Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan,New Delhi
Dated: 09 November, 2021
Trade Notice No. 23/2021-22
Exporters/ Members of Trade
All EPCs
Trade and Industry Associations
Subject: Re-constitution of Committee for RODTFP
Reference is invited to the Order dated 18.10.2021, issued by the Drawback Division. CHIC, Ministry of Finance. wherein it has been informed that the Government has constituted a Committee for a) determination of RODTEP rates for AA/EoU/SEZ exports and b) to give supplementary report/ recommendations on issues relating to errors or anomalies, with respect to the RODTEP Schedule of rates notified in the Appendix 4R.
CBIC has also in their communication dated 28.10.2021 requested the IIPCs and trade/industry associations to submit their representations in this regard in a defined format The relevant documents are appended with this Trade Notice.
2. Members of Trade and Industry may submit their representations through the EPCs/ Industry Associations to the RoDTEP Committee directly, within the stipulated timelines in the requisite format.
This issues with the approval of Competent authority
(Dr Praveen Kumar)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
[Issued from 01/61/180/166AM1122/PC-3]