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All the LLP e-filing services are being upgraded and migrated to MCA V3 portal. However, all the other services will continue to exist at MCA V2 portal.

Article contains Login Module FAQs, LLP FAQs, Miscellaneous FAQs for LLP Form Layouts, My Application, DSC Association & Account Statuses, Payments Overview, NTRP Portal, Payment Types/Modes FAQs, Payment Process FAQs and Payment Status Tracking FAQs

Login Module FAQs

1. How do I login to the MCA portal?

You can login to the MCA Portal by clicking on the “Sign in/Sign Up” link on the top right corner of the MCA portal.

2. I see 2 login links. Which one shall I access?

In the current context, 2 login options will be made available.

Upon clicking on the Login option on Home Page, user will see the following 2 options: –

Company Login/V2 Login – To be used if the user wants to avail all the MCA services except LLP e-filing services.

LLP Login/V3 Login – to be used if the user wants to avail LLP e-filing services. Following LLP e-filing services are being made available in the V3 system:

Description Name of the Form
To reserve a name for any new/existing LLP to be incorporated RUN LLP
Form for Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership Form FiLLiP
Information regarding limited liability partnership agreement and changes, if any, made therein Form 3
Notice of appointment, cessation, change in name/address/designation of a designated partner or partner. and consent to become a partner/designated partner Form 4
Notice for change of name Form 5
Statement of Account & Solvency Form 8
Consent form to be filed at the time of Incorporation of LLP FORM 9
Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Form 11
Form for intimating other address for service of documents Form 12
Notice for change of place of registered office Form 15
Application and statement for conversion of a firm into Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) & to be filed along with Fillip Form 17
Application and Statement for conversion of a private company/ unlisted public company into limited liability partnership (LLP) & to be filed along with Fillip Form 18
Notice of intimation of Order of Court/ Tribunal/CLB/ Central Government to the Registrar Form 22
Application for direction to Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to change its name to the Registrar Form 23
Application to the Registrar for striking off name Form 24
Application for reservation/ renewal of name by a Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (FLLP) or Foreign Company Form 25
Form for registration of particulars by Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (FLLP) Form 27
Return of alteration in the incorporation document or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution; or the registered or principal office; or the partner or designated partner of limited liability partnership incorporated or registered outside India.

Notice of (A) alteration in the certificate of incorporation or registration; (B) alteration in names and addresses of any of the persons authorised to accept service on behalf of a foreign limited liability partnership (FLLP) (C) alteration in the principal place of business in India of FLLP (D) cessation to have a place of business in India

Form 28
Application for compounding of an offence under the Act Form 31
Form for filing addendum for rectification of defects or incompleteness Form 32

Q.3 What is V3 Login Process?

Step 1: Select the V3 login option from the Sign in/Sign up link present on the top right corner of the MCA portal.

Step 2: Please enter your username. It would be CIN/LLPIN/FCRN for Company/LLP users and “Email ID” used to register for all other users.

Step 3: Please enter your password and click on login.

If you are a Business User, you may be required to enter an OTP (will be sent on your mobile number and email ID) if: –

a. You have logged in from a new device

b. You have logged in after 30 days

c. You encountered 2 failed login attempts due to wrong password

Please note: – If you encounter 3 failed attempts (either invalid username or password), the account will be locked for 4 hours, and in case you want to login to his account before 4 hours, please reset the password by using the ‘Forgot password’ option to unlock their account.

4. What happens if I enter wrong login credentials?

Applicable only for Business Users: If you encounter 2 failed attempts and you are a business user, you would be required to enter an OTP in the 3rd login attempt.

Applicable for All Users: If you encounter 3 failed attempts (either invalid username or password), the account will be locked for 4 hours, and in case you want to login to his account before 4 hours, please reset the password by using the ‘Forgot password’ option to unlock their account.

5. How long is a session valid?

A session is valid as long as one is active. However, the sessions would expire after 5 minutes of inactivity. You would be notified after 4 minutes of inactivity before you are logged off.

6. I am an external user. Do I need DSC to login to the new V3 portal?

No, DSC is not required to log in to the new V3 portal. However, you would be able to login only after BO approval. This is applicable to External Users, Agency, and Financial Institutions.

7. I have forgot my user ID. How do I retrieve my User ID?

Please follow the steps mentioned below to change the user ID

Access the MCA homepage: Please access MCA portal and click on the ‘Sign In/Sign Up’ option available at the homepage. After clicking on the ‘Sign In/Sign Up’ option, please selects ‘Forgot username’ option available below user ID field.

You will then be redirected to a new window. Please provide the following information on the new window:

a. PAN

b. Hint answer

Please click on ‘Submit’. Upon successful validation of PAN and hint answer, an OTP will be sent to your registered email id and mobile number associated.

Please fill in the OTP for OTP validation to move ahead. Same OTP will be sent on both mobile number and email id.

**In case you do not receive the OTP within 1 minute, please request for a new OTP by clicking on ‘Resend OTP’. The OTP sent will be valid for 30 minutes.

Confirm details: After entering the OTP, please click on ‘Confirm’ option. Upon successful validation, the user id will be displayed on the screen.

8. I have forgot my password. How can I reset my password?

Step 1: Please click on forgot password and enter registered username ((CIN/UCIN/LLPIN in case of Company/LLP and Email id in case of Other users) and click on “Proceed” button.

Step 2: You will be redirected to a new window to provide the following:

a. Hint Answer

Step 3: OTP validation: In case you choose OTP verification, an OTP will be sent to your email id and Mobile number (if available) associated with the account. Same OTP will be sent on both mobile number and email id. Please validate the OTP to move ahead.

**In case you do not receive the OTP within 1 minute, please request for a new OTP by clicking on ‘Resend OTP’. The OTP sent will be valid for 30 minutes.

Step 4: DSC verification: You would need to verify DSC if you are a Business user (except Company/LLP User). On successful validation, an option to upload DSC will be provided to the user. The DSC verification will not be available on mobile app.

Step 5: Confirm details: After entering the required details, please click on ‘Confirm’ option.

Step 6: Choose the new password: After successful validation, you would be taken to a window wherein you can enter ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm Password’ and thereafter the password will be changed.

9. I am unable to login. What should I do?

If you encounter 3 failed attempts (either invalid username or password), the account will be locked for 4 hours, and in case you want to login to his account before 4 hours, please reset the password by using the ‘Forgot password’ option to unlock their account.

10. How can I change my password?

You can change your password by visiting the Profile update page. Profile update section can be accessed by clicking on the Profile Update link present under “Hello, Username” on the top right corner of the MCA portal.

11. How can I change my user ID?

Since email ID is the user ID, you need to change your email ID to update your user ID. by visiting the Profile update page. Profile update section can be accessed by clicking on the Profile Update link present under “Hello, Username” on the top right corner of the MCA portal. However, OTP verification would be required to update the email ID (this option is not applicable to applicable to Director/Designated Partner/Nodal Officer (IEPF)/ Deputy Nodal Officer (IEPF)

12. My details have changed. How do I update my profile?

Details can be updated by visiting the Profile update page. Profile update section can be accessed by clicking on the Profile Update link present under “Hello, Username” on the top right corner of the MCA portal.

a. You can update following personal/login details:

i. User Category (Only Registered users can update to ‘Business User’ category)

ii. Email id – Username would get updated automatically in this case and OTP verification will be required for new email id (update option not applicable to Director/Designated Partner/Nodal Officer (IEPF)/ Deputy Nodal Officer (IEPF)).

iii. Mobile number – OTP verification will be required for new mobile number (update option not applicable to Director/Designated Partner/Nodal Officer (IEPF)/ Deputy Nodal Officer (IEPF)).

iv. Address (Not applicable for Company/LLP user/Director/Designated Partner/Nodal Officer (IEPF)/ Deputy Nodal Officer (IEPF)).

v. Password

vi. LLPs would be able to edit the email ID, fax no. of the LLP by editing the profile.

b. In case you are a Registered User and want to update the category to ‘Business User’, you would also have to add a role from ‘Business User’ category.

c. Rest of the data fields in the user profile section would remain un-editable.

d. If you are a Company user, the address field would remain un-editable. You would instead be redirected to the ‘Change in registered address’ module.

e. If you are either a Director/Designated Partner/Nodal Officer (IEPF)/ Deputy Nodal Officer (IEPF), the address, Mobile number and Email ID fields would remain un-editable.

i. To edit the address/mobile number/email ID, an informative message shall be displayed as “Please file Form DIR-6 to update the address/mobile number/email ID”.

f. If you are either a Nodal officer/Deputy Nodal officer (IEPF), you would need to file IEPF-2 form to update the address/mobile number/email ID.

g. The editable data fields (those mentioned above, except Password) would appear filled with current details. You can simply click on the data field and edit it as per requirement.

FAQs - MCA V3 5th March Go Live

13. Can I add multiple roles to my profile?

Yes, you can add multiple roles to your profile. However, this feature is only available for Registered users and Business users other than Company/LLP users.

You can use the option ‘Add Role’ provided on the profile update page. On clicking this option, you would be given an option to add following roles and provide requisite additional information:

a. Director/Designated partner – DIN, DPIN (as applicable)

b. Professional – Professional membership details such as Name of the Institute and Membership number (as applicable).

c. Manager/Secretary/Authorized representative – PAN (if not provided earlier) and CIN/LLPIN/FCRN of the company/LLP where the user wants to be appointed as an authorized signatory will be asked. The request will then be forwarded to the respective Company/LLP user and their current Directors for authorization. Once authorized, the user will have access to the role. Refer use case 5 for authorization process.

14. I am a registered user. Can I upgrade myself to Business User?

Yes, you can upgrade to Business User. However, to update the category to ‘Business User’, you must add a role from ‘Business User’ category.

15. Can I login from multiple devices at the same time?

Only one user session per platform (Mobile app/web) will be allowed at a time. If you try to create a simultaneous session with the same login Id, you will not be able to do so and an error message “You are already logged in from other device” will be displayed. However, you can create one session from mobile application and one session from web simultaneously.

In case you login from an IP address/device different from that of the previous login, you will be notified of the same via email.

16. I am a Director/Designated Partner/Nodal Officer (IEPF)/Deputy Nodal Officer (IEPF). However, I am unable to edit address, Mobile Number and Email ID. How do I update these? Please file Form DIR-6 to update the address/mobile number/email ID.

17. Can my account be suspended or deactivated?

In case the user does not log in for a continuous period of 60 days, then the account would be deactivated, and an email alert will be sent to the user stating the same. In order to activate the account, the user would be required to reset the password using “Forgot password” option.


1. What is an LLP?

An LLP is a body corporate, and a legal entity separate from its partner. An LLP has perpetual succession. In India, an LLP is governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (“LLP Act”) and rules made thereunder.

Description Name of the Form
To reserve a name for any new/existing LLP to be incorporated RUN LLP
Form for Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership Form FiLLiP
Information regarding limited liability partnership agreement and changes, if any, made therein Form 3
Notice of appointment, cessation, change in name/

address/designation of a designated partner or partner. and consent to become a partner/designated partner

Form 4
Notice for change of name Form 5
Statement of Account & Solvency Form 8
Consent form to be filed at the time of Incorporation of LLP FORM 9
Annual Return of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Form 11
Form for intimating other address for service of documents Form 12
Notice for change of place of registered office Form 15
Application and statement for conversion of a firm into Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) & to be filed along with Fillip Form 17
Application and Statement for conversion of a private company/ unlisted public company into limited liability partnership (LLP) & to be filed along with Fillip Form 18
Notice of intimation of Order of Court/ Tribunal/CLB/ Central Government to the Registrar Form 22
Application for direction to Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) to change its name to the Registrar Form 23
Application to the Registrar for striking off name Form 24
Application for reservation/ renewal of name by a Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (FLLP) or Foreign Company Form 25
Form for registration of particulars by Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (FLLP) Form 27
Return of alteration in the incorporation document or other instrument constituting or defining the constitution; or the registered or principal office; or the partner or designated partner of limited liability partnership incorporated or registered outside India.

Notice of (A) alteration in the certificate of incorporation or registration; (B) alteration in names and addresses of any of the persons authorised to accept service on behalf of a foreign limited liability partnership (FLLP) (C) alteration in the principal place of business in India of FLLP (D) cessation to have a place of business in India

Form 28
Application for compounding of an offence under the Act Form 31
Form for filing addendum for rectification of defects or incompleteness Form 32
  • FORM 29 “Notice of (A) alteration in the certificate of incorporation or registration; (B) alteration in names and addresses of any of the persons authorized to accept service on behalf of a foreign limited liability partnership (FLLP) (C) alteration in the principal place of business in India of FLLP (D) cessation to have a place of business in India” has been merged with FORM 28
  • Following forms are linked:
    • Form Fillip is linked with FORM 9, 17 & 18
    • Form 3, 4 & 5 are linked but they can file individually as well

2. What is web form FiLLiP?

Fillip is a part of various initiatives undertaken by the Government of India towards Ease of Doing Business (EODB). Fillip is a integrated form wherein the registration certificates is issued for the LLP. Issuance of DIN/DPIN & Issuance of PAN & TAN

Now LLP can be incorporated with 500 Partners through webform FiLLiP. The requirement to file Addendum to webform FiLLiP has been done away with.

3. What are the steps to incorporate LLP?

The step for incorporating an LLP involves

Reservation of name. An application for reservation of the name can be made through the web service, Reserve Unique Name LLP. (RUN LLP)

An application for incorporation of LLP can be made through webform FiLLiP along with webform 9 which is an integrated service for incorporation of LLP.

Within 30 days of incorporation of the LLP, the limited liability partnership agreement should be executed by the partners and filed with the RoC in webform 3. The limited liability partnership agreement lays down the inter-se rights, liabilities, and duties of the partners

4. How Form 9 is to be filed with FiLLiP?

After the successful submission of webform FiLLiP, the user is required to file the consent of Designated Partners who have DIN/DPIN in linked webform-9 under Section 7(3) of LLP Act, 2008 and Rule 7 and Rule 10(8) of LLP Rules, 2009, however for the Designated Partners whose DIN/DPIN is applied through webform FiLLiP shall file the said consent in Form 9 as an attachment to FiLLiP.

5. Whether the proposed name is undesirable if it is identical with or too nearly resembles with a name which is for the time being reserved and not expired?

Yes, it is treated as undesirable.

6. How do I apply for a name if the proposed name includes the name of a Trademark?

In case the proposed name includes a reference of a registered Trademark name, the user must ensure that he has attached the consent of the owner or applicant for registration of the trademark along with KYC details (bearing signatures) of Trademark owner. In case the TM owner is a body corporate, the NOC should be provided in the form of a Board Resolution along with KYC documents.

Additionally, name shall generally be reserved if it includes the words like ‘Bank’, ‘Insurance’, and ‘Banking’, ‘Venture Capital’ or ‘mutual fund’ or business activity includes the words like ‘Bank’, ‘Insurance’, and ‘Banking’, ‘Venture Capital’ or ‘mutual funds or such similar words with the approval of regulatory authority.

Provided that the approval of regulatory authority may be obtained at the time of application for incorporation or change of name.

7. Can an approved name, reserved using RUN LLP webform, from one Applicant ID at MCA portal be permitted to be file the FilliP from another Applicant ID?

The same user login ID which was used for reserving the name must be used for submitting and uploading FiLLiP and other linked webforms.

8. Can an Existing Company be converted as LLP?

Yes, any existing private company or existing unlisted public company can be converted into LLP by complying with the Provisions of clause 58 and Schedule III and IV of the LLP Act. Webform 18 needs to be filed with the registrar along with webform FiLLiP for such conversion.

9. Can a listed company be converted to LLP?

No, only private / unlisted public company can be converted into LLP.

10. What are some of the typical terms of a limited liability partnership agreement?

The limited liability partnership agreement generally provides the mutual rights and duties of partners of an LLP inter-se and those of the LLP and its partners. Some of the terms that a limited liability partnership agreement covers, include:

1. Registered office of the LLP.

2. Nature of business of the LLP.

3. Rights of the partners.

4. Contribution and profit share of the partners.

5. Voting rights.

6. Process for change in partner.

7. Transfer/ assignment of rights; and

8. Dispute resolution

In the absence of limited liability partnership agreement, the mutual rights, and duties of the partners inter-se and those of the LLP and the partners are determined by the provisions of First Schedule of the LLP Act,

Second Schedule of LLP Act shall be applicable in case of Conversion of Firm into LLP & Third Schedule of LLP Act shall be applicable in case of Conversion of Private/Unlisted Public Company to LLP

11. What is the duration during which the approved name is available for formation of the LLP? Or What is the validity period of approved name of LLP?

The approved name of LLP shall be valid for a period of 3 months from the date of approval. If the proposed LLP is not incorporated within such period, the name shall be lapsed and will be available for other applicant/ LLP. Please note that there shall not be any provision for renewal of the name.

12. What will be the obligation of a partner in case he changes his name or address?

Every partner shall inform the LLP of any change in his name or address within a period of fifteen days of such change. The LLP, in turn, would be under obligation to file such details with the Registrar within thirty days of such change in webform 4, however any change in details of Partner or Designated Partner having DIN/DPIN shall be done through Company Form DIR-6.

13. I have filed webform 3 and webform 4 for cessation of partners from the LLP. The webform are pending for approval. Can I file another webform 3 and webform 4 for appointment of other partners in the LLP?

In this case filing shall not be allowed if there is any webform 3 and any webform 4 for cessation of a designated partner or partner pending for payment of fee or any webform 3/4 is under processing in respect of the LLP.

14. What are the documents required to be filed by an LLP annually?

LLP is required to file LLP webform 8 (Statement of Account & Solvency) and LLP webform 11 (Annual Return) annually. The ‘Annual Return’ is required to be filed within 60 days of close of the financial year and ‘Statement of Accounts & Solvency’ shall be filed within 30 days from the end of six months of the financial year to which it relates. Every LLP must maintain uniform financial year ending on 31st March of a year.

15. What is “Statement of Accounts and Solvency” and whether it has a prescribed format?

Every LLP is required to file ‘Statement of Accounts & Solvency’ in prescribed LLP webform 8 which contains a declaration on the state of solvency of the LLP by the designated partners and information related to statement of assets and liabilities and statement of income and expenditure of the LLP. This form must be filed by the LLP on an annual basis. In case total turnover of the LLP/ FLLP exceeds Rs. 40 lakhs or partner’s obligation of contribution exceeds Rs. 25 lakhs, then the webform should be certified by the auditor of the LLP/ FLLP.

16. Who all are required to do the filling/Signing of Annual Forms like webform 8 & webform 11 in LLP?

The webform 8 & webform 11 should be digitally signed by minimum two Designated Partners of LLP or Authorized Representatives of FLLP, however in case status of LLP or FLLP is “Under CIRP” or “Under Liquidation” then they said webform shall be digitally singed by Interim Resolution Professional (IRP)/Resolution Professional (RP)/Liquidator/LLP Administrator’.

17. Who can be a partner in an LLP? What are the compliances under the LLP Act for appointment of a partner?

An LLP must have a minimum of two partners. If an LLP has less than 2 partners for a period of at least 6 months, then the sole partner of the LLP shall be personally liable for the obligations of the LLP during the period for which the LLP has less than 2 partners.

The partners of an LLP can be individuals and/or body corporates. An LLP can also be a partner in another LLP. In addition, an individual who is a partner in an LLP must not:

1. be declared to be of unsound mind by court.

2. be an undischarged insolvent; or

3. have applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent.

A person can be appointed as a partner pursuant to the limited liability partnership agreement. A person can become a partner in an LLP by making capital contribution into the LLP or acquiring profit share in the LLP. In case of appointment of a new partner, the LLP is required to amend its limited liability partnership agreement. Further, webform 3 is required to be filed with the RoC within 30 days of the amendment of the limited liability partnership agreement. Additionally, webform 4 (along with consent of the person to act as a partner) shall be filed as linked filing in case of appointment or cessation of the partner.

18. What is the liability of a partner in an LLP?

The obligation of an LLP whether under contractual arrangements or otherwise is the sole obligation of the LLP and will not extend to its partners. The obligations of the LLP are required to be met through the property of the LLP. The liability of a partner of an LLP, except in case of fraud, is limited to such partner’s contribution in the LLP as provided under the limited liability partnership agreement.

A partner acts as an agent of only the LLP and not as an agent of the other partners of the LLP. An LLP can be held liable for wrongful acts or omissions of a partner which are undertaken by the partner as a part of the LLP’s business or with the authority of the LLP. However, an LLP will not be liable for acts undertaken by a partner if such partner does not have the requisite authority to undertake an action on behalf of the LLP and the person dealing with the LLP is aware that the partner does not have such authority.

19. Can an existing partnership firm be converted to LLP?

An existing partnership firm can be converted into an LLP by complying with the provisions of the LLP Act if the partners of the LLP so converted comprises of all the partners of the partnership firm and no one else.

An application in this regard can be made by filing webform 17 along with form FiLLiP (incorporation form) with the CRC. The application should also contain a statement by all the partners in the format prescribed in webform 17. Upon approval, the CRC will issue a certificate of registration.

The converted LLP will be required to inform the concerned registrar of firms with which it was registered about the conversion and of the particulars of the LLP within 15 days of registration.

Any existing agreement or contract or pending proceeding or continuance of conviction, ruling, order or judgment of which the partnership firm was a part prior to conversion, will continue to have the same effect as if the converted LLP were a part of the same. Further, every partner of the partnership firm which has been converted into an LLP, shall continue to be personally liable for the liabilities and obligations of the partnership firm which were incurred prior to the conversion, or which arose from any contract entered prior to the conversion.

20. Can an LLP carry on multiple business activities?

Yes, a Limited Liability Partnership registered in India can carry on more than one business subject to their relevancy. The activities must be related or in the same field itself. Unrelated activities such as Interior Designing and Legal consultancy cannot be carried under same LLP. The business activities are mentioned in the agreement and must be approved from RoC.

21. Whether an LLP can be registered for Not-for-profit activities?

No, one of the essential requirements for setting up LLP is ‘carrying on a lawful business with a view to profit’. Therefore, LLP cannot be incorporated for undertaking “Not-For-Profit” activities.

22. How can I intimate charge details to the registrar? Is it mandatory to file the charge details to the registrar office?

The charge details i.e., creation, modification, or satisfaction of charge, can be filed through webform 8(Charge).

23. The registered office of my LLP has been shifted from the jurisdiction of one ROC office to another. How do I file webform 15 with both the ROCs?

You are required to file webform 15 (Notice for change of place of registered office) at LLP portal only once. Existing registrar shall process the webform and forward the same to the new Registrar for registration. Please note that approval of such webform 15 shall not be allowed in case there is any other webform (s) pending for payment of fee or is under processing in respect of the LLP. Upon approval, Certificate for change of registered address from the Registrar office shall be provided.

24. Can LLP give any other address (besides its registered office) for the purpose of receiving communication from Registrar?

It has been provided in the Act that a document may be served on an LLP or a partner or designated partner by sending it by post or by any other mode (to be prescribed under Rules) at the registered office and any other address specifically declared by the LLP for the purpose in such form and manner as may be prescribed (in the rules). Thus, an LLP shall have option to declare one more address within the jurisdiction of same ROC (other than the registered office) for getting statutory notices/letters etc. from Registrar. The said details can be filed with Jurisdictional ROC in webform 12.

25. What are the provisions for reservation of name by a foreign entity under the LLP Act?

Foreign entity can file an application for reservation of its name or for renewal of name reserved earlier by filing an application in webform 25. The name will be reserved in system for a period of three years and an application for renewal of name should be filed before the expiry of three years. In case of renewal of name, the name should be reserved for a further period of three years after renewal date.

26. Whether a foreign LLP can establish a place of business in India?

Foreign LLP can establish a place of business in India by filing Form 27 giving the particulars of incorporation of foreign LLP, details of DPs/ partners of that foreign LLP and details of at least two authorised representatives for complying with regulation of LLP act

27. What is the purpose of webform-28?

The webform LLP Form No. 28 aims to simplify the process of e-filing of alterations in particulars, such as Alteration in incorporation document or other instrument of LLP, Alteration in registered or principal office of the LLP in the country of incorporation, Alteration in Particulars of Partners / Designated Partners of LLP incorporated or registered outside India, Alteration in the certificate of incorporation or registration of limited liability partnership incorporated or registered outside India, Alteration in particulars of authorized person of LLP, Alteration in address of principal place of business in India of the LLP&. Closure of place of business in India of Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (Foreign LLP) registered in India. A Foreign LLP shall, within stipulated timeline, file its alterations pursuant to rule 34(3) and 34(8) of Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2009 with the Registrar in webform 28 along with the fee.

However, in case of modification to particulars of a person already authorized to accept service, DPIN cannot be entered. For modification to particulars of a person having DPIN, webform DIR-6 needs to be filed on the MCA21 portal

28. How the foreign LLP intimate the Registrar of Companies of its intension to close its place of business in India?

If any foreign limited liability partnership ceases to have a place of business in India, it shall give notice to the Registrar in webform 28 within 30 days of its intention to close the place of business in India.

29. I want to provide additional information in respect of an already filed LLP Form. Can I file Form 32 for this?

Webform Form 32 can be filed only in case status of the relevant LLP webform(s) in respect of which it is being filed is ‘Pending for user clarification’ (PUCL). This webform cannot be filed suo-motu by the LLP or stakeholder (that is in case status is other than PUCL).

30. When webform 4 & 5 shall be filed as linked form with Webform 3?

In case of change in LLP agreement is due to appointment or cessation of Designated Partner(s)/ Partner(s) in the LLP then LLP Form No. 4 should be filed together at the time of filing of LLP Form No. 3 as a linked form and also in case of change in LLP agreement is due to change of name of LLP then LLP Form No. 5 should be filed together at the time of filing of LLP Form No. 3 as a linked form.

31. Whether offences would be compounded under the LLP Act?

The Act contains provisions empowering Central Government to compound any offence punishable with fine only by collecting a sum not exceeding the amount of maximum fine prescribed for the offence.

32. Can adjudication process be initiated against the LLP’s.?

Yes, after the amendment of LLP Act 2008 adjudication process can be initiated against defaulting LLP’s. To provide greater ease of doing business in India to law abiding LLPs, the government has agreed to decriminalize compoundable offences involving minor, procedural, or technical violations of the Act. The Government has removed penal provisions against defaulting LLP’s and introduced penalties in minor compoundable offences. The

Officer appointed by the Central Government shall conduct adjudication proceedings against such defaults.

33. Can I file an appeal against the order passed by the Adjudication officer?

Yes, an appeal can be preferred before the Regional Director against the order of Adjudication Officer and that can be filed in webform 33 (LLP -ADJ) FORM.

34. Whether the Registrar would have any power to call for information from LLPs?

Registrar would have power to obtain such information which he may consider necessary for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of the Act, from any designated partner, partner, or employee of the LLP. He would also have power to summon any designated partner, partner, or employee of any LLP before him for any such purpose in case the information has not been furnished to him or in case the Registrar is not satisfied with the information furnished to him.

Miscellaneous FAQs for LLP Form Layouts, My Application, DSC Association & Account Statuses

1. What are the functions of “My Application”?

“My Application” facilitates the following user activities –

User can view all the webforms filled by him in the last 15 days

User can edit, upload, download, make payments, resubmit, check status

User can edit saved and submitted form application history after clicking on edit action button

User can Download the Filed form after clicking on Download the PDF action button for the forms where status of SRN is pending DSC upload

User can Make Payments after clicking on “Pay Fees” action button for the forms where status of SRN is pending payment/payment incomplete

User can Resubmit the Filed form after clicking on Resubmit action button for the forms where status of SRN is “Resubmission required”

Saved and Draft forms will be auto deleted if payment is not made withing 15 days after form Submission

2. Can I save half-filled form?

The user can click on ‘Save’ for saving application in draft at any given time prior to Submit. The user needs to enter LLPIN before save option is enabled in this case. If the user saves the form, all the information filled by the user in the form will be saved and the user will be able to edit/update the information till the time form is submitted. The user will also be able to access the previously saved drafts (at a later point in time) using the application history functionality on the user dashboard. Status of the form/SRN would be ‘Draft/Pending submission’ till submitted.

3. How to check form details and status?

The user will also be able to access the previously saved drafts at any point of time using the application history functionality on the user dashboard. Following information will be available in the application history:

  • Form number – Number of the form
  • CIN/ LLPIN/ FCRN/ DIN/ DPIN (as applicable) – Unique identification number of the company/LLP or director/ designated partner (as applicable). In this case, LLPIN of the LLP.
  • Name of the entity/Individual – Name of LLP
  • SRN (Not applicable if the form is not submitted/application status is draft)
  • Status – Status of the form/SRN
  • ‘Draft/Pending submission’ till submitted
  • Relevant SRN status post submission
  • Last modified date – Date on which the form was last modified by the user
  • Proposed name (as applicable)

4. How to resubmit a form?

The user can access the form for resubmission through application history in the user dashboard, available post login, to view the status of all forms submitted by the user. Alternatively, the user can click on the link provided in the notification email received for resubmission. The user will be re-directed to the login page and post login the user will be re­directed to the application history.

The user selects the respective Form Application with ‘Resubmission required’ status, post which, he/ she will be redirected to the integrated application wherein original details would be auto populated. Once the user accesses the form, comments/reason provided by Approver shall be visible to the user.

5. What does the statuses signify?

The user can access Application history dashboard at any point of time during or after form filling and submission. The following statuses will be applicable at different phases with respective descriptions stating the significance –

Sl # Status Description
1 Draft/Pending submission Draft of the web-from is saved till the time SRN is generated
2 Pending for DSC upload and payment Once SRN is generated and DSC upload pdf is not successfully uploaded
3 Pending for DSC upload Applicable in case of resubmission of forms by FO users. Once the SRN is updated after submission till the time pdf is successfully uploaded
4 Payment incomplete DSC affixed pdf is successfully uploaded, and payment is pending
5 Resubmission Required Once the AO user reviews the form and confirm recommended action as “Send for resubmission”

6. What are the pre-conditions for filing any form?

The following conditions need to be fulfilled for filing any form relevant to the user –

The user should register in MCA portal either as LLP user or as Designated Partner or as a Professional and authorize oneself using Phone number, email ID and PAN

The user should have a valid username and password

The user should follow the instruction kit to avoid mistakes

The user should have necessary attachments/ digital certificates

7. How to download LLP Forms?

All LLP PDF Forms are now available as web-based forms which need not be downloaded. The user should access the specific forms from Home -> MCA Services -> LLP Services and from Home –> MCA Services –> e-filing and directly initiate filing.

8. From where can the layout of the form be referred to assist in filing?

Please refer the Instruction kit to refer the layout of the form.

9. How to access the instruction kit for filing any form?

As the user will open and view a form, there will be a blue link at the top right side. The user can click on the link to open a detailed PDF instruction kit on a new tab for reference. Also, there will be self-explanatory fields given in the form & pre-fill feature will aid the user will proceeding with filing & submission.

PDF instruction kit

10. Why is my form status not visible on Application history?

In the application history, maximum 15 rows will be displayed on one screen and applications will be sorted based on the last modification date; latest documents will be shown first. In case the number of applications is more than 15, pagination option will be provided to user to navigate between pages. The user will also be provided filter to identify the relevant form. User can use combination of filters to identify most relevant form.

For older forms or forms with no action since more than 15 days, the user can access/ view the same from ‘Historical Forms’ tab

11. How do I access Application History/ LLP Forms from MCA Menu options?

Kindly follow the steps as given below –

User should land on MCA Portal

User should register themselves or login with valid email ID and password

Click on Services to access LLP Forms

Click on My Application to access Application History

12. What is the size limit for documents and certificates to be attached/ uploaded?

The maximum size of each attachment of the form shall be maximum 2 MB. However, the overall size limit of the Form (including all attachments and DSC) shall be maximum 10 MB.

13. How to attach DSC?

After signing of the documents, the user will be required to upload the pdf document (with affixed DSC) on MCA portal against the SRN. The user can do so by accessing the application history, and an option to ‘upload documents’ will be provided against the SRN where the status is “pending for DSC upload and payment” or “pending for DSC upload”.

The following need to be ensure in order to attach DSC Certificate –

  • Embridge should be installed in user’s system for DSC to work.
  • PDF must be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to attach the DSC.
  • User should Configure new digital id’s/install in the system before attaching the DSC
  • For Associate DSC Service – The DSC user is using must be of Class 2 or higher Class

14. How can I confirm the designated fees for a form?

Kindly access the instruction kit from the top right side of the web form. The designated fees for a specific form is mentioned.

15. Where can I find forms filed on V2 Website?

Kindly follow the steps given below –

  • User should land on MCA Portal
  • Register or login with a valid email ID and password
  • Go to My Application >> Historical Forms

16. Why is my account locked?

If a user encounters 3 failed attempts due to either an invalid username or a password, the account will be locked for 4 hours. The user can try again after 4 hours. In case the user wants to login to his account before 4 hours, he/ she must reset the password by using the ‘Forgot password/use rname’ option to unlock their account

17. When does a session become inactive?

User account will automatically log off after 5 minutes of inactivity.

User will get warning message after 4 minutes of inactivity before the account gets log off.

Every time the user logs-out or attempts to create a new session, a new OTP shall be generated.

18. Why is my account deactivated?

In case a user does not log in his account for a continuous period of 60 days, then their account will be deactivated, and an email alert will be sent to the user stating the same.

In order to activate the account, the user will be required to reset his password using “Forgot password/use rname” option

19. Which browsers support MCA website?

The portal is best supported in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox

20. Can I import data from my previously filled form for resubmission?

No, there is no provision to import data from any previously filled form.

21. Will I get a confirmation of resubmission of Forms?

Yes, you will be notified through email and SMS whenever there is a change in the status of your Service Request.

22. Will get notified upon successful registration of DSC?

No separate notification would be sent upon successful registration of DSC. However, the status would be shown on the screen once the DSC association would be complete.

23. I have filed a Form in MCA21 V2 system and now it is required to be re-submitted in MCA21 V3, how do I resubmit the form?

To re-submit a form in the V3 system, please access the form basis the SRN No. from Application Dashboard. Application Dashboard can be access from “My Application” menu option present on the MCA Portal.

Payments Overview

MCA collects payments from users whenever they avail chargeable services. Fees to be charged for such services, are calculated based on the type of service sought and stipulated fee rules. User can make the payment via either “Online” or “Offline” modes of payment.

NTRP (Bharatkosh) portal will be used as payment gateway for all FO related payments.

NTRP Portal

The Non-Tax Receipt Portal (NTRP) is the initiative of O/o Controller General of Accounts, M/o Finance, Government of India to provide one stop services to deposit any fees/fine/other money into the Government Account. It converges all the Civil Ministries/Departments of Government of India. It aims to provide 24X7 year-round electronic services to deposit the money into Government Account using internet-based payment technologies to the users at the doorstep through the web-based portal. It thus leverages the e-Governance commitment of the Government to provide e-efficient, e-effective, e-excellent governance anywhere anytime.

Payment Types/Modes FAQs

1. What are the different kinds of payment that could be required?

MCA collects payments from users whenever they avail chargeable services. Fees to be charged for such services, are calculated based on the type of service sought and stipulated fee rules.

2. What are the different modes of payment available at MCA portal?

MCA collects payments from users whenever they avail chargeable services. Fees to be charged for such services, are calculated based on the type of service sought and stipulated fee rules. User can make the payment via either “Online” or “Offline” modes of payment.

3. What is the difference between “Online” and “Offline” modes of payment?

Online payment happens over the internet. Users can make this payment by using either their Credit Card or Debit Card or UPI or Net Banking.

Offline payment requires depositing money/fees in the bank as per the amount in the challan that gets generated upon selection of Offline Payment mode.

Payment Process FAQs

4. What is the process of online payment?

Step 1: Payment could be made either immediately upon successful submission of Service Request OR through Application Dashboard.

Step 2: Full particulars of remittance would be shown once the payment process is initiated. Click on “Make Payment” option on this screen as shown in the screenshot below. You will be redirected to “Payment Mode” Screen.

Payment Process

Figure 1

Step 3: Select Online mode of payment on the Payment Mode Screen and click on “Submit” button as shown in figure below.

Step 3

Figure 2

Step 4: You will be redirected to NTRP/Bharatkosh website where Depositor’s details and purpose for the transaction would be shown. Please click on “Confirm” Button after verifying the details.


Figure 3

Step 5: You will be redirected to Payment Gateway Screen. Please select your type of online payment method, provide the required details, accept the “Terms & Conditions” checkbox, and click on “Pay” button.

Payment Gateway Screen

Step 6: Please provide details of credit card/debit card/UPI/net banking based on the choice made in Step 5 to facilitate the transfer of money.

Step 7: Once payment is done, you will be redirected to Payment Status screen where the payment status would be shown. You will also receive the acknowledgement of the same on email and SMS. In case the payment fails, please try again after 4 hours.

Step 8: Receipt would be generated upon successful completion of payment and would be shown in a pop-up window. It can be downloaded for future reference.

5. What is the process of offline payment?

Step 1: Payment could be made either immediately upon successful submission of Service Request OR through Application Dashboard.

Step 2: Select Offline mode of payment on the Payment Mode Screen.

Select Offline mode

Figure 4

Step 3: Upon selection of offline mode of payment, a pop-up window will appear which will have details about the Offline Payment process.Read the details and click on “Proceed” Button.

pop-up window

Figure 5

Step 4: Clicking on proceed would open 3 tabs in your browser window: –

a) My application

b) Payment Challan

c) NTRP Portal

By default, NTRP Portal tab would be in focus as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 5:

If you are a registered NTRP user

a. Please provide your credentials and login by clicking on “Submit”.

Registered NTRP user

Figure 6

If you are not a registered NTRP User

a. Please provide bank details and IFSC code for validation and subsequent challan generation.

b. Upon successful validation, you would be redirected to confirmation screen (shown in figure 4). Apart from this, you would also get registered with NTRP and will receive an email with login credentials from NTRP. You would have to use these credentials to track payment status and upload UTR No. against the challan/Transaction Number post payment.

Step 6: Upon logging in, you will be redirected to Payment confirmation screen where your (depositor) details and purpose of making the payment would be displayed. Please click on “Confirm” Button to download the challan. Please save the challan. You would require the challan to complete the payment.

Payment confirmation

Figure 7

b. Clicking on “Confirm” will redirect to the final page where the Challan can be downloaded. Please download the challan by clicking on the “Download Depositor Slip” button as shown in Figure 5 below. You will also receive an acknowledgement of Challan generation on your registered email ID.

Clicking on “Confirm”

Figure 8

c. Clicking on “Back” will abort the transaction and redirect back to the Payment Status screen where message saying “Transaction Failed” will be displayed. You will have to re-initiate the transaction by accessing the relevant form from Application History and clicking on “Pay Fees”.

Step 7: Once payment is done, you will be redirected to Payment Status screen where the payment status would be shown. You will also receive the acknowledgement of the same on email and SMS.

6. Which bank do I need to deposit the fees/money in if I select offline payment mode?

The NTRS/RTGS transaction could be done through any nationalised Indian bank. However, money will be debited from the bank account provided during the transaction or basis bank account details saved in your NTRP registered account.

7. At which stage of filing/availing any service am I required to make the payment?

You can make the payment for availing any service either immediately upon successful generation of Service Request Number (SRN) OR later (within 7 days of SRN generation).

Process for making payment immediately upon generation of SRN:

  • Upon successful submission of the form, please upload the DSC affixed PDF document.
  • Upon successful upload of the PDF document, please click “Proceed to Payment”.
  • Clicking on “Proceed to Payment” would redirect to Payment Screen where Transaction Details would be shown. Please click on “Make Payment” on this screen to make the payment.
  • Clicking on “Make Payment” would redirect to Payment Mode screen where the payment can be made through either of online or offline modes.

Process for making payment at a later date (within 7 days after uploading an e-form or for two days after due date, whichever is earlier):

  • Alternatively, payment can be made at a later date provided DSC affixed PDF document has already been post successful submission of the form.
  • To make payment later, please login to the MCA portal and navigate to My Application webpage by clicking on “My Application” menu option.
  • Select the corresponding SRN and click on “Pay Fees” button on the right-hand side.
  • You will be redirected to the Payment Page. Please follow the steps detailed in Question 3 to complete the payment.

8. What are the prerequisites to make an online payment?

Online payment can only be made either through a valid credit card or debit card or UPI or Net banking facility.

9. What are the prerequisites to make an offline payment?

There are no prerequisites to make an offline payment. However, this mode of payment requires downloading the generated challan/depositor slip, depositing the money against that challan in the nearest bank branch and updating the UTR No. provided by the bank at NTRP portal. The offline payment has been detailed out in Question No 5.

10. Is stamp duty applicable for all the services/forms?

No. Stamp duty is not applicable on all the forms. You will be notified regarding stamp duty payment if it applies to your Service Request.

11. Do we need to pay the stamp duty separately?

Yes. If applicable, the stamp duty is to be paid separately. In case of online payment, upon successful completion of online payment and MCA Service Fee, an option to pay stamp duty would appear. The option can be availed to pay the stamp duty. Alternatively, stamp duty can also be paid through “Pay Stamp Duty” functionality under “MCA Services – Fee & Payment Services” on MCA Home Page.

In case of offline payment, a separate challan is generated and is automatically downloaded on the user’s system and the user is redirected to the NTRP portal for MCA service fee payment. In this case, user will be required to pay stamp duty fee via the ‘Pay Stamp Duty’ functionality.

12. Can the online payment be made later?

Yes, online payment can be made later. Process for making online payment later has been elaborated in Question No. 7.

13. Is the validity period for online payment different from offline payment?

No. Validity period is same for both online and offline payment modes which is 7 days.

14. I am getting an error page upon initiating the payment. What shall I do?

This could happen if NTRP/BharatKosh portal is down. Please wait and try again after some time.

15. I have lost my deposit slip. How can I download it again?

Lost deposit slip cannot be recovered. Please login to the MCA portal, navigate to My Application and initiate the payment again for the requisite SRN to generate a new deposit slip.

16. What is the timeline to complete the offline payment process?

It is required to link the UTN Number to the UTR Number on the NTRP portal within 7 days (or 2 days after due date, whichever is earlier) of Challan/Depositor Slip generation. In case linking is not complete within 7 days, the transaction will be cancelled.

17. I am not receiving Payment notifications on my email. What shall I do?

There could be delay in receiving payment notifications on the email. Please wait for some time. In case you do not receive Payment Notifications at all, please access the Complaint Services under “MCA Services” menu option.

Payment Status Tracking FAQs

18. Where would I see the status of the payment transaction?

If payment is successful

  • Successful payment message would be displayed on the payment status screen.
  • You will also receive payment success acknowledgement on your registered email ID and through SMS on your registered phone number.
  • Receipt would be generated upon successful completion of payment and would be shown in a pop-up window. It can be downloaded for future reference.
  • Alternatively, payment status can also be tracked using ‘Track Payment Status’ functionality under “Fee and Payment Services” under MCA services menu option on MCA portal.

If payment fails

  • Failure payment message would be displayed on the payment status screen. Clicking on “Ok” button will redirect to the home page. In this case, no receipt would be generated.
  • You will also receive payment failure acknowledgement on your registered email ID and through SMS on your registered phone number.
  • Alternatively, payment status can also be tracked using ‘Track Payment Status’ functionality under “Fee and Payment Services” under MCA services menu option on MCA portal.

19. What should I do if the transaction fails?

If the transaction fails, you will see the payment failure message on the Payment Status screen. You will also receive an acknowledgement of the same on your registered email ID and registered phone number. Please follow the instructions in the failure message.

To make the payment again – Please access “My Application”, select the relevant SRN and click on “Pay Fees” to make the payment.

20. What should I do if the payment transaction is pending?

If you made the payment online

Step 1: Kindly navigate to NTRP Portal (https://bharatkosh.gov.in/) 30 minutes after a transaction failure.

Step 2: Kindly click on Track your Payment/Payment History link present on the home page as shown in the figure below.

Track your Payment

Figure 9

Step 3: Please select normal Transaction, provide other details, and click on send OTP.

Step 4: You will be redirected to “Track Transactions” Page where history of transactions along with their status can be viewed.

Step 5: If the status of the transaction is shown as ‘FailRef’, then reinitiate the transaction through “My Application” on MCA portal.

Step 6: In case the amount is debited from your account in ‘FailRef’ case, then the amount will be refunded in 3-5 working days

If you made the payment offline

Step 1: Please ensure that the payment has been made as per the depositor slip and UTR Number has been updated against the depositor slip/Challan No on NTRP Portal. This can be done by logging into NTRP Portal and availing “Track your Payment” (https://bharatkosh.gov.in/) menu option as shown in Figure 7 below.

depositor slip

Figure 10

Step 2: Please wait for 2 hours after updating the UTR No. on NTRP Portal. It can take up to 2 hours for the status update at MCA Portal.

21. I have updated the UTR Number on the NTRP portal. However, the status of the Service Request under My Applications on MCA portal has not yet changed. What shall I do? Please wait for some time. It can take up to 2 hours for the status at MCA portal to get updated


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