Notification No. 20 (RE-2000) 1997-2002
New Delhi, Dated: 14th June, 2000
S.O.(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act (No.22 of 1992) read with paragraph 1.3 and 4.1 of the Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments to Appendix 3 in Schedule 2, of the Book titled “ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items 1997-2002″(as amended).
(i) In Appendix 3 (as substituted by Notification No.5(RE-2000)/1997-2002, dated the 31st March, 2000), the following Notes shall be substituted for the extant ‘Note to Exporter’ under category 1 B:
{Notes to Exporter: (a) A list of States Parties can be obtained from the Disarmament & International Security Affairs Division of the Ministry of External Affairs (Room No.40-G, South Block, New Delhi) or at the official website of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons at www.opcw .org.
(b) A general permission valid for a period of two years may be applied for by exporter for export of chemicals in this category. This permission shall be subject to the condition that for each export consignment exporters shall, within 30 days of exports, notify the details to the National Authority, Chemical Weapons Convention, Cabinet Secretariat; Ministry of External Affairs(D&ISA); Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, and the Directorate General of Foreign Trade, and submit to the DGFT a copy of the bill of entry into the destination State Party within 30 days of delivery.}
(ii) In the same Appendix 3, the title of 1C shall be amended to read as under:
“1C Export of Chemicals as specified below is allowed to states parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention without an export licence subject to the condition that exporter shall notify within 30 days of exports, to the National Authority, Chemical Weapons Convention, Cabinet Secretariat; the Ministry of External Affairs (D&ISA); the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemical, and the Directorate General of Foreign Trade of such export in the prescribed format (appendix 18-B as reproduced in the Handbook of Procedures, 1997-2002) alongwith the End Use Certificate and submit to the DGFT a copy of the bill of entry into the destination State Party within 30 days of delivery.
Export of chemicals as specified below to States not party to the Chemical Weapons Convention shall continue to be restricted and will be allowed against an export licence and in that case also exporters shall submit to DGFT a copy of bill of entry into the destination country within 30 days of exports.”
(iii) Accordingly, the items description against S.No.37 and the condition against the same as well as note thereunder in Appendix 1 of Schedule 2 of . of the ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items (as amended) shall . be deleted.
This issues in Public Interest.
(N.L. Lakhanpal)
Director General of Foreign Trade.
Ex-Offficio Additional Secretary to the Government of India.
Copy to all concerned, by orders etc.
( Ajay Sahai )
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
For Director General of Foreign Trade