Analysis of Pooja Mehra vs Victory Ace case before NCLAT Delhi. Understanding IBC time limits, belated claims, and implications for creditors. Detailed judgment breakdown.
Delve into the legal intricacies of New Era Propcon Pvt. Ltd. vs SREI Equipment Finance Ltd. case at NCLAT Delhi. Detailed analysis, implications, and conclusions explored.
Ensuring timely insolvency resolution, IBC mandates strict timelines; a liberal approach would undermine its objectives. Korah John Vs JM Financial Asset Reconstruction Company Ltd. (NCLAT Chennai)
In the State Bank of India vs. Supreme Panvel Indapur Tollways Pvt. Ltd. case, NCLAT Delhi grants time for rejoinder with a cost of Rs. 25,000, dismissing other directives.
NCLAT Chennai rules against FLSmidth Pvt Ltd, stating liquidator lacks authority to decide matters involving claims and counterclaims in insolvency cases.
NCLAT held that CoC’s decision not to liquidate did not constitute a modification of resolution plan and extension of time for payment was reasonable.
NCLAT Chennai held that liability arising from a recovery certificate constitutes a financial debt under IBC. Therefore, application filed by PARAS is not barred by limitation.
Explore the intricacies of the Arunkumar Jayantilal Muchhala vs Awaita Properties Pvt. Ltd. case from NCLAT Delhi. Dive into the dispute over financial debt, default claims, and legal intricacies.
Detailed analysis of NCLAT’s decision in Mukund Rajhans vs Rajasthan Patrika regarding CIRP initiation under Section 9 of IBC for operational dues.
NCLAT Delhi held that as creation of security interest on the assets of Corporate Debtor not proved by any documents, Resolution Professional duly declared Appellant as unsecured Financial Creditor.