MAHARASHTRA – 400 707.
F. No S/12 –Gen- Misc-550/2016-17/DBK/BRC NS-II
Date 24.03.2017
Public Notice No- 40/2017
Subject: Acceptance of e-BRC of DGFT towards proof of realization of sale proceeds for exports with LEO date upto 31.03.2014- reg.
Attention of Exporters, Custom House Brokers and all Members of Trade is invited to Board’s Circular No. 5/2009-Cus. dated 02.02.2009 and Public Notice No 11/2009 dated 22.11.2009 issued by this Custom House, whereby exporters were advised to submit Bank Realization Certificate as one of the documents to Customs Authorities for proof of realization of exports proceeds.
2. Pursuant to the instructions of Board, vide Circular No 06/2017 dated 02.2017 contained in JS Drawback’s F. No.609/03/2017-DBK, attention of the Exporters, Custom House Brokers and all Members of Trade is invited that in addition to the negative statement from Statutory auditor or AD Bank, e-BRC can also be used as one of the documents for deletion of pendency in BRC Module functioning in terms of Board’s Circular No. 5/2009-Cus.dated 02.02.2009 and Public Notice No 11/2009 dated 22.11.2009 issued by this Customs House for the S/Bills having LEO dates from 12.08.2012 to 31.03.2014 and would also be accepted for the proof of realization of exports proceeds except in the case of specific intelligence or information of misuse. Acceptance of e-BRC by the Customs Authorities would be subject to appropriate declaration by the exporter on the reverse of the DGFT’s e-BRC. Prescribed format of the said declaration is annexed herewith.
3. However, monitoring of the realization of export proceeds for the Shipping Bills having LEO dates from 01 .04.2014 onwards would be continued to be dealt in terms of provisions of the Public Notice 11/2017 dated 30.01 .2017 issued by this Customs House for the implementation of the RBI-BRC Module.
4. Any difficulties in implementation of the above procedure may be brought to the notice of the Additional Commissioner in-charge of BRC, Drawback Section, NS-II immediately. The contact no of BRC cell is 022-27244968. The e-mail of BRC cell is
(M. R. Mohanty)
Commissioner of Customs, NS II
JNCH, Nhava-Sheva
Encl-Annexure (Declaration to be given by the exporter)
Copy to
1. The Pr. Chief Commissioner of Customs, Zone I & II.
2. The Pr. Commissioner of customs, (Genl.) & II
3. The Commissioner of Customs, I/III/IV/V.
4. All Addl/Joint/Dy./Asstt. Commissioner, JNCH.
5. Appraising Main (Imp) & (Exp) and PSO, JNCH
6. Website.
7. Office copy.
8. For FIEO, BCHAA, Mumbai for wide circulation among their members.
Declaration of exporter on the reverse of DGFT’s e-BRC
(For drawback Shipping Bills with a LEO date from 12.08.2012 to 31.03.2014)
It is declared that the realized value as per this statement of bank realization (DGFT’s e-BRC) with respect to Shipping Bill No……. Dated……. is the realization of sale proceeds within the period allowed (in case of extension of such period, attach proof) in respect of export goods under the said Shipping Bill on which Drawback was taken and that such realized sale proceeds in the said realized value are –
(a) Not less that the value for drawback purpose.
(b) Less than the value for drawback purpose by a sum of Rs……………. The breakup is freight Rs ……………… insurance Rs……….. , commission (above 12.5%) Rs The drawback amount of Rs…………….. is hereby returned along with interest of Rs…………….
(please strike out (a) or (b) whichever is applicable, blanks to be filled as applicable)
Sign, date and seal of exporter