Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
(EDI Section)
POL. CIRCULAR No. 15 (RE-2000)/1997-2002
Dated 07.07.2000
,All Licensing Authority
All Commissioners of Customs
Subject: Modification/Issuance of IEC Certificate
Attention is invited to paragraph 4.7 of Handbook (Vol. I), incorporating amendments made up to 31st March, 2000 read with Paragraph 15.4 Ibid which lays down the procedure for issue of fresh/modified IEC in favour of Exporters/Importers. Attention is also invited to Public Notice No.39, 43, 49, 55, 8, 17 dated respectively 16.11.99, 15.12.99, 27.1.2000, 16.3.2000, 28.4.2000, 30.6.2000 according to which all IEC holders were required to modify/update the IEC along with PAN issued in their favour by 30th June, 2000 only on the basis of Appendices 1A, 2A and copy of PAN without any other documents like photograph fee etc. The last date has since expired. It is hereby clarified that modification/issuance of IEC is on going process and will continue even after 30.6.2000. No modification of IEC including incorporation of PAN shall be available on the web site. The applicants approaching licensing authorities for fresh IEC or for modification of their old IEC shall be required to follow the prescribed procedure as laid down in Handbook of Procedures. In other words they shall be required to furnish all the relevant documents as well as fee / penalty wherever applicable. However, addition of only PAN in the IEC certificate shall not be treated as modification and the same shall continue to be done without fee and other documents. In such cases applicants may file only Appendices 1A, 2A along with copy of the PAN issued in their favour.
This issues with the approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.
(Ajay Sahai)
Jt. Director General of Foreign Trade