Circular, nominating trade representatives in the Sub-Committee of the High level Committee, on the issue of imposition of Central Excise duty on articles of jewellery in the Union budget 2016-17.
F. No. 354/25/2016-TRU
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Tax Research Unit
Circular No. 1030/18/2016-CX
New Delhi, the 18th May, 2016
Principal Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners of Central Excise (All);
Principal Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise (All); All Director Generals of Customs, Central Excise & Service Tax
Sir / Madam,
Subject: Imposition of Central Excise duty on jewellery – Constitution of sub-committee of the High Level Committee –regarding.
In continuation to the Circular No. 1025/13/2016-CX dated 22.04.2016 issued vide F.No. 354/25/2016-TRU, the following trade representatives are nominated as members of the aforesaid Sub-Committee:
i. Shri Konal Doshi, past Convenor, Jewellery panel, GJEPC [Mobile-9820124106; Mail-];
ii. Shri Ashok Minawala, past Chaiiinan, AIGJF, [Mobile- 9821020011;]; and
iii. Shri Fatehchand Ranka, Chairman, All India Action Committee on Jewellery, AIACJ [Mobile- 9823082661; Mail-,
2. Wide publicity may be given to this circular. Hindi version would follow.
Yours faithfully,
nurgr’S–e–hgal) Under Secretary