Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Policy Circular No. 14/2015-2020
1. Chairpersons of all Norms Committee
2. All Regional Authorities of the DGFT
3. DDGs of all Norms Committee
4. FTDOs of all Norms Committee
Dated: 27.12.2018
Subject: Preparation of Minutes of Norms Committees (NCs).
The ad-hoc norms fixation procedure by Norms Committee (NC) in 0/o DGFT has been reviewed in the meeting held under the chairmanship of DGFT on 30.11.2018 and the following has been decided for compliance:
The minutes of Norms Committee should be self-contained, as far as possible. In the minutes, (i) export item(s), their ITS(HS) code(s) as far as feasible, Quantity, UOM, FOB value; (ii) Import Item(s), their ITC(HS) code(s) — as far as possible, Quantity, UOM, CIF value needs to be indicated clearly instead of indicating as applied for. Further, in case of any amendments to ad-hoc norms for whatever reasons, complete details, as indicated above, needs to be indicated instead of indicating only the amended portion. Basic purpose of these details is to ensure transparency and usage of such ratified norms by other applicants of advance authorisatons on repeat basis.
3. This Policy circular is issued with the approval of the DGFT.
(Dilip Kumar)
Dy.Director General of Foreign Trade
Issued from File Number 01/94/180/334/AM19/PC-4)