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Public Notice No. 06 (RE-03)/2002-2007, dated 8th May 2003, issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), outlines amendments to the Standard Input Output Norms (SION) in the Handbook of Procedures for the 2002-2007 Export and Import Policy. The notice incorporates changes for various categories, including chemicals, electronic products, and food products. Specific entries such as Sr. No. A-3174 in Chemicals, Sr. No. B-259 in Electronics, and Sr. No. E-112 in Food Products are added. The document also includes corrections and deletions, including changes in the descriptions of export items and import items such as “Grey Clinker” and “Ordinary Portland Cement.” Amendments are also made to norms related to steel products and engineering items, particularly concerning quantities of inputs like wire rods, lubricant, and coatings required for export. Additionally, the notice clarifies the eligibility of various materials for import in connection with specific exports, emphasizing actual requirements for certain coated and non-coated products. The notice serves to update the SION in line with the evolving export-import regulations, ensuring smoother processing for exporters and importers.




PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 06 (RE- 03)/ 2002-2007

NEW DELHI : DATED : 08/05/2003.

Attention is invited to Paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy 2002-2007, as amended and Paragraphs 4.9 and 4.10 of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.1, 2002-2007, as amended and also to the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 2002-2007, as amended from time to time.

2. In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy 2002-2007, as amended, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/deletions/corrections and additions in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 2002-2007, as amended.

3. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms as contained in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 2002-2007, as amended, amendments/ corrections/ deletion at appropriate places as mentioned in Annexure “A” to this Public Notice shall be made.

4. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms, following additions shall be made at appropriate places as mentioned below:-


After the existing entry at Sr.No.A-3173, new entry at Sr. No. A-3174 shall be added as per Annexure ”B” to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sr.No. B-258, new entry at Sr.No.B-259 shall be added as per Annexure ”C” to this Public Notice.



After the existing entry at Sr.No.E-111, new entry at Sr. No. E-112 shall be added as per Annexure ”D” to this Public Notice.

5. This issues in public interest.







Annexure “A” to the

Public Notice No. 06

Dated: 08/05/2003


Sr.No. PageNo. Reference Amendments/Corrections
1 2 3 4
1. 142 Chemicals & Allied ProductsSr.No.A1030 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-“Grey Clinker”
2. 145 Chemicals & Allied ProductsSr.No.A1050 1. The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-“Ordinary Portland Cement/Portland Cement Pozzolona/ Portland Slag Cement/ Oil Well Cement”2. The description of import item at Sr. No. 1, (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-1. Coal – 0.180 MTOR1. Petroleum Coke – 0.117 MT(Minimum Sulphurcontent 4% and fixedcarbon below 80%)
3. 204 Chemicals & Allied ProductsSr.No.A1675 The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-“Chlorinated Rubber of Relevant Grade containing 63% Chlorine and 3% Carbon Tetrachloride”


4. 6 Chemicals & Allied ProductsSr.No.A2640 (amended vide Public Notice No. 72 Dated:01/03/2002) In the description of export product, the word and figures “containing 0.0135 SBR” shall be deleted.
5. 33 Chemicals & Allied ProductsSr.No.A3154 (Vide Public Notice No. 03 Dated: 31/03/2003) The norm covered by this entry shall be deleted.
6. 7 Engineering Product

Sr.No.C274 (Notified vide Public Notice No. 61 Dated:03/02/2003)

The Foot Note below this norm shall be restored as under:-“Note: In case of Coated / Painted radiators; relevant coating / painting materials may be allowed on actual requirement basis upto 10% of the FOB value of export”
7. 557 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C371 Galvanised Steel wire strand 1000 kg. 1. Wire (ungalvanised)of relevant grade of steel:OR1(a). Wire Rod of relevant gradeof steel1(b).Dry Drawing Lubricant/Coating 1.01 kg/kg content in the export product1.04 kg/kg content in the export product8 Kg.


1(c). Tungsten Carbide dies1(d). Wet Drawing Lubricant:1(e). Lead (for Patenting)2. Zinc 5 Nos.4 Kg3 kg.40 Kg
Note: Item at Sr.No. 1(d) shall be allowed only if strands are made of wet drawn wires of size 1.6 mm and below.
8. 595 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C504 Non alloy/Alloy steel coated/ plated wires: 1000 kg 1. Wire rod of relevantgrade of Steel:Or1(a) Billets/ Blooms ofrelevant grade ofsteel1(b)CI/ Steel Rolls/Tungsten CarbideRings/ Rolls forRolling Mill1(c)Furnace Oil forcaptive oil firedre-heating Furnace2.Dry Drawing Lubricant/Coating3. Tungsten Carbide dies4. Wet DrawingLubricant:5. Plastic/ Steel Bobbins/Spools6. Relevant Metal forcoating/ Plating8. Lead (for Patenting): 1.03 kg/kg content inthe export product1.06 kg/kg contentin the export product0.62 kg30 kg.8 Kg.5 Nos.4 KgNet to net45 kg3 kg.
Note: Import of Items at Sr.No.4 shall be allowed against export of wet drawn steel wires of size below 1.6 mm only.


9. 601 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C-510 Non alloy/ Alloy Steel (Excluding Stainless Steel) Wires (Uncoated): 1000 Kg. 1. Wire rod of relevant grade of steel:2. Dry Drawing Lubricant / Coating3. Tungsten Carbide Dies4. Wet Drawing Lubricant:5. Plastic/Steel Bobbins/ Spools 1030 kgs.8 Kgs.5 Nos.4 kg.Net to net
Note: Import of Items at Sr.No.4 shall be allowed against export of wet drawn steel wires of size below 1.6 .mm only.
10. 610 – 611 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C517 Non-Alloy/ Alloy steel,Ingots, Blooms, Billets, Slabs, Bars and rods (including Rounds, Flats, Hexagons, Octagons, Wire rods, Cold Twisted Deformed Bars, Thermo 1000 Kgs 1. Major Inputcomprising of:i) Non Alloy SteelMelting Scrap / PigIron:ii) Direct Reduced Iron (HBI/Sponge Iron):iii) Low Ash

Metallurgical Coke

(Ash Content: 15%max.)

175 Kg285 kg500 Kg


Mechanically Treated Reinforcing Bars), Angles, Shapes and Sections (including Beams, Joists, Channels, Special profiles): iv) Low Silica limestone2. Additivescomprising of:i) Calcium Silicide Lumps Powder in Cored wiresii) Silico Manganese/Ferro Silicon/FerroManganese:iii)Raw/ CalcinedPetroleum Coke/Graphite Powder:iv) Aluminium Scrap/Ingots /Shots/Wires:v) Other ferro alloy(s)(including Ferro/Charge Nickel/Nickel OxideSinter/ Charge/Ferro Chrome/FerroVanadium/ FerroMolybdenum/FerroTitanium/ FerroNiobium) providedthe alloyingelement(s) is/areactually present inexport productvi) Sulphur Stick/Sulphur Powder inCored Wire(in caseof export ofSulphur bearingfree cutting steelonly) 100 Kg.0.6 Kg15 Kg4 kg.1 Kg5 kg.2.5 kg.


vii)Lead Wire/ shots/Powder in Coredwire (in case ofexport of leadbearing free cuttingsteel only)

2. Misc. Inputscomprising of:a) Graphite Electrodesb) CI/Steel Rolls/TCRolls/Rings forrolling mill:c) Copper lined Mould/Copper Mould forContinuous Castingd) Shear blade:e) Temperature tips/Celox inserts-0.05Nof) Sampler tips:g) Submerged tuyers /Atmospheric injector/Oxygen lance pipe/Oxygen Supersoniclance tip:h) Shaped Refractories(Fired/Unfired):i) MonolithicRefractories (incl.Castables /RammingMass/GunningMixes):

4 Kg4 kg.0.6 Kg0.01 kg.0.01 kg0.05 Nos.0.05 Nos,- 0.77 Kg5 kg.for nonalloy steel9 kg. for alloysteel4 kg.for nonalloy steel5 kg. for alloysteel


j) SpecialtyRefractories namely,CC refractory(Shrouds, MonoBlock Stopper, SENozzles),Slide GateRefractory, PorousPlug, Zircon/Zirconia Nozzles& Tundish Nozzles): k) Casting powder:4. Energy sourcescomprising of:a) i) Furnace oil forPower Generation(for units withcaptive powerplant only) :ii) Lubricant for PowerPlant(for units withcaptive power plant)b) i) Furnace oil forRolling Mill (forunits with captiveoil fired.reheatingfurnace): 1 kg.1 kg.30 kg.0.6 kg30 kg.


ii) Furnace oil forLadle/ Tundishheating: 4 kg.
Note: 1. The above norm is applicable only if the export product(s) is/are manufactured through Mini Blast Furnace – Electric Arc Furnace route (with/without captive DRI plant) using Hot metal as the principal raw material in Electric Arc Furnace. Units with captive DRI plant may import inputs for DRI as per the relevant SIONs.Note:2.In case of export of continuous cast billets/blooms/slabs, items at Sr.No.3(b) and 4(b)(i) shall not be allowed. Similarly against export of rolled bloom, billets, slabs through ingot route, refractory items 3(n) shall not be allowed. However, in case of export of rolled billets/ blooms/slabs produced out of continuous cast bloom/billets/slabs, both items mentioned at Sr.No.3(b) and 4(b) (i) shall be allowed. Further, against export of billets/blooms/slabs, quantities of all other inputs shall be reduced by 5%.Note:3. In case of export of Ingots, import of items at Sr.No. 3(b), (c), (d), (n) & 4(b) shall not be permitted against. Further quantity of other inputs shall be reduced by 10%.Note:4. Quantity of Silico-Manganese shall exceed 60% of total permitted quantity of 15 Kg
11. 634 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C667 Galvanised Non alloy/Alloy Steel Wire Ropes (fibre core) 1000 Kg 1. Wire (ungalvanised) of relevant grade of steelOR1. Wire rod of relevantgrade of steel:2. Zinc :3. Sisal Core/Sisal fibre4.Anti Rust PetroleumBased Lubricant 1.02 kg/kg content in the export product.1.05 kg/ kg content in the export product62 kg.55 kg.20 kg.


OR4. a) Anti Rust Waxb) Anti RustLubricating Oil5. Dry DrawingLubricant/ Coating6 Tungsten CarbideDies.7. Lead (for patenting) 6 kg.14 kgs.8 kgs5 Nos.3.30 kg
Note 1: Items at Sr.No.5 to 7 shall not be allowed if the imported input is steel wire.Note2: In case of galvanised steel wire ropes for oil, fishing and shipping industry if the product is as per ASTM A 603-70, for Class B and Class C coatings, the item Zinc shall be allowed two times and three times respectively of the Zinc quantity permitted above.Note 3: The CIF value of Lubricant shall not exceed 5% of FOB value
12. 634 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C668 Non alloy/Alloy Steel Wire Ropes (fibre core) (Un-Galvanised) 1000 Kg 1. Wire (ungalvanised) of relevant grade of steelOR1. Wire rod of relevantgrade of steel2. Sisal Core/Sisal fibre3. Lead: (for patenting)4. Anti Rust PetroleumBased Lubricant.OR4. a) Anti Rust Waxb) Anti RustLubricating Oil 1020 kg1050 kg55 kg3.30 kg20 kg6.kg.14 kgs


5. Dry DrawingLubricant / Coating6 Tungsten CarbideDies 8 kgs5 Nos.
Note 1: Items at 3,5 & 6 shall not be allowed if the imported input is steel wire.Note 2: The CIF value of Lubricant shall not exceed 5% of FOB value.
13. 634 – 635 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C669 Non alloy/ Alloy Steel Wire Ropes (Steel Wire core): 1 MT 1. Wire (ungalvanised) of relevant grade of steel OR1. Wire rod of relevantgrade of steel2. Anti Rust PetroleumBased LubricantOR2. a) Anti Rust Wax.b) Anti RustLubricating Oil3. Dry DrawingLubricant/ Coating4 Tungsten CarbideDies.5. Lead (for patenting) 1020 Kgs.1050 kg20 kg.6 kg.14 kgs.8 kg.5 Nos.3.30 kg.
Note 1: Items at Sr.Nos.3 to 5 shall not be allowed if the imported input is steel wire.Note 2: The CIF value of Lubricant shall not exceed 5% of FOB value.


14. 635 Engineering Product


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C670 Galvanised Non alloy/ Alloy Steel Wire Ropes (Steel wire core) 1000 Kg 1. Wire (ungalvanised)of relevant grade ofsteelOR1. Wire rod of relevantgrade of steel:2. Zinc:3. Anti Rust PetroleumBased LubricantOR3. a) Anti Rust Waxb) Anti RustLubricating Oil4. Drawing Lubricant/Coating5. Tungsten CarbideDies6. Lead (for patenting): 1.02 kg/kg contentin the export product1.05 kg/kg content in the export product62 kg.20 kg.6 kg.14 kgs.8 kg.5 Nos.3.30 kgs.
Note:1.Items at Sr.Nos.3 to 5 shall not be allowed if the imported input is steel wire.Note:2.In case of galvanised steel wire ropes for oil, fishing and shipping industry if the product is as per ASTM A 603-70, for Class B and Class C coatings, the item Zinc shall be allowed two times and three times respectively of the Zinc ingot quantity permitted aboveNote: 3. The CIF value of Lubricant shall not exceed 5% of FOB value.


15. 654 – 655 Engineering Product


The description of export item (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-“Split Air conditioner – 1 No. (1.5 MTand above)”
16. 11 Engineering Product

Sr.No.C1214 (amended vide Public Notice No. 54 Dated:03.01.2003)

The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-“Valve Stems made of Brass instead of Valve Stamps made of Brass”
17. 788 Engineering Product


The description of import item at Sr. No. 2, (without any change of quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-“H.R. Non-alloy Steel Sheet /Coil”
18. 798 – 799 Engineering Product


The norms At Sr. No. C-1487 and C-1488 shall merged and accordingly norms at C-1488 shall be deleted and the norms at C-1487 shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C1487 Earth Moving Wheel having dia not less than 25” 1 No. 1. HR Plat / HR Plate in coil form2. HR Section3. Billets4. Paint5. Thinner 1.20 kg/kg content in the export product1.09 kg/kg content in the export product1.20 kg/kg content in the export product|Cif value of |both the |items |taken together |shall be |restricted to 3% |of FOB value |of export


6. Welding wire7. Flux |Quantity |limited to 3% |of weight of |Steel to be |welded
19. 19 Engineering Product

Sr.No.C1833 (Notified vide Public Notice No. 52 Dated:05/12/2002)

The norm covered by this entry shall be deleted to be re-stored in Electronic Group Product “B”.
20. 22 Engineering Product

Sr.No.C1841 (Notified vide Public Notice No. 52 Dated:05/12/2002)

The description of export item shall be corrected to read as under:-“Marsh Geophone Strings consisting of 12 SM-4 Basic Elements (LD)”
21. 43 Engineering Product

Sr.No.C1878 (Notified vide Public Notice No. 03 Dated:31/03/2003)

The description of import item at. Sr. No. 1, (without any change in quantity) shall be corrected to read as under:-“HR Steel/Wide Coil of relevant Grade of Steel”
22. 44 Engineering Product

Sr.No.C1879 (Notified vide Public Notice No. 03 Dated:31/03/2003)

The description of import item at. Sr. No. 1, (without any change in quantity) shall be corrected to read as under:-“HR Steel/Wide Coil of relevant Grade of Steel”
23. 46 Engineering Product

Sr.No.C1884 (Notified vide Public Notice No. 03 Dated:31/03/2003)

The description of import item at. Sr. No. 1, (without any change in quantity) shall be corrected to read as under:-“Stainless Steel Billets / Rounds of relevant Grade”


24. 10 of HBP (VOL-II)PART-II GENERAL NOTES FOR ENGINEERING PRODUCTS (Vide Public Notice No.46 Dated: 06/11/2002) After the general; note for Engineering products at Sr. No. 4 the following general note shall be added:-“Note : 5. In case where the input(s) required for the manufacture of the resultant export product have norms from further basic stage(s) for manufacture of one or more of such inputs, the licence can be issued by using these norms (excluding packing material, if any) in place of such inputs for manufacture of the resultant product”
25. 32 Plastic Products

Sr.No.H-120 (amended vide Public Notice No. 03 Dated:31/03/2003)

The description of import item at Sr. No. 7(b), (without any change in quantity) shall be corrected to read as under:-“Relevant Medical Kraft paper (Coated or Uncoated) of relevant GSM”. Accordingly the description of export product shall be corrected as “IV Cannula”
26. 1105 Textile Products


The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-“Woollen Blended Shawls / Scarves/ Mufflers containing Wool and Polyester / Viscose ”


27. 110 – 1111 Textile Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
J-301 Industrial Workwear made out of Polyester Cotton Blended High Visibility Dyed Fabric with Reflective Banda) Boiler Suitb) Jacketc) Pantd) Bib Pant 1 Pc. 1. Polyester Cotton Blended Dyed Fabric2. Reflective Band1. Polyester Cotton Blended Dyed Fabric2. Reflective Band1. Polyester Cotton Blended Dyed Fabric2. Reflective Band1. Polyester Cotton Blended Dyed Fabric2. Reflective Band 4.05 Sq.mtr.upto 6 cm. X 550 cm2.48 Sq.mtr.Upto 6 cm x 350 cm1.687 Sq.mtr.Upto 6 cm x 240 cm2.30 Sq.mtr.Upto 6 cm x 225 cm
e) Gilet Waist Coatf) Short Coat 1. Polyester Cotton Blended Dyed Fabric2. Reflective Band1. Polyester Cotton Blended Dyed Fabric2. Reflective Band 1.16 Sq.mtr.Upto 6 cm x 285 cm2.70 Sq..mtr.Upto 6 cm x 230 cm


Annexure “B” to the

Public Notice No. 06

Dated: 08/05/2003


Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A3174 White Cement Clinker 1 MT 1. Furnace Oil2. Refractory Bricks3. Relevant Packing Bags 0.100 MT0.0003 MTAs per General Policy for Packing Material


Annexure “C” to the

Public Notice No. 06

Dated: 08/05/2003


Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
B-259 Silane Treated Glass Fabric / Cloth 1 kg 1. Glass Fibre / Glass Filament Yarn2. Polyvinyl Alcohol3. Silane 1.10 kg0.02 kg0.003 kg


Annexure “D” to the

Public Notice No. 06

Dated: 08/05/2003


Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
E112 Hulled Sunflower Seed 1 kg 1. Sunflower Seed 2.63 kg


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