Writ petition was filed as petitioner could not appear before appellate authority as she was, being handicapped, was undergoing treatment when notices were sent to her. Due to which she could not represent his case before appellate authority.
Orissa High Court rules that delayed audit reports under Section 41(4) of the OVAT Act cannot justify subsequent proceedings, setting aside related assessments.
Orissa High Court dismisses writ petition in Iot Utkal Energy Services Ltd case, allowing petitioner to pursue statutory appeal before CESTAT.
Orissa High Court stays show cause notice under Section 74 of GST Act for consolidating multiple years, citing Karnataka HC precedent.
Orissa HC allows petitioner to deposit motor vehicle tax arrears and approach authorities with an explanation, granting liberty to request a waiver of penalties.
Orissa HC disposes of petition on GST appeal rejection, allowing remedy once the GST Tribunal is reconstituted, in line with a prior ruling in M/s. Maa Tarini Traders
Orissa HC dismisses writ petition challenging late fee under CGST Act, advising the petitioner to avail the alternative remedy of appeal.
Orissa HC permits rectification under OGST Act Section 148 within six months as per CBIC notification. GST policy procedural compliance ensured.
Orissa HC dismisses CGST appeal as tax effect is below revised monetary limit for departmental appeals, following a withdrawal request by revenue counsel.
Narayan Sahu Vs Union of India and others (Orissa High Court) The Hon’ble Orissa High Court in the case of Narayan Sahu v. Union of India & Ors. [Writ Petition (Civil) No. 28012 of 2024 dated November 26, 2024] held that officers of State Tax are authorized to be Proper Officers as per Section 4 […]