In re Maharashtra Ex-Servicemen Corporation Ltd. (GST AAR Maharashtra) Whether the Chapter No. 99, Sr. No. 3 of the Exemption Notification No. 12/2017 is applicable to MESCO Ltd. for the pure services i.e. Security Services rendered to various sites of Municipal Corporations in relation to functions entrusted to it under Article 243 W of the […]
Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Limited (GST AAR Maharashtra) We observe that, the land belongs to the MSFR Department who is the owner. As an owner, MSFR Department has leased the land to the applicant. The applicant is not the owner of the land. Now, the MSFR Department has asked the applicant to hand over […]
In re Shah Sakalchand Chunilal & Co (Hitesh P. Jain) (GST AAR Maharashtra) The Application in GST ARA Form No. 01 of M/s SHAH SAKALCHAND CHUNILAL & CO, vide reference ARA No. 75 Dated 11.03.2022 is disposed of, as being withdrawn voluntarily and unconditionally. FULL TEXT OF THE ORDER OF AUTHORITY FOR ADVANCE RULING, MAHARASHTRA […]
In re lonbond Coatings Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR Maharashtra) The applicant is mainly engaged in to coating activities, which is mainly applied on goods belonging to customer and provides high performance Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (PACVD) wear corrosion protection and decorative coatings. The applicant provides standard coating portfolios for […]
Paintings bought from individual art collectors will be classifiable under Heading 9701 and the applicant is liable to pay GST of 12%. Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal will fall under Heading 7113 of the GST Tariff attracting 3% GST.
In re Nilkamal Limited (GST AAR Maharashtra) The impugned product i.e. poultry crate is an article of plastic. It is used for the conveyance of poultry and from a reading of para 5.5.2 above it is clear that the said product is clearly covered under sub heading 392310 of the Tariff. However it is seen […]
In re Sonai Tarmat JV (GST AAR Maharashtra) The present application has been filed under Section 97 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 and the Maharashtra Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 [hereinafter referred to as “the CGST Act and MGST Act” respectively ] by M/S. Sonai Tarmat JV , the applicant, […]
In re Sterlite Technologies Limited (GST AAR Maharashtra) The Applicant, registered under GST Laws is engaged in manufacturing of telecom products such as optic fiber optic fiber cable, etc.; laying of these optic fiber cables to create a network, setting up of control centers, installation of equipment necessary to operate the network for desired purpose, commissioning […]
In re Kapil Sons Explosives LLP (GST AAR Maharashtra) The registered taxable person M/s Kapil Sons Explosives LLP (Applicant) is engaged in drilling and blasting works using Industrial explosives and other materials. Applicant has submitted that, M/s CIDCO has given a contract to M/s Balajee Infratech and Constructions Pvt. Ltd. (Balajee) for Drilling, Blasting, Mucking […]
In re Kapil Sons (Rajendra Kumar Baheti) (GST AAR Maharashtra) From the submissions made by the applicant we observe that the main contractor has been given a contract by MSRDC to construct tunnels for Mumbai Pune Expressway and accordingly, the main contractor has subcontracted the tunneling work to the applicant by way of drill and […]