F.No. S/5-Misc -91/15-16 Lic JNCH
PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 58/2015-16
Subject: Procedure to be followed in case of registration of duty credit scrips issued under Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)and Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS)–reg.
Attention of all Importers/Exporters/CHA’s and all concerned is invited to the para 3.01 (i) & (ii) of DGFT’s Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 and Customs notification no. 24/2015 & 25/2015 both dated 08th April 2015 regarding introduction of Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) respectively. Due to some technical reasons, the MEIS/ SEIS licence cannot be registered in the EDI system (ICES 1.5v). Until the EDI module of the MEIS/SEIS scheme is operationalised, following procedure is prescribed for the Manual Registration of Duty Credit Scrips issued under Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS):
1) The Licence holder/Authorised representative will present the original licence/scrip including Annexure, along with their photocopy, and copies of Bank Realization Certificate (BRC) to the Licence Section with a request letter for registration of licence/scrip.
2) The ACAO/Licence Section shall check the Alert Register and if there is no alert, shall endorse “No Alert” with his/her signature and stamp on the original licence/scrip.
3) Copy of verification of genuineness of scrip, will be downloaded by TA/EA (License) from DGFT Website and it will be linked with relevant file, and bring out the facts of cross check/verification, and send file to AO/Supdt (License).
4) Supdt./Licence shall confirm the genuineness of licences from the verification copy downloaded from the DGFT website. If not available, verification of genuineness of scrip may be obtained from concerned regional DGFT office vide Fax.
5) On verification of genuineness of licence/scrip from DGFT and after obtaining “No Alert”, the licence/scrip may be registered manually.
6) Tax Asstt./Executive Asstt. posted in the Licence Section shall enter the particulars of licence viz. Licence No. & Date, DGFT File No., Notification No., Name of the Licence Holder, IEC No., Duty Credit amount, Licence Validity etc. in the Alphabetical Register maintained in the Licence Section.
7) Subsequent to manual registration of licence, the Licence Holder/ Authorised CHA shall present the Bills of Entry filed/Release Advices issued against the MEIS/SEIS licence to the licence section. TA/EA shall make relevant debit/credit entry in the Licence Register on the basis of debit sheet of the licence. Then he/she shall forward the Bills of Entry with the Original licence and Licence Register to the Audit clerk. The Audit clerk will put the endorsement on the debit sheet attached to the Original licence against the relevant entry and also put his/her endorsement in the licence register.
Difficulties, if any, in implementation, may be brought to the notice of the undersigned.
–sd– (10/08/2015)
Principal Commissioner of Customs (NS – II)
Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House,
Nhava Sheva