Read detailed analysis of Customs Authority of Advance Ruling (CAAR) Delhi’s classification ruling on Roasted Areca Nut (Whole, Split, Cut) imports. Understanding legal implications.
Understand the classification of provisionally preserved Areca nuts under the Customs Tariff Act based on the ruling by the Customs Authority for Advance Rulings, Delhi.
Explore the ruling by Customs Authority of Advance Ruling, Mumbai, on whether Optical Line Terminals qualify for a concessional Basic Customs Duty rate of 10%.
Explore the implications of deferred duty payments for imported capital goods vs. raw materials, and the eligibility for duty drawback on exports. Full text of the order included.
Dive into the classification of Thermal Putty for mobile phone manufacturing. Understand the chemical composition, functionality, and customs tariff rulings.
Explore the Customs Authoritys detailed order on the classification of Bronze Cladding Panels (BCP) imported by Larsen & Toubro Limited (CAAR Mumbai).
Explore the ruling by CAAR Mumbai on importing lab-grown rough diamonds, including questions on manufacturing, exports, and customs duties.
In re L S Metal Vina LLC (CAAR New Delhi) – CAAR cannot give ruling where there is an ongoing investigation or assessment has been made on provisional basis
CAAR Mumbai held that Raw Silicon Carbide Bricks for DPI application merit classification under Custom Tariff Heading 6902, more specifically under CTH 6902 2040 of First Schedule of Customs Tariff Act, 1975
Read the full text of the Customs Authority of Advance Ruling (CAAR) Mumbais order regarding the classification of Viewsonic Technologies India Pvt Ltd’s Interactive Display Systems.