Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi, (EDI Section )
Trade Notice No. 23, Dated 23rd November, 2011
Subject:- Completion of online uploading of RCMC data on DGFT’s Server By EPCs /Commodity Boards/Authorities by 30.11.2011.
This is in continuation of this office Trade Notice No. 17 dated 23.8.2011. All Export Promotion Councils / Commodity Boards / Authorities were requested that the registration process and uploading of RCMC data thereafter may be completed by 31.10.2011. If EPC’s /Commodity Boards /Authorities fail to register and upload data on DGFT’s website within the prescribed time limit as stated above, the ’on-line’ registration of RCMC issued by EPC’s /Commodity Boards /Authorities on DGFT’s website would be made mandatory w.e.f. 1.11.2011, after which no manual copy of RCMC / Registration Certificate will be entertained by DGFT offices.
2. Keeping in view the requests by some EPC’s, the timeline for uploading of the RCMC data on DGFT’s website has been extended upto 30.11.2011. All Export Promotion Councils / Commodity Boards / Authorities are requested to complete uploading of RCMC data on or before 30.11.2011. No further extension for this process would be considered.
( A.C. Jha )
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
Tel: 23061562 Extn 394
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