Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.
Trade Notice No. 09/2016, dated 21st June 2016
Members of Trade
All Regional Authorities of DGFT All Custom Authorities
Subject: Additional quota of 2 lakh MT for import of Rough Marble & Travertine Blocks to authorisation holders in terms of Notification No. 11 dated 21/6/2016.
In terms of Notification No. 11 dated 21/6/2016, revalidation of import authorisations issued under Trade Notice No. 12 dated 8/1/2015 has been allowed with 25% increase in import quantity of Rough Marble & Travertine Blocks. The list of 472 import authorisation holders and the quantity to be increased in respect of each of authorisation holder is attached as Annexure to this Trade Notice.
2. In case, any authorisation holder is found to have submitted false or erroneous information or has made any mis-declaration / misrepresentation, such applicant/firm, (a) shall forfeit the allocation made in this Trade Notice, (b) shall be debarred from allocation of Rough Marble and Travertine Blocks in future and (c) shall be liable for penal action under the provisions of Foreign Trade (D&R) Act, 1992, as amended.
3. Authorisation holders shall file monthly returns regarding imports made by them, to the concerned Regional Authority of DGFT by the 15th of each succeeding month in which revalidation is obtained (for example, if revalidation is obtained on 9th July, the authorisation holder will file monthly return for imports made in July by 15th of August) and for each month thereafter by the 15th
Annexure: List of 472 applicants with quantity allocated and file number of the Regional Authority.
(Rajesh Malhotra)
Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade
For Director General of Foreign Trade
[F.No. 01/53/Misc/AM16/Marble-8/IC]