In re Jaideep Ispat and Alloys Pvt. Ltd (GST AAAR Madhya Pradesh) First proviso to section 98(2) of CGST Act, 2017 is very clear, that the authority shall not admit the application where the question raised in the application is already pending or decided in any proceedings in case of an applicant under any of […]
In re Emerald Heights International school Samiti (GST AAAR Madhya Pradesh) The consideration received by the school from the participant school(s) for participation of their students and staff in the aforementioned conference would be exempted from tax under entry 80 of notification no. 12/2017 Central Tax (rate) dated 28.06.2017. 2. The appropriate category of services […]
In re Indian Institute of Management Prabandh Shikhar (GST AAAR Madhya Pradesh) The Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management (EPGP) which is an intensive one year full time academic programme of IIM Indore, is a diploma course specially designed to enhance knowledge, skills and capabilities essential for managing and leading organizations. Participants who meet the […]
AAAR held that activity of purchase or allotment of land and selling the said land after undertaking development activities of providing amenities such as Drainage line, water line, electricity line, land leveling, and common facilities viz. road and street light etc. is liable to GST.
In re Anand Products (GST AAR Madhya Pradesh) Whether the product ‘Anna Malai Mithai’, manufactured and supplied by the applicant containing the ingredients Sugar, Vegetable Fat, Skimmed Milk Powder, Whey Powder, Emulsifier and other permitted Flavour’s, which is identical to the commonly known Indian sweet ‘Rabdi’, should be classified under the Tariff Heading 2106 as […]
In re Maa Associates (GST AAR Madhya Pradesh) Whether tax is applicable on supply of services to BCLL, AICTSL, JCTSL (State Government Co.), Rate of Tax if the same is taxable and Admissibility of Input Tax Credit on such supply? On a joint reading of the terms of the agreement, high court rulings, para 8 […]
In re Italian Edibles Pvt. Ltd (GST AAR Madhya Pradesh) Q. Whether the product marketed under brand name Ber Berry, manufactured and supplied by the applicant, containing the ingredients jujube fruit sugar, salt, permitted preservative (E-211) and mixed spices, should be classified under the Tariff Heading 0810 as Jujube fruit (Ber/Bore) or under Tariff Heading 0811 […]
Roof mounted AC package Unit manufactured as per the specific design and layout provided by the railways (RDSO) and supplied to the Indian Railways only and no where else, falls under chapter 86.07 of the GST Tariff.
Since the amount received in the form of credit note is actually a discount and not a supply by the applicant to the supplier, no GST is leviable on receiver on cash discount/incentive/schemes offered by the supplier to applicant through credit note against supply without adjustment of GST.
In re Adani Wilmar Limited (GST AAR Madhya Pradesh) Soya husk resulting from the extraction of Soyabean oil, being principal input/ ingredient for manufacture or processing of Cattle feed and Poultry feed which may become value added product in the market. Soya husk being principal input/ ingredient to Poultry feed and Cattle feed industry, which […]