ESI means self-funded social security and health insurance scheme specifically for Indian employees. This is managed with the help of ESI Act 1948, by employee’s state insurance corporation based on rules and regulations.
Eligibility criteria:
The ESI funds are applicable only for the employees whose salary is not exceeding beyond 21,000 rupees which does not include overtime, bonus, leave encashment are liable to avail of this scheme. This scheme also includes the cash benefits and medical facilities for employees and their immediate dependents acquired from ESI funds.
The ESIC has raised the wage limit to 21,000 rupees, which in turn means, the employees who are receiving a salary of 15,000 rupees and is now getting an extension to provide ESI benefits even if the employee is promoted to a salary range of 21,000 rupees.
What is ESI deduction from salary?
Around 12 % is contributed to PF account and 8.33% to Pension fund; 3. 67% to PF fund; 1.75% employee contribution. The calculation of ESI is done by the following method
1. For e.g. 9000 is the entered salary
2. The contribution from an employee is 1.75% for ESI. ESI = 9000*(1.75/100) = 158.
3. Contribution from employee 4.75% for ESI. ESI = 9000*(4.75/100) = 428.
The age limit is between 18 years to 30 years. But there is relaxation for the upper age limit. Around 10 more employees in a unit are given PF allowance.
“From a business perspective, the contribution towards insurance and provident fund comes as a cost burden to companies. This will help firms to hire more workers through savings in the rate of contribution” is said by officials.
Present Announcement
The scheme is changed from 6.5 to 4 percent for the first time in the two decades. The benefits of around 1.3 million employees that count to 40% reduction are noted from the employee contribution rate. The provisions of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 is in line with for the above purpose.
Around 4.75 % of workers pitch in their salary towards ESI. At present 1.75% donate their income for ESI. 3.25 percent from the employer’s income 0.75 percent of the employee. It is said to benefit “would benefit 36 million employees and 1.28 million employers”. The contribution is reduced to 4 percent for ESI benefits by ESIC.
Benefits for the firm
The cost of expenditure is reduced to 9 thousand crores every year to the industry. The number of workers hired will also be increased as the saving is increased. The compliance of law is also improved to favor the employers.
Effects for the employee:
The cost to company package is reduced with no changes in disposal income.
ESIC corpus shows a reduction in preventing better insurance scheme benefits.
Thus, we provide the best service to favor the company in all aspects and ensure the employees benefit to the fullest extent. Not all the employee is affected but, try to provide every other worker a better sum out of ESI Beneficiary. Both the positives and negatives are indicated clearly explained to the employee and the firm. The procedural steps are explained in a better manner by our excellence. We, at kanakkupillai focus on mutual understanding between employer and partner.
Sir, how to get child care leave (CCL) if ESI employees if the percentage reduced to 4% instead of 6.5% if ESI covered in interest. And if dependent childreen(s) age about 18 years how will get CCL on disability or sick in nature until marriage and how to get salary claims from ESI? ! Please note General Insurance have age covered premium slab also for medical insurance under General Insurance. Let us know smooth running of business and as employees welfare. Thanking you
Upto which age an employee can get covered under ESIC i mean the age limit for ESIC coverage
This article on ESI in old now. Contribution has been reduced drastically ,both for employer and employee. Rectify it