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ITAT Ahmedabad

Income under each head has to be computed only after considering the income from various sources under the same head

April 5, 2009 1358 Views 0 comment Print

11 If we go to the facts of the case the business loss returned by the assessee to the extent it could not be set off was in fact carried forward and while computing the gross total income the income under the head business was nil but in fact the assessee has incurred the net business loss aggregating to Rs.21,22,545/ -. The Hon’ble High Court there also did not take the view that the gross total income of the assessee

Condition precedent for claiming deduction under section 42 of IT Act : ITAT Ahemdabad

March 31, 2009 1926 Views 0 comment Print

29. On a close reading of this section, we find that the deduction under this section is allowed for computing the profits and gains of the business of prospecting for or extracting or production of mineral oil, in relation to which, the Central Government has entered into an agreement. Only such deductions are allowed under section 42(1) as are specified in the agreement and that also when they fall in any of the

Each well or a cluster of wells producing mineral oil would be an undertaking eligible for tax holiday under section 80-IB of IT Act : ITAT Ahmedabad

March 31, 2009 751 Views 0 comment Print

110. On a close reading of the provisions we notice that sub section (1) of section 80-IB provides for the deduction from such profits and gains of an amount equal to such percentage and for such number of assessment years as specified in this section where the gross total income of an assessee includes any profits and gains derived from eligible business referred to in sub-sections (3) to (11) and (11A).the deduction

All types of wells and tube-wells would be included in the term building : ITAT Ahmedabad

March 22, 2009 8553 Views 0 comment Print

56. To determine as to whether an asset is a `plant’, the Supreme Court in the case of Scientific Engineering House Private Limited (supra) lays down certain tests. These are : “Does the article fulfill the function of a plant in the assessee’s trading activity? Is it a tool of his trade with which he earned on his business? If this answer is in the affirmative, it will be a plant”

While computing Income from House Property only deductions as enumerated under section 24 is admissable

March 11, 2009 1076 Views 0 comment Print

5.1 The Act mandates a particular head for each type of income, so that the same has necessarily to be assessed under the said head and in the manner provided under the relevant Chapter. As such, the assessee’s contention of being contractually obliged to bear the said expenditure under the relevant (rent) agreement would be of no moment; the assessee being entitled to claim only the deductions as enumerated u/s. 24 of the Act in the computation of its income assessable u/s. 22.

Exchange Gain on Export of Goods & Service–Export Income (Sec-10B)

February 23, 2009 1295 Views 0 comment Print

10B (4) For the purposes of sub-section (1), the profits derived from export of articles or things or computer software shall be the amount which Bears to the profits of the business of the undertaking, the same proportion as the export turnover in respect of such articles or things or computer software bears to the total turnover of tljie business carried on by the undertaking.”

ACIT Vs. Ashima Syntex Ltd. (ITAT Ahemdabad)

November 9, 2008 2297 Views 0 comment Print

Though the taxpayer may have written off the expenditure in its books of account over a period say of five years, it must be allowed in its entirety in the year in which it was incurred, if it is revenue expenditure, and if it is wholly and exclusively incurred for the purposes of business(Para 15)

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