No.01/93/180/56/AM-13/PC-2 (B) Vol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 17th April, 2017
Trade Notice No. 03
- All IEC holders/applicants
- All EPCs/All Chambers of Trade and Industries
- All RAs of DGFT
Subject: Inclusion of details / clarification on the Certification of Origin of Goods for European Union Generalised System of Preferences (EU-GSP) – as notified vide Public Notice No.51 dated 30.12.2016
It is to bring to notice that the Registered Exporter System (REX) under the EU GSP was introduced in India vide Public Notice No. 51 dated 30.12.2016. During the period of its operation, request for clarifications have been received from various quarters. Accordingly, the following clarifications along with the updated list of Local Users for registration are notified (Annex-II) and other concerned agencies/ authorities: