in job worked goods, received back by the  assessee from job worker).    Rs…………
(ix)  Total Sales Tax paid.  Rs………….
(x) Details of other income:
Sl. No. Category Amount
Warranty charges from buyers
Advertisement / Marketing Expenditure recovered from customers
Handling, storage, packing & forwarding charges
Pre-delivery inspection charges
Product development, Drawing, design and development charges
Transportation charges received
Erection & Commissioning charges received
Technical, Engineering, Consultancy etc. charges received
Other receipts/income {excluding (1) to (8) above}

(xi) Total “Other income” as per Profit and Loss Account.                           Rs……………

(xii) Details of job work undertaken by the assessee for others:

(a) Whether any such job work activity carried out by the assessee? Yes/No
(b) Whether job work done using own raw material / inputs (i.e. other than those supplied by the person for whom job-work is done). Yes/No
(c) Whether job work goods are cleared on payment of duty or without payment of duty Yes/No


(d) Total amount of job work charges received during the financial year Rs……

 5. CENVAT Credit details:

Credit Availed (Rs.) Credit utilised (Rs.)
On inputs
On Capital Goods
On Taxable input Service

6. (i) I/We ________________declare that the particulars declared above have been compared with the records and books of my/our factory/warehouse and the same are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge.

(ii) I/we  am/are authorized to sign this return.

(Name in capital letters and signature 
of the assessee or authorized signatory)



Note: # To be given separately and distinctly for each major raw material consumed on the lines of

Sl. No. 3 (ii) (a) (1) of Part II of the Schedule VI pertaining to section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956(1of 1956), i.e. each such raw material which in value independently accounts for 10 % or more of the total value of the raw materials consumed.

* other expenses include all expenses like interest, depreciation, other overheads as shown in Profit and loss Account.

@ To be given separately and distinctly for each class of major finished goods sold i.e. each such finished goods which in value independently accounts for 10 % or more of the total value of the finished goods sold as clarified in Note 3 to the para 3 of Part II of the Schedule VI pertaining to section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956(1 of 1956).

Please enclose copy of Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet.


Annual Financial Information Statement For The Financial Year _____

D   D      M  M    Y  Y   Y  Y

Date of receipt                    

Name and signature of the officer with seal”.

[F.No. 206/4/2004-CX 6]


Date:                                                                                                               (Neerav Kumar Mallick)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Ref. No. Particulars sought for Purpose
3 (i) (a) to (c) Value of raw material consumption To compute the ratio of value of CENVATable purchase to Gross sales of excisable goods and to match it with the ratio of CENVAT to Cash duty.
3 (ii) Item-wise value and quantity of major raw material consumed  (i) Computation of physical input-output ratio

(ii) Co-relation with CENVAT availment

(iii) Computation of unit value of raw material for checking value addition.


3 (iii) (a) Value of Capital Goods supplied free of cost by the customer To ascertain whether the amortised value is included in the value of the final product.
3 (iii) (b) Value of Capital Goods sold /cleared To facilitate scrutiny of appropriate payment of duty on the said Capital Goods
3 (iii) (c) Amount of balance 50% CENVAT credit brought forward from previous year and availed during the  year To ascertain correctness of availment of Capital goods credit.
3 (iv) (a) to (h) Total Freight

Advertisement/Sales Promotion

Commission paid for sales of manufactured goods

R & D Expenditure

Wages, Power & Fuel and

Other expenses (other than (a) to (e) above


To calculate ratio of individual items of expenditure to Gross Sales Value to find out possibility of unaccounted sales (e.g. where electricity charges are accounted for in the books but goods produced are removed without accounting for, on comparing the ratio of similar units, variation in ratio may show such cases. The said ratio coupled with trend of freight outward to sale value ratio may also indicate same trend).  Also it indicates whether any taxable service received for taking action against service provider.
3 (v) (a) to (c) Details of goods manufactured from Job worker To co-relate with valuation and verify whether CENVAT credit provisions are complied with
4 (i) Total Sales value (Gross) Used in determining all the ratios and derive the value of excise duty payable and match with duty payment in the tax return.
4 (ii) Item-wise value and quantity of major finished goods sole (i) Computation of unit value of finished products for checking value addition.

(ii) Computation of physical input-output ratio


4 (iii) Details of trading activity (other than trading of inputs on CENVAT Credit availed and removed as such) (i) To calculate ratio of Trading Sales Value to gross sales value (chances of clearance of manufactured goods in the guise of trading goods & clearances of credit availed goods as Trading goods)

(ii) To ascertain the trend in profit margin of trading goods vis–vis goods manufactured by the assessee.


4 (iv) Sales value of non excisable / exempted goods To calculate ratio of value of exempted goods to gross sales value
4 (v) & (vi) Value of goods exported under Bond and/or under rebate To derive value of dutiable sales and compare with value shown in tax return
4 (vii) Total value of scrap sales To calculate ratio of scrap sales value to gross sales value.
4 (viii) Value of inputs cleared as such on which CENVAT credit availed To facilitate scrutiny of CENVAT availment during audit i.e. whether appropriate duty payment made.
4 (ix) Total Sales Tax paid To calculate ratio of Sales Tax to Excise duty
4 (x) Details of other incomes as per Profit & Loss A/c Whether individual elements of other income form part of valuation of goods. Whether appropriate ST has been discharged on each of the elements under specified service tax category.
4 (xi) Total “Other income” as per P & L A/c. To calculate ratio of other income to total sales value. To validate the information given in 4 (x)
4 (xii) (a) to (d) The information on Job work carried out

Whether own raw material/inputs used in manufacture of job work goods

Job Work goods cleared on payment of duty or without payment of duty

Total amount of job work received during the financial year


To ascertain whether Job Work is relevant as a source of risk.

To co-relate with valuation and availment of CENVAT credit on inputs.

To co-relate with valuation and to study trends in job work income vis–vis total sales value.


5 CENVAT Credit details To co-relate with actual availment of CENVAT credit and to calculate ratio of CENVAT credit availment to total duty payment.  The availment and utilisation of taxable input service credit would indicate cross sectoral service tax credit trend.


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