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Department of Revenue and Forest, Disaster Management,
Relief and Rehabilitation. Mantralaya, Mumbai- 400 032

Order No: DMU/2020/CR. 92/DisM-1, Date: 8th January, 2022


1. The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.

2. The Disaster Management Act, 2005

Whereas the State Government is satisfied that the people of Maharashtra are threatened with the spread of COVID-19 virus especially with the emergence of the Omicron variant. and therefore it is imperative to take certain emergency measures to prevent and contain the spread of the virus. The Government in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 2. of the Epidemic Diseases Act. 1897. read with all other enabling provisions of The Disaster Management Act. 2005, finds it is necessary to enforce the following measures throughout the State.

Now. therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 2 of the Epidemic Diseases Act. 1897 and the powers conferred under The Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned. in his capacity as Chief Secretary and Chairperson, State Executive Committee, State Disaster Management Authority hereby issues the following directions, that will come into force from 10th January, 2022 from 0000 hrs and will remain in force till the issue of any new order —

Sector/ Items Proposed Restrictions
Movement of People 1. No Movement in groups of 5 or more from 5 AM to 11 PM.

2.    No movement fromll PM to 5 AM, except for Essential Purposes.

Government Offices 1.  No visitors except with explicit and written permission of Heads of Offices.

2. Online interactions through VC for citizens to be enabled by Heads of Offices.

3.  Meetings on VC for all attendees coming from outside the same campus or head quarter.

4. Rationalization of employees present during office hours through promoting Work from Home as well as staggering of working hours depending upon the requirement by Heads of Offices. For this Head of Office may consider flexible hours for employees.

5. Head of Office to ensure strict adherence to CAB.

6. Thermal Scanners, Hand Sanitisers to be made available by all Heads of Offices.

Private Offices 1. Office Management to rationalise the number of employees through work from home and staggering of working hours. It is advised that not more than 50% of regular attendance be reached and for this Management may consider flexible hours for employees as well as keeping offices open for 24 hours and working in shifts,. Travel for the office purposes, if office has staggered timings and is working in odd hours is to be considered as movement for essential purposes on production of ID cards by employees. While taking these decisions, safety and convenience of women employees must be taken into consideration.

2. Only fully vaccinated employees to attend office physically. Non-vaccinated employees must be encouraged to go for full vaccination.

3. Strict adherence to CAB by all employees at all times to be ensured by Office Management.

4. Thermal Scanners, Hand Sanitisers to be made available by Office Management.

Marriages Maximum 50
Funeral and Last Rites Maximum 20
Social/ Religious/ Cultural/ Political Gatherings Maximum 50
Schools and Colleges Coaching Classes To remain closed till 15th February, 2022, except for:

1. Activities required to be taken by various Educational Boards for 10th and 12th Standard Students.

2. Administrative activities and activities to be undertaken by Teachers other than classroom teachings.

3. Activities specially directed by or permitted by School Education Department, Department of Skill and Entrepreneurship Development, Department of Technical and Higher Education, Department of Medical Education, Department of Women and Child Development or any statutory authority.

4. Exceptions if required by these departments and statutory authorities due to any exigency will have to he got approved by SDMA.

Swimming Pools. Gyms, SPAs. Wellness Centers and Beauty Saloons To remain closed
Hair Cutting Saloons 1. 50%capacity.

2.  To be closed from 10 PM to 7 Ml every day.

3. In case of any setup with multiple activities, other activities shall remain closed.

4. These hair cutting saloons must adhere to strict CAB and all the persons engaged must be fully vaccinated.

Sporting Competitive Events 1. To be deferred, except for National and International levels competitions already scheduled, with following:

1. No Audience.

2.  Bio-Bubble for all the Players and Officials.

3. GOI rules shall be applicable for all participating international and domestic players.

4.  RT-PCR/ RAT every third day  for all Players and Officials.

2. No city or district level sports camps. competitions, events to be organized.

Entertainment Parks, Zoos, Museums, Forts and other ticketed places/ events for general public. Local Tourist Spots (DDMAs to declare such spots for their respective jurisdictions) To remain closed
Shopping malls, market complexes with restricted entry 1.  50% capacity. Information about Fully Capacity as well as Present Number of Visitors must be displayed on a notice board outside establishment for information of all visitors.

2.  Management to appoint marshals to ensure strict observance of CAB by all visitors and staff.

3.  RAT Testing Booth Kiosks.

4.  Only fully vaccinated persons to be allowed.

5.  To be closed from 10 PM to 8 AM every day

Restaurants, eateries 1. 50% capacity. Information about Fully Capacity as well as Present Number of Visitors must be displayed on a notice board outside establishment for information of all visitors.

2. Only fully vaccinated persons to be allowed.

3. To be closed from 10 PM to 8 AM on all days.

4. Home delivery allowed all days.

Natyagriha, Cinema Theatres, 1. 50% capacity. Information about Fully Capacity as well as Present Number of Visitors must be displayed on a notice board outside establishment for information of all visitors

2. Only fully vaccinated persons to be allowed.

3. To be closed from 10 PM to 8 AM on all days.

International Travel As per GOI guidelines
Domestic Travel Double vaccination or mandatory negative RTCPR test report valid from upto 72 hrs of the time of arrival into the State. This shall apply to air, train as well as on road passengers. This will also apply for drivers, cleaners and other support staff that may be travelling.
Cargo Transport, Industrial Activities, Construction Activities On, only by fully vaccinated persons
Public Transport Only for Fully vaccinated persons
Conduct of Examinations by UPSC/MPSC/ Statutory Authorities/ Public Institutions etc.


1. All competitive exams being held at National level shall be as per the GOI guidelines. Hall tickets for these exams shall be valid document to prove essential purpose for movement.

2. All competitive exams being held at State level where hall tickets have already been issued and dates of examination have already been notified, shall be conducted as notified. All further examinations shall be conducted only after sanction of SDMA.

3.    Conduct of examination shall be strictly as per CAB protocols and DDMA shall appoint observers for the same.

I. Essential Purposes for movement:

1. Medical emergencies

2. Performing an essential service. (Essential Services shall be as specified in Annexure I ).

3. Movement towards or from Airport, Railway Stations, Bus Stations, with a valid ticket for the journey.

4. For offices that are opened 24 hours, staff movement for various shifts to be considered as essential.

2. CAB regulations shall be as specified in Annexure 2.

3. All persons working in shops, restaurants, hotels or any establishment engaged in e-commerce or home-delivery must be fully vaccinated. The management shall be held responsible and if any ease is found in contravention to this requirement, concerned establishment shall be closed by DDMA, Periodic testing using RAT for staff engaged in these activities are to be carried out by the management.

COVID 19 Restrictions in Maharashtra WEF 09th January 2022

4. Augmented Restrictions may be enforced separately for districts with low vaccination coverage.

5. DDMA may suggest modifications to these restrictions to SDMA. These will come into force only with prior permission of SDMA.

6. DDMA has lull authority to requisition staff and or resources from State Government Offices or any Institutions aided by State Government for the purposes of Covid management.


(Debashish Chakrabarty)
Chief Secretary



Essential Services to include the Following-

1. Hospitals, diagnostic centers, Clinics. vaccination,. Medical insurance offices, Pharmacies, Pharmaceutical companies, other medical and health services including supporting manufacturing and distribution units along with their dealers, °Import and supply chain. Manufacturing and distribution Or vaccines, sanitizers, musks, medical equipment, their ancillaries, raw material units and support services.

2. Veterinary Services/ Animal Care shelters and pet food shops

3. All operations related to forestry as declared by the Forest Department

4. Aviation and related services (airlines, airports, maintenance, cargo, ground services, catering, fueling, security etc)

5. Groceries, Vegetables Shops, fruit vendors, dairies, bakeries, confectionaries, all  type of food shops selling raw/ processed/ cooked food.

6. Cold Storage and Warehousing services

7. Public Transport: Airplanes, Trains, Taxis, Autos and public buses.

8. Services related to functioning of offices of Diplomats of various countries

9. Pre Monsoon Activities by local authorities

10. All Public Services by local authorities.

11. Reserve Bank of India and services designated by RBI as essential

12. All offices of SERI recognized market infrastructure institutions such as Stock Exchanges, depositories, clearing corporations etc and other intermediaries registered with SEBI

13. Services required lbr restoration/ maintenance of telecom services

14. Transport of Goods

15. Water Supply Services

16. Agriculture related activities and all allied activities required to ensure seamless continuity of the agricultural sector including availability of farming input, seeds, fertilizers, equipment’s and repairs thereof.

17. Export – Import of all commodities

18. E-Commerce (only for the supply of essential goods and services)

19. Accredited Media

20. Petrol Pumps and Petroleum related products; including offshore / onshore production

21. All cargo services

22. Data Centers/ Cloud Services/ IT services supporting critical infrastructure and services

23. Government and Private Security Services

24. Electric and gas supply services

25. ATM’s

26. Postal Services

27. Ports and related activities

28. Custom House Agents/ Licensed Multi Modal Transport Operators associated with movement of vaccines/ lifesaving drugs/ pharmaceutical products.

29. Units producing raw material/ packaging material for any essential services

30. Units that are engaged in production of materials for impending rainy season for individuals as well as for organisations.

31. Offices of Central, State and Local governments, including of their statutory authorities and organisations

32. Cooperative, PSU and Private Banks

33. Offices of companies providing essential services

34. Insurance / Mediclaim Companies

35. Pharmaceutical company offices needed for management of Production/distribution

36. RBI regulated entities and intermediaries including standalone primary  dealers, CCIL, NPCI, payment system operators and financial market participants operating in RBI regulated markets.

37. All Non Banking Financial Corporations

38. All micro Finance institutions

39. Offices or advocates operations ol. Courts, Tribunals or Commissions of Enquirers are on.

40. Any Services designated as essential services by local disaster management authority.

Annexure 2


Definition: CAB can be defined as the everyday common behaviour needed to be followed by individuals and organisations to curb the spread of the COVID 19 virus and thereby breaking the chain of transmission of the same.  Aspects of behaviour that’s characterised as CAB include those mentioned below and also all such rational aspects that may hinder spread of Covid 19 virus given its methodology of spread indicated herein.

Following are some aspects of basic COVID appropriate behaviour that have to be followed by everyone at all times.

a. Wear a mask at all times in the right way. Mask should cover nose and mouth at all times. (An handkerchief will not be considered as mask & person using would be liable for fine.)

b. Maintain social distancing (6 feet distance) at all times wherever possible.

c. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly by soaps or sanitisers.

d. Avoid touching nose/ eyes/ mouth without washing your hands with soap or without use of sanitiser.

e. Maintain proper respiratory hygiene.

f. Regularly clean and disinfect frequently cleaned surfaces.

g. When coughing or sneezing, cover the mouth and nose using tissue and throw used tissues in the trash; if one doesn’t have tissue, one should cough and sneeze into bent elbow and not one’s hand.

h. Do not spit in public places.

i. Avoid venturing out of the house unless absolutely required.

j. Avoid crowds and maintain safe distance (6 feet distance) in public places.

k. Greet anyone without physical contact.

l. Any other rational behaviour required for avoiding spread of. Covid 19 virus, given its methodology of spread, indicated herein.

A. Work Place CAB

1. Permission for functioning of work place as well as maximum number of stair that nmy tend work place in any shill permitted shall be as per orders from time to time.

2. CAB as stated in section I shall be followed by everyone engaged and without prejudice to generality and comprehensibility or responsibilities and duties of organization stated above, owner organization shall be responsible for CAB behaviour of each individual engaged in the work place. Social distancing at work places shall be ensured through adequate gaps between shifts, staggering the lunch breaks of staff, etc. If there is a food mess or location, it shall follow SOP for eateries. Number of Shifts maybe increased with the permission or DDMA. if there are restrictions on timings of movements, to ensure less crowding in any shift as well as for the purposes of backlog or the ‘vork that may have got impacted due to closure of work.

3. Provision for thermal scanning, hand wash and sanitiser preferably with touch free mechanism will be made at all entry and exit points and common areas. In addition, sufficient quantities of handwash and sanitizer shall be made available in the work places.

4. Frequent sanitization of entire workplace, common facilities and all points which come into human contact e.g. door handles etc., shall be ensured, including between shifts.

5. Use of Arogya Sew app shall be made mandatory for all employees, both private and public.

6. Hospitals/ clinics in the nearby areas, which are authorized to treat COVID-19 patients, should be identified and list should be available at work place all the times. Employees showing any symptom of COVID-19 should be immediately sent for check up to such facilities. Quarantine areas should be earmarked for isolating employees showing symptoms till they arc safely moved to the medical facilities.

B. Gatherings


1. Maximum number of guests as well as hours of gathering allowed shall be as regulated from time to time.

2. All the attendees as well as service providers will mandatorily wear face masks and maintain social distancing throughout the ceremony and follow CAB as mentioned in section 1.

3. Service of food must be staggered in a way that does not cause much interaction and shall follow generally guidelines for eateries/ restaurants. Over and above these guidelines. food area will serve at any time only as much guests as 50% of the capacity.

4. Without prejudice to generality of responsibilities and duties of the organization owning the marriage hall, it shall be the duty of the facility to make available adequate hand sanitiscrs/ thermal scanners for the guests. All the personnel from the side of the facility including cleaning stall and catering stall’ to be compulsorily vaccinated

5. In the case of a staff members found to be without a valid test, a fine of will be levied on each detbulter as well as on the establishment under these rules. In case of any violations by any guests, the families of the groom and bride and the establishment will be lined under these rules. Repeated defaults shall lead to sealing of the establishment for the time until COVID 19 remains notified as a disaster by the Central Government.

Funerals and Last Rites

1. All the attendees as well as service providers will mandatorily wear face masks and maintain social distancing throughout the rites and follow CAB as mentioned in section I.

2. Local authorities/ trusts/ organizations in charge of the establishments shall be responsible for ensuring conformity to CAI3 by all.

3. The maximum numbers allowed shall be as per regulations from time to time.

Other social, religious, election, entertainment or cultural gatherings:

1. Permissions for these gatherings as well as the maximum numbers allowed shall be as per regulations from time to time.

2. Food if also being served, its section shall be separately delineated and generally SOPs for eateries shall be followed there at. If at any time, as per restrictions in place, dine in is not allowed in any eateries, food shall not be served in such gatherings either for eating there at.

3. All the attendees as well as service providers will mandatorily wear face masks and maintain social distancing throughout the rites and follow CAI3 as mentioned in section I.

4. Owner of the premises shall be responsible as an organization for following of CA13 in the premises.

5. While organising election related gatherings or activities, election officer shall ensure that these shall he staggered to the extent possible to ensure minimum number required at any moment.

C. CAB in Public and Private Transport:

I. For Taxis/ Autos and other private transport operators (Except Buses/ trains ):

I. All taxi/ Autos and other private transport operators (except buses) operators to sanitize the vehicles after every trip to ensure safety of self and passengers.

II. Any person found to be travelling without mask/ not wearing mask correctly will result in the defaulter as well as the taxi driver being fined under these rules.

II. Buses:

I. In the case of buses, they can travel with as much capacity as allowed under orders from time to time.

II. Passengers found to be without masks/ not wearinL2, masks or engaging in any non-CAB confirming behaviour in proper manner must be asked to disembark.

III. Public transport authorities have the right to impose fines under these rules. Proceeds against these shall be used by the public transport authorities for ensuring CAB confirmations by their operations.

III. Local trains/ metro/ mono rails:

I. All passengers shall compulsorily follow CAB mentioned herein above. For these, a separate Universal travel Pass has been issued by SDMA which allows only fully vaccinated passengers to travel by local trains and metro.

II. Passengers found to be without masks/ not wearing masks or engaging in any non-CAB confirming behaviour in proper manner must be asked to disembark.

III. Public transport authorities have the right to impose lines under these rules. Proceeds against these shall be used by the public transport authorities for ensuring CAB confirmations by their operations.

IV. In the case of out-station trains, all passengers to compulsorily wear masks and no standees will be allowed in the general compartment. Violators ‘vill be lined an amount of Rs.500 for non- compliance of the same.

IV. Private Cars:

1. For multiple persons, except when belonging to same family travelling in a private car, proper wearing of masks to be compulsory. Penalties can be imposed on violation of the same by the local DDMA’s.

D. Shops/ Malls/ Theatres and other such standalone or multi-outlet establishments:

1. These shall remain open only durinu such hours and on days that arc allowed by various orders from time to time.

2.These shall enforce CAB by all their visitors as well as staff members. If any staff member is found to be without the Mask or defaulting on any of CAB prescribed herein or in any SOP that may be floated by SDMA, staff member shall be fined along with the shop owner as per these rules. If any customer is found to flaunt CAB, he or she will not be served by the establishment and if found to be serving, along with fine on the defaulting customer. owner of the establishment shall also be fined. Repeated defaults shall cause withdrawal of license or permission to operate till Covid 19 notification as disaster remains in force.

E Penalties:

  • An individual not following CAB expected is these rules shall be fined Rs. 500/- for each instance of default.
  • If the default by an individual is seen in any premises  of organization or  establishment that is supposed to imposing CAB on their visitors customers etc in addition to imposing fine on the individual. these organization or establishments shall also befined Rs. 10000-. If any organization or establishment is seen to be a regular defaulter in ensuring discipline for CAB in its visitors, customers etc. such organization or  establishment  shall be closed till the notification of Covid 19 as a disaster remains in force.
  • If an organization or establishment fails to follow CAB or SOP itself. it will be liable to be tine of Rs. 50000/- for each instance. Frequent defaults  shall lead to closure of the organization or establishment till the notification of Covid 19 as a disaster remains in force.
  • If a default is found inside any taxi or private transport four- wheeler or inside any bus. along with the individual defaulting CAB being  fined Rs. 500/-. driver. helper or conductor who are providimz service shall also be fined Rs. 500 -. Owner transport agency in cases of buses shall be fined Rs. 10000 – for each instance of default. Frequent defaults shall lead to withdrawal of license or closure of operations for the owner agency till the notification of Covid 19 as a disaster remains in force.
  • Any organization or establishment or agency that do not follow special SOP floated for them under these rules from time to time shall attract a tine of Rs. 50000/- for each incidence of such failures and may attract closure till the notification of Covid 19 as a disaster remains in force.
  • In case of repeated. serious or Mala tide violations IPC 269/270 in addition to 188 of IPC may be attracted for arrests and imprisonment.
  • The above mentioned rules regarding COVID appropriate behaviour to be followed mandatorily and violation of the same will result in fines and penalties as stated above as well as any other tine or penalty may be levied on the violators by any disaster management authority in accordance with the Disaster management Act, 2005. The rules/ polices for CAB shall be in the above and any other issue regarding CAB not specifically mentioned herein shall be in accordance with the current rules/ orders of the State Government that are in force.

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