MSME represents Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. Enterprises are categorized under one category out of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises based on Investment & Annual Turnover Criteria. Registration under MSME is not yet made mandatory by the Government but beneficial in many ways for enterprises.
Enterprise can get MSME registration through online application on the government portal And after successful registration such enterprise will get MSME Certificate issued by the Ministry of MSME with lifetime validity.
MSME Certificate is also known as Udyam/MSME/Udyog Aadhaar Certificate, which can be easily Downloaded Online by following steps:-
STEP 1: Go to the Udyam portal through
STEP 2: On the Top Right Corner out of all Options select Option “Print/Verify”
STEP 3: Select Sub Option “Print Udyam Certificate” out of all sub options in Print/Verify Option
STEP 4: Enter following required details on “Udyami Login with OTP” Option.
I. Enter your 16 digit registered Udyam Registration Number into input box 1 in format “UDYAM-XX-00-0000000”
II. Enter your 10 digit Mobile Number in to input box 2, mobile number as filled in Udyam Aadhaar application data
STEP 5: For “Validate & Generate OTP” Choose either OTP on Mobile as filled in application or OTP on Email as filled in application
STEP 6: Enter OTP received on selected Mobile Number or Email and then Click on “Validate OTP & Print” Option
STEP 7: View Udyog Aadhaar Certificate Data at Home Screen
STEP 5: For getting Certificate Copy you can select either Print or Print with Annexure Option available at the Top-Center.
- Print Option – Only MSME Certificate will be available
- Print with Annexure Option – MSME Certificate with UAM Application (Udyam Aadhaar Memorandum Application) will be available
Special Tips : You can take Print and on safer side you should save MSME Certificate in PDF Format.
To sum up with the article “Bonus Tip” is Udyam Registration Number with Mobile Number filled in application is enough for getting Udyam Registration Certificate. If you face any kind of issue or need any kind of support then you are free to reach us at financial Tree Company & we get in touch with you soon.
Written by
CA Priyanka Patel
msme certificate
Certificate download