Amendment in import policy of Iron & Steel and incorporation of policy condition in Chapter 72, 73 and 86of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule — I (Import Policy).
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Notification No. 17/2015-2020-DGFT
New Delhi, Dated: 5 September, 2019
Subject: Amendment in import policy of Iron & Steel and incorporation of policy condition in Chapter 72, 73 and 86of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule — I (Import Policy).
S.O. (E): In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 & 9 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy. 2015-2020. as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby amends the import policy from `free’ to ‘free subject to compulsory registration under Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS)’ for the following items under Chapter 72, 73 and 86 of ITC (HS). 2017. Schedule — I (Import Policy) and insert a new policy Condition to these three Chapters.
a. Items: As per the Annex.
b. Policy Condition to Chapter 72. 73 and 86 of ITC (HS): Import policy for the items as listed in the Annex has been revised from ‘free’ to ‘free subject to compulsory registration under Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS)’.
c. The Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS) shall require importers to submit advance information in an online system for import of items in the Annex and obtain an automatic Registration Number by paying registration fee of Rs.1 per thousand subject to minimum of Rs.500/ and maximum of Rs. 1 lakh on CIF value. The importer can apply for registration not earlier than 60th day and not later than 15′n day before the expected date of arrival of import consignment. The automatic Registration Number thus granted shall remain valid for a period of 75 days.
d.Importer shall have to enter the Registration Number and expiry date of Registration in the Bill of Entry to enable Customs for clearance of consignment.
e. The SIMS will be effective from 01.11.2019. i.e.. Bill of Entry on or after 01.11.2019 for items as listed in the Annex to this Notification shall be governed by SIMS.The facility of on line Registration will be available with effect from 16/09/2019.
Effect of the Notification: Specific items in Chapter 72. 73 and 86 shall be subject to Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS).
This issues with the approval of Minister of Commerce & Industry.
(Alok Vardhan Chaturvedi)
Director General Foreign Trade &
Ex- officio Secretary to the Government of India
(F. No. 01/89/180/Moni-5852/AM-03/PC-2 (A)/Pt.III/P-13343)
Note: The principal notification No. 36/2015-2020. dated the 17th January. 2017 was published in the Gazette of India. Extraordinary vide number S.O. 172 (E), dated the 17th January. 2017.
S.No. | HS Code | S.No. | HS Code | S.No. | HS Code | S.No. | HS Code |
1 | 72044900 | 46 | 72042990 | 91 | 72192390 | 136 | 72181000 |
2 | 72042190 | 47 | 72083830 | 92 | 72288090 | 137 | 72139990 |
3 | 72251100 | 48 | 72259900 | 93 | 72230091 | 138 | 72172020 |
4 | 72026000 | 49 | 72193590 | 94 | 72193310 | 139 | 72286011 |
5 | 72104900 | 50 | 72083890 | 95 | 72052910 | 140 | 72254011 |
6 | 72251920 | 51 | 72105000 | 96 | 72085290 | 141 | 72029100 |
7 | 72254019 | 52 | 72091890 | 97 | 72283011 | 142 | 72139920 |
8 | 72083840 | 53 | 72029200 | 98 | 72112950 | 143 | /2083610 |
9 | 72022100 | 54 | 72179099 | 99 | 72193410 | 144 | 72269952 |
10 | 72085110 | 55 | 72172010 | 100 | 72191190 | 145 | 72051019 |
11 | 72106100 | 56 | 72189910 | 101 | 72031000 | 146 | 72029990 |
12 | 72107000 | 57 | 72022900 | 102 | 72261100 | 147 | 72192112 |
13 | 72083930 | 58 | 72106900 | 103 | 72254012 | 148 | 72230092 |
14 | 72071290 | 59 | 72269930 | 104 | 72082730 | 149 | 72230099 |
15 | 72091790 | 60 | 72024100 | 105 | 72286012 | 150 | 72143000 |
16 | 72202090 | 61 | 72027000 | 106 | 72149990 | 151 | 72159090 |
17 | 72253090 | 62 | 72082790 | 107 | 72171010 | 152 | 72051090 |
18 | 72083790 | 63 | 72024900 | 108 | 72193320 | 153 | 72045000 |
19 | 72103090 | 64 | 72251990 | 109 | 72051011 | 154 | 72139120 |
20 | 72083940 | 65 | 72285090 | 110 | 72283024 | 155 | 72192219 |
21 | 72083990 | 66 | 72041000 | 111 | 72222019 | 156 | 72151000 |
22 | 72101290 | 67 | 72044100 | 112 | 72249010 | 157 | 72193420 |
23 | 72255010 | 68 | 72109090 | 113 | 72085190 | 158 | 72011000 |
24 | 72209090 | 69 | 72139190 | 114 | 72126000 | 159 | 72121090 |
25 | 72193390 | 70 | 72191400 | 115 | 72259100 | 160 | 72193290 |
26 | 72142090 | 71 | 72269990 | 116 | 72089000 | 161 | 72202029 |
27 | 72199090 | 72 | 72281090 | 117 | 72223099 | 162 | 72269210 |
28 | 72284000 | 73 | 72091620 | 118 | 72222099 | 163 | 72286094 |
29 | 72029300 | 74 | 72083740 | 119 | 72101210 | 164 | 72199013 |
30 | 72283029 | 75 | 72052990 | 120 | 72051021 | 165 | 72221999 |
31 | 72021100 | 76 | 72125090 | 121 | 72085210 | 166 | 72193190 |
32 | 72193490 | 77 | 72251910 | 122 | 72082740 | 167 | 73269099 |
33 | 72299090 | 78 | 72124000 | 123 | 72082630 | 168 | 73181500 |
34 | 72283019 | 79 | 72082690 | 124 | 72123090 | 169 | 73089090 |
35 | 72210090 | 80 | 72091720 | 125 | 72052100 | 170 | 73181600 |
36 | 72249091 | 81 | 72071920 | 126 | 72221119 | 171 | 73064000 |
37 | 72091690 | 82 | 72192190 | 127 | 72104100 | 172 | 73182990 |
38 | 72279040 | 83 | 72254013 | 128 | 72061090 | 173 | 73049000 |
39 | 72191200 | 84 | 72173020 | 129 | 72155090 | 174 | 73044900 |
40 | 72279090 | 85 | 72029932 | 130 | 72082590 | 175 | 73079990 |
41 | 72173010 | 86 | 72163300 | 131 | 72112990 | 176 | 73066100 |
42 | 72191300 | 87 | 72083730 | 132 | 72099000 | 177 | 73129000 |
43 | 72083690 | 88 | 72249099 | 133 | 72283022 | 178 | 73209090 |
44 | 72259200 | 89 | 72173030 | 134 | 72122090 | 179 | 73121090 |
45 | 72021900 | 90 | 72299032 | 135 | 72223019 | 180 | 73061100 |
S.No. | HS Code | S.No. | HS Code | S.No. | HS Code |
181 | 73102990 | 216 | 73182300 | 251 | 73045110 |
182 | 73261990 | 217 | 73083000 | 252 | 73141990 |
183 | 73181900 | 218 | 73151100 | 253 | 73101090 |
184 | 73044100 | 219 | 73202000 | 254 | 73241000 |
185 | 73042990 | 220 | 73110090 | 255 | 73170099 |
186 | 73069090 | 221 | 73071900 | 256 | 73170019 |
187 | 73041110 | 222 | 73242900 | 257 | 73069019 |
188 | 73042390 | 223 | 73042400 | 258 | 73121010 |
189 | 73041910 | 224 | 73079290 | 259 | 73182910 |
190 | 73251000 | 225 | 73201011 | 260 | 73043921 |
191 | 73269080 | 226 | 73011000 | 261 | 73141410 |
192 | 73045930 | 227 | 73043119 | 262 | 73023000 |
193 | 73021010 | 228 | 73249000 | 263 | 73259930 |
194 | 73182200 | 229 | 73181190 | 264 | 73182400 |
195 | 73259910 | 230 | 73051121 | 265 | 73066900 |
196 | 73045910 | 231 | 73072100 | 266 | 73269070 |
197 | 73259999 | 232 | 73261910 | 267 | 73043139 |
198 | 73043931 | 233 | 73042910 | 268 | 73239490 |
199 | 73239990 | 234 | 73159000 | 269 | 73072200 |
200 | 73121020 | 235 | 73043919 | 270 | 73144190 |
201 | 73043939 | 236 | 73063010 | 271 | 73259920 |
202 | 73072900 | 237 | 73079390 | 272 | 86021000 |
203 | 73041990 | 238 | 73182100 | 273 | 86079990 |
204 | 73041190 | 239 | 73158900 | 274 | 86090000 |
205 | 73079190 | 240 | 73102910 | 275 | 86040000 |
206 | 73063090 | 241 | 73219000 | 276 | 86071910 |
207 | 73262090 | 242 | 73269060 | 277 | 86031000 |
208 | 73181400 | 243 | 73141490 | 278 | 86079100 |
209 | 73090090 | 244 | 73089010 | 279 | 86072900 |
210 | 73062100 | 245 | 73151900 | 280 | 86071990 |
211 | 73021090 | 246 | 73045920 | 281 | 86073090 |
212 | 73084000 | 247 | 73231000 | 282 | 86080090 |
213 | 73151290 | 248 | 73102190 | 283 | 86072100 |
214 | 73239390 | 249 | 73211110 | 284 | 86080030 |
215 | 73199000 | 250 | 73065000 |
1. What is the link or on which site of SIMS the registration to be done ?
2. What are the documents to be submitted or else ?
3. What the process to be followed ?