Introduction: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) plays a pivotal role in ensuring food safety and adherence to standards. In a recent development, FSSAI has introduced a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for obtaining the endorsement of the Vegan logo. This initiative aligns with the Food Safety and Standards (Vegan) Regulations, 2022, emphasizing the importance of vegan food compliance. In this comprehensive exploration, we unravel the guidelines, application process, and compliance measures introduced by FSSAI.
Detailed Analysis:
1. Regulatory Framework:
- FSSAI has issued File No. RCD-01003/1/2022, introducing the SOP for Vegan Logo Endorsement.
- The Food Safety and Standards (Vegan) Regulations, 2022, published on 10th June 2022, form the regulatory foundation.
2. Guidelines for Vegan Logo Endorsement:
- Sub-regulation 5(2) of FSS (Vegan) Regulations, 2022 mandates the submission of applications for Vegan logo endorsement.
- Revised guidelines, dated 24th February 2023, outline the application process and formats.
- The Food Authority scrutinizes applications, may seek additional documents, and approves or rejects applications as per Form-B.
3. Application Procedure:
- Food Business Operators (FBOs) submit applications in Form-A along with necessary documents and a fee of INR 25,000 through the online c-payment portal.
- The Food Authority evaluates applications and may request additional information.
- FBOs have the right to appeal within thirty days of a rejection, with subsequent review options.
4. Compliance and Safety Measures:
- FBOs must immediately suspend products if there are health risks or non-compliance with regulations.
- Food Safety Officers and Designated Officers report any safety concerns regarding approved vegan products to the Food Authority.
5. User Manual for Vegan Endorsement:
- The user manual provides a step-by-step guide for FBOs to apply for Vegan logo endorsement through the FoSCoS portal.
- It covers login procedures, dashboard navigation, and the endorsement application process.
Conclusion: FSSAI’s initiative to introduce a SOP for Vegan Logo Endorsement underscores its commitment to regulating vegan food products and ensuring compliance with established standards. The guidelines provide clarity on the application process, fees, and safety measures. Food Business Operators in India are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these guidelines to seamlessly navigate the endorsement process and contribute to the promotion of vegan food safety.
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
File No. RCD-01003/1/2022-Regulatoiy-FSSAI (E-6494)
Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS)-
Dated, the 24 April, 2023
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for obtaining the endorsement of Vegan logo-reg.
FSSAI has notified Food Safety and Standards (Vegan) Regulations, 2022 published vide Notification No. F. No. StdfTF-VeganFoods/Notif./FSSAI dated 10.06.2022.
2. As per the Sub-regulation 5(2) of FSS (Vegan) Regulations, 2022, FSSAI has issued “Revised guidelines dated 24th February 2023 for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo and formats thereof’ for approval from the Authority. (Annex-I)
3. Upon approval of the application as per Form B of the said guidelines, Food Business Operator shall apply for endorsement of Vegan logo to the concerned Licensing Authority on the FoSCoS portal. A user manual for applying/obtaining the endorsement of Vegan logo is attached herewith at Annex-II. Once the same has been updated on the license, the FBOs will be eligible to endorse it on their respective products.
It is issued with the approval of the competent authority.
(Rakesh Kumar)
Director (Compliance Strategy)
1. Commissioner of Food Safety of All States/UTs
2. Directors of all Regional Offices, FSSAI
3. All Central Licensing Authorities, FSSAI
4. CTO- to upload on FSSAI’s website – for information of All Food Business Operators, Associations, Food Safety Mitra and other stakeholders.
Copy for information to-
1. PPS to Chairperson, FSSAI
3. Advisor, Science and Standards, FSSAI
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(A Statutory Authority established under the Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006)
(Science & Standards Division)
FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi — 110002
Dated :24th February, 2023
Subject: Guidelines for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo and formats thereof-reg.
This is to refer to the Food Safety and Standards (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022 that has been Gazette notified on 10th June 2022 and came in force w.e.f its publication in the official Gazette and Guidelines dated 25th July, 2022 for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo and formats.
2. The Food Authority has decided ‘to revise the guidelines for submission of applications for endorsement of Vegan logo and formats.
3. The sub-regulation 5 of FSS (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022 states the following-
“Vegan food compliance. — (I) The Food Rosiness Operator shall submit an application to the concerned licensing authority with all necessary details in a .format as may be specified by the Food Authority
(2) The Food Authority may specify guidelines for approval of vegan logo.
(3) No vegan food products shall be imported except with a certificate issued by the recognized authorities of the exporting countries in the format as specified by the Authority is accepted. “(sic)
3. In reference to the above, following revised guidelines are hereby provided for the purpose of applying for endorsement of vegan logo-
a) Annexure-A: Guidelines for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo;
b) Annexure-B: Application for endorsement under FSS (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022 (Form-A);
c) Annexure-C: Approval/ Rejection for endorsement of vegan logo (Form-B).
d) Annexure D: Proforma for self-declaration
4. This guidance document supersedes the “Guidelines dated 25th July, 2022 for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo and formats”
This issues with approval of Competent Authority.
(Harinder Singh Oberoi)
Advisor (Science & Standards)
FSSAI, New Delhi
1. ED (CS) with a request to inform all Central Licensing Authority through Food Safety Commissioners;
2. Director (imports) with a request to inform all Authorized Officer;
3. CITO, FSSAI with a request to upload on ESSA.1 website.
Copy for information to:
1. PPS to Chairperson, FSSAI;
2. PS to CEO, FSSM.
Guidelines for submission of applications for endorsement of vegan logo
(refer sub-regulation 5(2) of FSS (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022)
The Food Safety and Standards (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022 has been notified and came in force w.e.f its publication in the official Gazette. As per sub-regulation 5 of FSS (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022, Food Authority will specify a guidelines and application for submission by the Food Business Operator for approval of vegan logo. Procedure for endorsement of vegan food logo is as follows:
(1) The Food Business Operator shall submit an application in FORM-A along with necessary documents and fee of Rupees Twenty Five Thousand (excluding G.S.T) payable through the online c-payment portal (Link:
(2) The Food Authority shall scrutinize the application and information provided by the applicant.
(3) The Food Authority may direct the applicant to submit additional supporting documents, data or clarifications, if required.
(4) The Food Authority may either grant approval or reject the application, as per FORM-B.
(5) The Food Business Operator may file an appeal before the Chief Executive Officer of the Food Authority against any decision of rejection of application within a period of thirty days of the receipt of rejection letter and the Chief Executive Officer shall dispose of such appeal within a period of thirty days of its receipt and any delay beyond this shall be allowed with reasons to be recorded in writing.
Provided that the Chief Executive Officer may allow the appeal after the period of thirty days if there are sufficient cause for the delay.
(6) A Food Business Operator, who is aggrieved by the decision of the Chief Executive Officer of the Food Authority may file a review petition to be placed for consideration of the Chairperson of the Food Authority, within a period of thirty days from the date of issue of appellate order and such review shall be disposed Off within a period of thirty days of its receipt and any delay beyond this shall be allowed with reasons to be recorded in writing.
Provided that the Chairperson may allow the appeal after the period of thirty days if there are sufficient cause for the delay.
(7) The Food Authority may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, suspend or revoke any approval granted to any food business operator.
(8) The Food Authority may review from time to time, the amount of fee for filing an application.
(9) If a food business operator has any reason to believe that the vegan food for which the approval has been granted poses any risk to health or has not complied with the general requirement specified under sub-regulation 3 of FSS (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022, the Food Business Operator shall immediately suspend the manufacture, import, sale, or distribution of such article of food and take steps to recall the same under intimation to Food Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Recall) Regulations, 2017.
(10) Food Safety Officers and Designated Officers shall immediately inform the Food Authority of any complaint received regarding safety of any product approved by the Food Authority under FSS (Vegan Foods) Regulations, 2022.
(11) The food business operator shall, after grant of approval apply for license as per the procedure specified in the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011.
User Manual for application of Vegan Endorsement
Login panel is given at the home page of the application at the right side as shown in the figure below.
1. User has to enter valid License/Registration/Application number and Then click a below button ‘Proceed’
2. Then Password screen will open. Fill the credentials and click on sign in
3. Will be redirected to dashboard of the user with access permission of assigned services.
Step-1: Once login using the Username and password, after successful login to his/her account, will redirect to the dashboard page as shown in figure.
Step-2: At the Left panel of the screen user will find the Menu option for the further process.
- How to do the endorsement of the Vegan
Step-1: From the left panel menu option choose ‘Endorsement Vegan’ under license/registration.
Step-2: Click on proceed for the endorsement of the vegan.
Step-3: User will find a screen named declaration where he/she has filled all the fields with correct documents.
Step-4: After click on proceed new screen will be open named update brand name where user need to fill the details and click on add to add in the list
Step-5: Click on submit button and the application will forward to the authority.
Update Brand Name