Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Public Notice No. 45/2015-2020
New Delhi: 30 November, 2016
Subject: Amendment in Annexure III and Annexure IV to Appendix -6E [Format for Quarterly Report for the Working Units and Format for Annual Progress Report for the Working Units] as contained in the Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms of FTP 2015-20–reg.
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in Annexure III and Annexure IV to Appendix -6E of Appendices and Aayat Niryat Forms of FTP 2015-20.
I. The following are inserted as S.No.7 and 8 of Annexure III to Appendix 6E. Consequently, the existing description at S.No. 7[DTA sale] and S.No.8[Cases of pending Foreign Exchange] are renumbered as S.No. 9 and S.No.10 of Annexure III to Appendix 6E respectively.
7. Indigenous procurement Quantity/ value (Rs in lakhs)
(i) Cumulative domestic procurement of RM/Consumables etc. during the quarter.
(ii) Cumulative domestic procurement of RM/Consumables etc. consumed up to the quarter.
(iii) Cumulative domestic procurement of capital goods including spares up to the quarter.
8. Duty forgone on indigenous procurement (Rs. in lakhs)
II. The following is inserted as S.No.40(e) of Annexure IV to Appendix 6E:
S.No.40 (e) Duty forgone on indigenous procurement (Rs. In lakhs)
Effect of the Public Notice: Amendments have been made to the format for Quarterly Report for the Working Units and Annual Progress Report for the Working Units [Annexure III and Annexure IV to Appendix -6E] to monitor the domestic procurement made and corresponding duty foregone.
[A.K. Bhalla]
Director General of Foreign Trade
[Issued from File No.01/92/180/31/AM-17/ PC VI]