In re M/s. Shree Vishwakarma Engineering Works (AAR Gujarat) (i) The product ‘Electrically operated Drum with Bell and Zalar’ manufactured and supplied by the applicant is classifiable under Heading 9208 of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. (ii) The product ‘Electrically operated Drum with Bell and Zalar’ of the applicant is not […]
The applicant M/s. Mitora Machinex Pvt. Ltd. has submitted that they manufacture and supply the Ice Cream Making Machines’ in diverse specifications such as Automatic Ice Cream Making Machine, Countertop Ice Cream Making Machine, Soft Ice Cream Making Machine and Fully Automatic Ice Cream Making Machine..
In re M/s. Dyna Automation Private Limited (AAR Gujarat) What is the classification and rate of Goods and Services Tax for Steering unit which is a kind of hydraulic valve and used as intermediate parts of hydraulic systems in agricultural harvesting machine ? The product “Hydraulic Orbital Valve” is classifiable under Tariff Heading 84.81 of […]
In re M/s. Aqua Machineries Pvt. Ltd. (AAR Gujarat) In common parlance, when one refers to ‘water’, it is understood in the sense of clear or raw water and not in the sense of ‘sewage’. In commercial parlance also, ‘pumps primarily designed for handling water’ and ‘other pumps or pumps designed for handling sewage’ are […]
In re M/s. R.B. Construction Company (AAR Gujarat) A. Does the work executed and invoice to be raised for the pending event of testing and commissioning by the applicant after the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax Act amount to supply, and specifically supply of works contract ? The work of laying of underground […]
The applicant M/s. Power Build Private Limited has submitted that in manufacturing of ‘Geared Motors, Electric Motors are assembled with Gear Boxes manufactured by them. Commercially, a Gearbox cannot have any use without being rotated and coupled with motor affixed to it
The applicant, M/s. Guru Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd., has referred to notification No. 11/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017, which inter-alia provides rate of tax as NIL for ‘support services to agriculture, forestry, fishing, animal husbandry’, and submitted that in their opinion,
In re M/s. Pon Pure Chemical India Pvt. Ltd. (AAR Gujarat) (i) Whether the authority is within jurisdiction to admit application especially on the issue of ‘place of supply’? As the ‘place of supply’ is not covered by Section 97(2) of the Acts, this authority is helpless to answer the questions raised in the application, […]