PUBLIC NOTICE No. 05/(2015-2020)-DGFT
NEW DELHI : Dated 26th April, 2019,
Subject: Online Filing and Tracking of Quality Complaints/Trade Disputes – reg.
F. No. 01/233/HQ/18-19/ECA.-II.- In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade makes the following amendment in the Hand Book of Procedures 2015-2020:
2. Para 8.03, 8.04 and 8.05 are replaced as under:
8.03 Online Filing and Tracking of Quality Complaints/Trade Disputes.
(i) A request for investigation and settlement of quality complaint/trade dispute would be filed online by an Indian/foreign entity at “>Services>File Quality/Trade Grievances>fill Online Application Form”. Such complaint would be submitted online to the jurisdictional Regional Authorities of DGFT/SEZs as well as to the concerned Indian Mission. On submission, a Unique Reference Number will be generated and sent to the email id of the complainant. The complainant can also upload supporting documents along with the complaint or later on.
(ii) Detailed procedure for filing the complaint/dispute has been provided in Trade Notices No. 47/2015-20 dated 11.02.2019 and No. 08/2015-20 dated 26.04.2019. The Trade Notices arc also available in DGFT website at the following link>Poilcies>Trade Notices.
8.04 Mechanism for resolving the complaints
CQCTD in the Regional Authorities of the DGFT/SEZs or the Indian Missions would take up the matter with the concerned entity or authorities in their jurisdiction for resolving the complaint and would update status online on a regular basis. The facility of tracking and viewing status of the complaints/disputes by the complainant has also been provided.
8.05 Choice to pursue other options
This mechanism is to provide an additional window for resolution of complaints/disputes to create confidence in business environment in the country. Efforts would be made to resolve the complaints amicably and expeditiously. However this mechanism is only reconciliatory in nature. The aggrieved parties arc free to pursue any other course of action including legal action against the erring party. Disputes between the two Indian parties or between the two foreign parties arc not covered under this mechanism
Effect of this Public Notice: Filing and tracking of quality complaints and trade disputes has been made online.
[Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi]
Director Genera Foreign Trade &
Ex-officio Additional Secretary o Government of India
(Issued from File No. 01/233/IIQ/18-19/ECA.-ID