1. Feel free to contact the customs facilitation counter and enquire before proceeding for the Green Channel.
2. Don’t depend merely on friends, travel agents etc. for information. Please check up the informations with the customs helpdesk.
3. Declare the contents of your baggage truthfully and completely. Mis-declaration in any manner is offence punishable with fine, penalty, and may lead to arrest/prosecution.
4. Know what is permissible in your baggage before undertaking the journey.
5. Don’t bring in the goods for commercial purpose.
6. Alcoholic liquor or wines in excess of two litres is not allowed within the duty free allowance.
7. Declare to Customs foreign currency beyond value of US$ 5000 or equivalent (if in cash) or foreign exchange including currency of a total value of US$ 10,000 or equivalent
8. Any purchase from “Duty Free Shop” does not mean that no duty shall be chargeable on them. Duty shall be charged on the goods beyond your admissible allowance even if purchased from duty free shops.
9. Customs has the authority to conduct examination of your baggage and a search of your person in case of suspicion. Your cooperation shall ensure a faster clearance.
10. Carrying of Narcotic drugs/psychotropic substances is a criminal offence in India and shall invite imprisonment and possibly even death penalty.