POLICY CIRCULAR No. 13 DATED: 31.01.2011
All Regional Authorities
All Customs Authorities
Subject: Import of inputs under Advance Authorisation (AA) and Duty Free Import Authorisation (DFIA) issued SIONs E-1 & E-5 – reg.
Attention is invited to the Policy Circular No.72(RE-08)/2004-2009 dated.24.03.2009 regarding importability of alternative inputs allowed as per SION under DFIA Scheme.
2. The Standard Input-Output Norms (SION) for “Biscuits (with or without dry fruits)” are at Sl. No. E-5 and for “Assorted Confectionery” at Sl. No. E-1. The import of inputs allowed allowed under SION E-5 and SION and SION E-1 do not include Tapioca Starch, Wheat Gluten, and Lactose / Fructose / Maltose / Mannitol / Sodium Saccharin / Artificial sweetening Agents.
3. Therefore, (i) import of Tapioca Starch and Wheat Gluten as alternative inputs against import item No. 1 of SION E-5 and, (ii) import of Lactose / Fructose / Maltose / Mannitol / Sodium Saccharin / Artificial Sweetening Agents, as alternative inputs against import items No. 2 of SION E-5 and import item No. 1(a) of SION E-1, is not to be allowed, under Advance Authorisations and Duty Free Import Authorisations issued agasint SIONs E-1 & E-5.
This issues with the approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.
( Vibha Bhalla)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from Fil No. 01/85/162/00144/AM.11/DES.VI)