Excise Duty free Sale of Goods Manufactured in India Allowed to International Passengers or Members of Crew Arriving from Abroad and to Passengers Going Out of India at The Duty free Shops Located at International Airports of the Country
The Government issued notification today so as to allow excise duty-free sale of goods manufactured in India to international passengers or members of crew arriving from abroad at the Duty Free Shops (DFSs) located in the arrival halls of international airports and to passengers going out of India at the DFSs located in the departure halls of international airports in the country. Directions have also been issued to specify the procedure for removal of the goods from the factory of production without payment of duty to go downs or retail outlets of DFSs and related matters.
Passengers or members of crew coming from aboard are entitled to a duty-free baggage allowance subject to the conditions specified in the Baggage Rules, 1998. DFSs located in the arrival halls sell duty-free imported goods. Indigenous goods are also being sold in the arrival halls, but they are not duty free. Passengers going out of India are permitted to purchase duty-free imported goods from DFSs located in the departure halls of international airports. However, excise duty-free indigenous goods are not available for sale in such DFSs. It is in this context that representations were received requesting to permit excise duty-free sale of goods manufactured in India both on the arrival side as well as the departure side so as to ensure parity with the imported goods and to promote brand INDIA.
The Government held discussions with the different stake-holders and decided to permit excise duty-free sale of indigenous goods to passengers or members of crew arriving from abroad within the overall permissible baggage allowance under the Baggage Rules, 1998 and to permit excise duty-free sale of indigenous goods to passengers going abroad. Now, a passenger arriving from abroad shall have the choice to buy either duty-free imported goods or duty-free indigenous goods within his overall permissible baggage allowance.