Explore a case where CAAR Delhi clarifies its role in interpreting customs notifications, refusing to provide rulings on notification intent
Roasted areca/betel nuts fall under Custom Tariff Heading 2008, specifically under CTI 2008 19 20 ‘Other roasted nuts & seeds’ of Chapter 20 of First Schedule of Customs Tariff Act, 1975.
Read full text of the order by Customs Authority of Advance Ruling, Mumbai, on classification of Clear Float Glass with a tin layer and its eligibility for exemption
Read about Customs Authority’s ruling on classification of Amazon Echo Device C2H4R9, its features, and eligibility for customs duty benefits.
Classification ruling for Nickel Hydroxide Compound containing 92% to 100% Nickel Hydroxide, Cobalt Hydroxide, and Sodium Sulphate by CAAR Mumbai
In re Nikon India Pvt Ltd. (CAAR Delhi) CAAR held that Nikon Camera Model No. N2120 with standard accessories proposed to be imported by the applicant is correctly classifiable under Sub-heading 85258900 of the First Schedule to Customs Tariff Act, 1975. Also, in terms of, “The Accessories (Condition) Rules, 1963, the said camera along with […]
Read full text of Customs Authority for Advance Ruling’s decision regarding classification of Amazon Echo Dot and related import tax exemptions.
Explore CAAR ruling on eligibility of turbochargers for exemption benefits when used exclusively in off-highway equipment, based on Indian regulations.
Read the Customs Authority’s ruling on the duty rates for X-Ray tubes and spare parts, their classification, and the impact on medical equipment imports.
A detailed analysis of the Customs Authority of Advance Ruling (CAAR) Mumbai’s order on the classification of Linear Accelerators under heading 9022.