CESTAT Ahmedabad orders re-adjudication of a 6.7 Cr excise duty demand on Haryana Steet Glass Limited for sheet glass clearance to DTA due to lack of document analysis.
CESTAT Ahmedabad rules in favor of Crest Speciality Resins Pvt Ltd, stating no service tax on fees and royalty for unregistered Intellectual Property Rights owned by a foreign company
CESTAT Ahmedabad rules against the demand of Cenvat credit on capital goods, citing the absence of suppression of facts. Full analysis and implications in this legal case.
Mere lack of supplier response won’t invalidate appellant’s Kraft Paper production. Find out more about this CESTAT Ahmedabad order in this blog post!
Explore case of Paras Founders & Engineers vs. C.C.E. – a dispute regarding excise duty & SSI exemption oversight. Read the analysis, background, legal precedents & CESTAT’s decision.
Sanghi Industries Ltd Vs C.C. (CESTAT Ahmedabad): Demurrage charges not includable in custom valuation of imported goods for purpose of charging custom duty.
CESTAT emphasized that Point of Taxation Rules are not applicable when service is provided, and invoice is issued before introduction of POT rules.
CESTAT quashes penalty on MSK Shipping & Logistics for illegal export of red sander goods. Delve into the legal implications of this case.
CESTAT Ahmedabad held that mere suppression of facts is not enough for invoking extended period of limitation. There must be a deliberate and wilful attempt on the part of the assessee to evade payment of duty.
Explore the CESTAT Ahmedabad order on Commissioner vs Sheena Textiles. Detailed analysis of the duty-free machinery dispute, conditions of exemption, and legal implications.