Service tax is statutory liability. It is a tax which is required to be collected by the service provider from the person to whom service is provided, and thereafter to be deposited with government treasury within the prescribed time.
Applying the ratio of the judgment in Chandra Prakash Agrawal (supra) to the present case, we find that the Tribunal did not commit any error in recording findings that since nothing was found in the search operations on 26.10.1995 and that though the warrant of authorisation under section 132A was issued on the following day on 27.10.1995,
No appeal is required to be filed when tax effect is less than Rs. 2 lakhs. The conditions mentioned in Clause-3 of the Circular dated 27.3.2000, are not attracted in this appeal. The circular has been issued by the Central Board of Direct Taxes and is binding upon the Department.
Proviso to Clause (a) of Explanation under section 158BB of the Act for the purpose of determination of undisclosed income or loss of each previous year for the purpose of aggregation is to be taken as the total income or loss computed in accordance with the provisions of the Act without giving effect to set off or brought forward losses under Chapter VI or unabsorbed depreciation under sub-section (2) of Section 32 of the Act.
From a perusal of the reasons recorded by the Assessing Officer, we find that he had simply recorded the finding in the assessment order passed for the assessment year 1996-97 and a vague reference was made that similar was the position in respect of the assessment year in question. The assessment order was for the assessment year 1996-97 on which observation regarding the previous assessment year had been made, has also been reproduced above, while quoting the order passed by CIT appeal.
Cooperative bank carrying on business of banking is statutorily required to place a part of its funds in approved securities. The income as interest from such deposits of SLR Funds in the approved security, is an income, which is attributable to the business of bank and is deductible under Section 80P(2)(a)(i) of the Act.
Whether the provisions of section 40A can be applied, in case the section 40(b) had already been applied – Whether when the partnership deed is complete with regard to all the details regarding remuneration and salary etc, disallowance can be made on the basis that it was excessive – Whether remuneration to partners should be allowed u/s 40(b)(v) only on the basis of declaration made in the partnership deed.
In our considered opinion, exemption under Section 10(23C)(vi) of the Act can be claimed by an assessee without applying for registration under Section 12A of the Act as it is not required to fulfil the conditions mentioned under Section 11 of the Act while claiming exemption under Section 10(23C) (vi) of the Act.
For the aforesaid reasons, we do not find that the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal committed any error in arriving at findings that the interest are not deposits of non-SLR funds and the cooperative bank will qualify for exemption under Section 80P (2) (a) (i) of the Act.
In Item No. 1 of the list of articles or thing in Schedule XI, the items include beer, wine and other alcoholic spirits. The percentage of alcohol in the spirits is not given. With the same object the percentage of tobacco is also not given in ‘tobacco preparation’.