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New Delhi, the 28th February, 2022

S.O. 901(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 33 of the Marine Products Export Development Authority Act, 1972 (Act 13 of 1972), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Marine Products Export Development Authority Rules, 1972, namely:

1. (1) This Rule may be called the Marine Products Export Development Authority (Amendment) Rules, 2021.

(2) This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1.1.2001.

2. In the Marine Products Export Development Authority Rules, 1972 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 33,-

a. in sub-rule (1),-

i. after the words, “transport of marine products’, the words, “peeling shed, fresh or chilled fish handling centre, live fish handling centre or dried fish handling centre.” shall be inserted;

ii. after the words and figures, “Form II, the words and figures, “Form II a, Form II b, Form II c and Form II d”, shall be inserted;

iii. for the words, “on payment of rupees five”, the words, “on payment of rupees two hundred”, shall be substituted;

iv. The word “or” occurring after processing plant and the word “or” occurring after Storage Premises for marine products shall be omitted.

b. in sub-rule (2), –

i. the word, “or” shall be omitted.

ii. after the word, “Conveyance”, the words, “peeling shed, fresh or chilled fish handling centre, live fish handling centre or dried fish handling centre”, shall be inserted;

c. after sub-rule (2), for the existing “TABLE” and the entries relating thereto, the following shall be substituted, namely:-


Sl. No. (1) (2)
I Application for registration Fee
(1) Fee for each set of application form
(Form II, IIa, II b, II c, II d, III, IV, IX)
₹ 200
(2) Fee for each set of application of Fishing Vessel (Form I) ₹ 100
II Registration of exporter (Form X)
(1) Exporter Registration Fee ₹ 5000
III Fishing Vessel (Form V)
(1) Registration of Fishing Vessel upto 45 ft in length ₹ 1000
(2) Registration of Fishing Vessels of OAL 45 ft & above ₹ 2000
IV Storage (Form VII)
(1) Chilled and Frozen storage upto and including 50 T capacity ₹ 3000
(2) Chilled and Frozen storage above and including 50 T capacity ₹ 5000
(3) Other than chilled and Frozen Storage upto and including 50T capacity ₹ 1000
(4) Other than Chilled and Frozen storage above 50 T capacity ₹ 2000
V Processing Plant (Form VI)
(1) Processing Plant with processing capacity to handle upto and including 5T of raw material (per 8 hr shift) ₹ 2500
(2) Processing Plant with processing capacity to handle above 5T of raw material (per 8 hr shift) ₹ 5000
VI Peeling Shed (Form No. (VI (a))
(1) Peeling shed with a capacity to handle upto and including 5 tonnes raw material per 8 hour shift ₹ 1500
(2) Peeling shed with a capacity to handle above 5 tonnes of raw material per 8 hour shift ₹ 3000
VII Handling centre (Form No. VI(b), Form No.VI (c), Form No. VI (d))
(1) Handling Centre with a capacity to handle upto and including 5 Tons of Fresh/Chilled Fish per 8 Hours shift ₹ 1500
(2) Handling Centre with a capacity to handle above 5 Tons of Fresh/Chilled Fish per 8 Hours shift ₹ 3000
(3) Handling Centre with a capacity to handle live fish in a volume upto 5 M3 per 8 Hours shift ₹ 1500
(4) Handling Centre with a capacity to handle live fish in a volume above 5 M3 per 8 Hours shift ₹ 3000
(5) Handling Centre with a capacity to handle upto and including 1 tonne of dried/salted marine products 8 Hours shift ₹ 1500
(6) Handling Centre with a capacity to handle above 1 tonne of dried/salted marine products 8 Hours shift ₹ 3000
VIII Conveyance (Form VIII)
(1) Per conveyance ₹ 1500
IX Renewal of registration
(1) All renewals except Fishing Vessels up to 20 m OAL ₹ 1000
(2) Renewals except Fishing Vessels up to 20 m OAL ₹ 250
X Endorsement in the certificate of registration as an exporter
(1) Endorsement   of   utilization   of   processing    plant/handling facility/storage premise etc. in the certification of registration as a merchant exporter ₹ 5000
(2) Endorsement of Merchant/ Manufacturer exporters name in the certificate of processing    plant /   handling    facility / storage premises etc. ₹ 5000
(3) Endorsement of pre-mature cancellation of processing agreement with a processing plant/handling facility in the
certificate of registration as an exporter
₹ 5000
(4) Endorsement of pre-mature cancellation of processing agreement with an exporter in the certificate of processing
plant /handling facility
₹ 5000
(5) Endorsement of pre-mature cancellation of storage agreement with an exporter in the certificate of storage premises ₹ 5000
(6) Any other endorsement not covered above in respect of registration ₹ 1000
XI Transfer of Entities
(1) Transfer of processing plant, storage premises or conveyance, fishing vessel by way of sale, mortgage or other-wise ₹ 1000
XII Change of details included in the certificate of registration of fishing vessel
(1) Change of details in the certificate of registration of all entities except fishing vessels upto 20 m OAL ₹ 1000
(2) Change of details in the certificate of registration of fishing vessels upto 20 m OAL ₹ 250
XIII Change in the certificate of Registration of fishing vessels, processing plant etc.
(1) Any endorsement on the certificate of registration of fishing vessels upto 20 m OAL ₹ 250
(2) Endorsement or registration of processing plant ₹ 1000
(3) Endorsement of change of ownership of production entities ₹ 1000
(4) Endorsement of change of any other details included in the certificate of registration except in respect of fishing vessels upto 20 Mtrs OAL ₹ 1000
(5) Change of hypothecation/lien noting of financial institutions except in respect of fishing vessels upto 20 Mtrs OAL ₹ 1000
(6) Endorsement of lessee in the certificate of registration of processing plants ₹ 1000
(7) Endorsement of issue of duplicate certificate of registration ₹ 1000
(8) Endorsement of additional capacity ₹ 1000
(9) Endorsement of change in the constitution of a firm/company ₹ 1000
(10) Any other endorsement ₹ 1000

3. In the said rules, in rule 34, for sub-rule (3), the following shall be substituted:-

“(3) Where the application for registration is not refused, a certificate of registration shall be granted in Form V, Form VI, Form VII, Form VIII, Form VI (a), Form VI (b), Form VI (c) or Form VI (d) as the case may be, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions specified in the certificate”.

4. In the said rules, in rule 38, in sub-rule (2), for the words, “rupees fifteen”, the words, “rupees one thousand”, shall be substituted.

5. In the said rules, in rule 39, –

a. for sub-rule (1), the following shall be substituted, namely:-

“(1) If during the period when the registration of the storage premises for marine products, conveyance used for the transport of marine products, peeling shed, fresh or chilled fish handling centre, live fish handling centre or dried fish handling centre is in force, the owner thereof desires to change place where aforesaid entity is located, or the lay out as approved by the Authority, or any change in its capacity or otherwise, or change the place of operation of the fishing vessel or conveyance he shall apply to the Secretary or other officer authorized by him at least thirty days in advance of such intended change.”

b. In sub-rule (2), for the words, “rupees fifteen”, the words,“rupeesone thousand” shall be substituted.

Marine Products Export Development Authority (Amendment) Rules, 2021

6. In the said rules, in rule 41,:-

(a) in sub-rule (1) for the words and figures, “Rs. 5/-“, the words, “rupees two hundred”, shall be substituted;

(b) in sub-rule (2), for the words, “rupees fifteen”, the words “rupees five thousand”, shall be substituted.

7. In the said rules, in Chapter-VIII, –

a. after “ Form II”, the following shall be inserted, namely –

“FORM II (a)


(See Rule 33)

Form of application for registration of peeling shed for marine products

1. a. Name and address of applicant in full

b. Nature of establishment

c. Name and address of the Proprietor/ Partners / Director as the case may be

2. a. Location of the peeling shed Give survey No. of

b. the plot, ward, name of street & door no.

c. Postal address

d. Telephone Number:

i) Office

ii) Factory

d. Telegraphic address if any

3. Dimensions of the shed (floor area):

a) Length

b) Breadth

c) Height

d) Tables area provided

e) Tables provided

4. a. Type of flooring

b. Whether the floor has slope

5. No. of tables provided with size and type (indicate whether made of steel, wood or cement concrete)

6. No. of workers employed

7. Source of water supply to the peeling shed

8. Type of ceiling

9. Whether false ceiling has been provided

10. Maximum quantity of raw material that can be handled per shift of 8 hrs

11. Toilet facilities available at the peeling shed :

a) No. of urinals

b) No. of lavatories

c) Are the lavatories of flush out type

d) Are the lavatories fitted with self closing doors

12. Arrangements made for fly proofing

13. Are the doors fitted with self closing device

14. Type and No. of utensils in use

15. Drainage arrangements in a peeling shed

16. Disposal arrangements of effluents and peeling waste

17. Mode of payment of registration fee

Signature of the applicant


Date :


I, …………………………….. . do hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above information is correct and complete and I agree to abide by the conditions of certificate of registration.

Place:                                                                                          Signature Date :

Encl:                                                                          Declaration”;

b. After Form II a, the following shall be inserted, namely:-

“FORM II (b)


(See Rule 33)

Application for registration of Fresh or Chilled fish handling centre

1. Name and address of the applicant in ful :

2. Name and residential address of the Proprietor/

Partners or Directors as the case may be :

3. Status of the handling centre (Proprietary /
Partnership firm or private limited / public Limitedcompany)   :

4. Location of the handling centre :

i. Door No :

ii. Survey no. of the plot :

iii. Ward number

iv. Name of street :

v. Taluk and District :

5. Details of communication facilities

i. Telephone numbers :

ii. Fax number, if any :

iii. E-mail address, if any :

iv. Telegraphic address, if any :

6. Details of the civil structure :

i. RCC / tiled roofing :

ii. Type of flooring (tiled or cement flooring) :

ii. Dimensions of the fish handling hall/s :

i. Length in Meter :

ii. Breadth in Meter :

iii. Height in Meter :

iii. Handling area in M2 :

7. Details of the fly-proofing arrangement :

8. Type and number of utensils in use :

9. Whether tables have been provided :

10. Source of potable water supply to the handling centre :

11. Whether facilities for washing, grading and packaging of raw materials have been provided :

12. Details of the drainage arrangements andwaste water disposal :

13. Number of employees :

i. Managerial :

ii. Supervisory :

iii. Workers :

14. Whether workers changing room has been provided :

15. Whether toilet has been provided.If so, whether the door is of self-closing type :

16. Whether drinking water facility is providedin the handling centre :

17. Maximum quantity of raw material that can be handled in a shift of 8 hours :

18. Mode of payment of registration fees :

Signature of the Applicant



I, …………………………………  do hereby, declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above information is correct and complete

Signature of the applicant


Date :


1. Separate application should be sent in respect of each handling centre.

2. A lay-out of the handling centre, approved by the Local Body should be sent along with the application.

3. A certificate to the effect that the Local Body and PollutionControl Board have no objection to run the fresh or chilledfish handling centre in the plot with the said survey number, should also be sent along with the application forms.”;

(C) after FORM II b, the following shall be inserted, namely:-



(See Rule 33)

Application for Registration of premise to handle Live Fish

1. Name and Address of the applicant in full :

2. Name and residential address of theProprietor or Partners or Directorsas the case may be :

3. Status of the handling centre (Proprietary/Partnership firm or private limited/public limited company) :

4. Location of the handling centre :

i) DoorNo :

ii) Survey no. of the plot :

iii) Ward number :

iv) Name of street :

v) Taluk and District :

5. Details of communication facilities

i) Telephone numbers :

ii) Fax number, if any :

iii) E-mail address, if any :

iv) Telegraphic address, if any :

6. Details of the civil structure :

i) RCC / tiled roofing

ii) Type of flooring (tiled or cement flooring) :

iii) Dimensions of the fish handling hall/s :

a) Length in Meter :

b) Breadth in Meter :

c) Height in Meter :

iv) Volume of live fish handled in M3 :

7. Details of machinery, equipment, utensils and amenities available in the centre for handling live fish :

8. Financial Source of saline or fresh water supply to the premise :

9. Details of the drainage arrangements and waste water disposal :

10. Number of employees :

a) Managerial :

b) Supervisory :

c) Workers :

11. Whether workers’ rest room has been provided :

12. Whether toilet has been provided. If so, whether the door is of self-closing type :

13. Whether drinking water facility is provided in the handling centre :

14. The capacity of the centre in a shift of 8 hours, in M3 :

15. Mode of payment of registration fees :

Signature of the Applicant

Date :


I, ……………………………….  do hereby, declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above information is correct and complete

Signature of the applicant


Date :


1. Separate application should be sent in respect of eachlive fish handling centre.

2. A lay-out of the handling centre, approved by the LocalBody should be sent along with the application.

3. A certificate to the effect that the Local Body and Pollution control Board have no objection to run the centre for handling live fish in the plot with the said survey number, should also be sent along with the application form. ”;

(d) after FORM II (c), the following shall be inserted, namely:-

“Form II (d)


(See Rule 33)

Application for registration of Establishment for packing of Dried or Salted marine products

1. Name and address of the applicant in full :

2. Name and residential address of the Proprietor or Partners or Directors as the case may be :

3. Status of the handling centre (Proprietary or Partnership firm or private limited or public limited company) :

4. Location of the handling centre :

i) Door No :

ii) Survey no. of the plot :

iii) Ward number

iv) Name of street :

v) Taluk and District :

5. Details of communication facilities

i) Telephone numbers :

 ii) Fax number, if any :

 iii) E-mail address, if any :

 iv) Telegraphic address, if any :

6. Details of the civil structure :

 i) RCC / tiled roofing

 ii) Type of flooring (tiled or cement flooring) :

iii) Dimensions of the packing hall/s :

 a) Length in Meter :

 b) Breadth in Meter :

c) Height in Meter :

 iv) Packing area in M2 :

 7. Details of the fly-proofing arrangement :

8. Details of machinery, equipment and utensils  available in the premise for packing :

9. Number of employees :

a) Managerial :

b) Supervisory :

c) Workers :

10. Whether toilet has been provided.

If so, whether the door is of self-closing type :

11. Whether drinking water facility is provided in the establishment :

12. Maximum quantity of dried or salted marine

products that can be packed in a shift of 8 hours :

13. Mode of payment of registration fees :

Signature of the applicant

Date :


I, …………………………………………………  do hereby, declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above information is correct and complete

Signature of the applicant


Date :

Signature of the applicant


Date :


1. Separate application should be sent in respect of each packing centre.

2. A lay-out of the handling centre, approved by the Local Body should be sent along with the application.

3. A certificate to the effect that the Local Body and Pollution control Board have no objection to run the establishment for packing dried / salted marine products in the plot with the said survey number, should also be sent along with the application forms. ”;

(e) After “Form VI ” the following shall be inserted, namely:-

“FORM VI (a)


[See rule 34 (3)]

Certificate of Registration of Peeling Shed

1. Name and address of the establishment /person / organization authorized to do peeling to whom the certificate of registration is issued

2. Location of the Peeling shed

a) Survey No. of the plot

b) Locality

c) Name of Street / Road

d) Door No.

e) Ward No.

3. Postal address

4. Telegraphic address, if any

5. Floor space available

6. Capacity of raw material to be processed per shift

Certified that the above peeling shed provides for …………………. floor space and the tables / utensils in use conform to the quality hygienic conditions prescribed by THE MARINE PRODUCTS EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY for peeling of ………………… tonnes of prawn per 8 hr. shift.

Signature of the Officer

Issuing the certificate

Place :

Date :

(Seal of the Authority)


1. The certificate of registration is granted subject to the provisions of the The Marine Products Export Development Authority Rules, 1972.

2. No change in the layout, design, capacity etc. should be done without the prior written approval of The Marine Products Export Development Authority.

3. This certificate should be prominently displayed in the peeling shed.

4. The holder of the registration certificate should maintain a day-today account in a register showing the quantity of raw materials received, the quantity peeled and quantity issued indicating the party to whom it is issued. This register must be available for inspection by officers of the The Marine Products Export Development Authority and produced on demand.

5. Peeling sheds should issue a delivery note for all consignments of shrimp peeled or pre-processed in their shed only, indicating the number and date of the certificate. Inclusion of material pre-processed elsewhere in such delivery slips, will be a violation of this condition and will entail cancellation of the certificate.

6. In addition, it shall be incumbent on the part of the owner to comply with instructions issued by The Marine Products Export Development Authority from time to time.

7. The owner should get this certificate endorsed for compliance with standards on or before ——————————  (two years from the date of issue) failing which this certificate will cease to be valid.

Endorsement of change in the ownership etc.   ”;

(f) after, “Form VI (a)”, the following shall be inserted, namely:-

“Form VI (b)


[See rule 34 (3)]

Certificate of registration of Fresh or Chilled fish handling centre

1. Number and date of the certificate of Registration :

2. Name and address of the handling centre :

3. Name and residential address of the certificate holder (Proprietor/Partners / Director) :

4. Location of the handling centre :

a) Door No. :

b) Survey no. of the plot :

c) Locality :

d) Name of street / road :

e) Ward number :

 f) Taluk and District :

5. Raw material handling area in M2:

6. Capacity of the handling centre in  a shift of 8 hours :

Certified that this fresh or chilled fish handling centre conforms to the standards prescribed / adopted by the Marine Products Export Development Authority and provides for a fresh / chilled fish handling area of ………………………… M2and a fresh / chilled fish handling capacity of ………………………. Tones in a shift of 8 hours.

Signature of the officer issuing the certificate


Date :

(Seal of the Authority)

This certificate is issued subject to the provisions of the The Marine Products Export Development Authority Act and Rules 1972, the Export (Quality Control Inspection) Act 1963 and the subsequent Rules made thereof, and the conditions inscribed overleaf.


1. In case any change in the layout, design or capacity is required, the owner should get it approved by the Authority.

2. The owner should comply with the regulations or any other instructions in respect of handling, preservation and packing of marine products, issued by the Authority, from time to time.

3. The owner should use only the approved preservatives, if any required, while packing the products.

4. No chemical, detergent or repellant should be kept or stored in the handling area of this unit.

5. This handling centre and its premises should be kept neat and tidy, sanitarily and hygienically.

6. The owner should maintain the handling centre always conforming to the standards prescribed or adopted by the Authority.

7. The owner should maintain a day-to-day account in a register showing the quantity of fresh/chilled fish received, handled, packed and exported and the register should be made available for inspection by officers of the Authority.

8. A copy of this certificate should be prominently displayed in the handling centre.

9. The owner should get this certificate of registration revalidated every two years.

10. The transferee should get the change of ownership endorsed in this certificate, in case the ownership is transferred. ”;

(g) after “FORM VI (b), the following shall be inserted, namely:-

“Form VI (c)


[See rule 34 (3)]

Certificate of registration of premise to handle Live Fish

1. Number and date of the certificate of Registration :

2. Name and address of the premise to handle live fish :

3. Name and residential address of the certificate holder (Proprietor /Partner / Director) :

4. Location of the premise to handle live fish :

a) Door No. :

b) Survey no. of the plot :

c) Locality :

d) Name of street / road :

e) Ward number :

f) Taluk and district :

5. Volume of live fish handled in M3 :

6. Capacity of the premise to handle live fish in a shift of 8 hours :

Certified that this premise conforms to the standards prescribed / adopted by the Marine Products Export Development Authority and provides for a live fish handling capacity of ………………………… M3in a shift of 8 hours.

Signature of the officer
Issuing the certificate


Date :

(Seal of the Authority)

This certificate is issued subject to the provisions of the THE MARINE PRODUCTS EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Act and Rules 1972, the Export (Quality Control & Inspection) Act 1963 and the subsequent Rules made thereof, and the conditions inscribed overleaf.


1. In case any change in the layout, design or capacity is required, the owner should get it approved by the Authority.

2. The owner should comply with the regulations or any other instructions, in respect of handling, packing the fishes live and exporting the live fishes, issued by the Authority, from time to time.

3. The owner should use only the approved feeds/chemicals/ additives/medicines, if any required, while handling the live fishes.

4. No chemical/repellant/detergent should be kept or stored in the handling area of this premise.

5. This premise should be kept neat and tidy, sanitarily and hygienically.

6. The owner should maintain the handling centre always conforming to the standards prescribed or adopted by the Authority.

7. The owner should maintain a day-to-day account in a register showing the volume of live fish handled, packed alive and exported in a shift of 8 hours and the register should be made available for inspection by officers of the The Marine Products Export Development Authority on demand.

8. A copy of this certificate should be prominently displayed in the premise.

9. The owner should get this certificate of registration revalidated every two years.

10. The transferee should get the change of ownership endorsed in this certificate, in case the ownership is transferred. ”;

(h) after “Form VI (c)”, the following shall be inserted.

“Form VI (d)


[See rule 34 (3)]

Certificate of Registration of establishment for packing of Dried or Salted marine products

1. Number and date of the certificate of registration :

2. Name & address of the establishment :

3. Name & residential address of the certificate holder (Proprietor /Partner / Director) :

4. Location of the packing centre :

a) Door No. :

b) Survey no. of the plot :

 c) Locality :

d) Name of Street / Road :

 e) Ward Number :

 f) Taluk and District :

5. Packing area of dried / salted marine products in M2 :

6. Capacity of the establishment to pack dried / salted marine products in a shift of 8 hours :

Certified that this dried / salted fish packing establishment conforms to the standards prescribed / adopted by the Marine Products Export Development Authority and provides for a packing area of ………………………….  M2 and a packing capacity of …………………..  tonnes of dried / salted marine products in a shift of 8 hours.

Signature of the officer Issuing the certificate


Date :

(Seal of the Authority)

This certificate is issued subject to the provisions of the THE MARINE PRODUCTS EXPORT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Act and Rules 1972, the Export (Quality Control Inspection) Act 1963 and the subsequent Rules made thereof, and the conditions inscribed overleaf.


1. In case any change in the layout, design or capacity is required, the owner should get it approved by the Authority.

2. The owner should comply with the regulations or any other instructions, in respect of packaging, preservation and export of the dried / salted fish, issued by the Authority, from time to time.

[F. No. 11/2/2013-EP(MP)(Pt.)]


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