(An Autonomous Organisation under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
No. CBSE/CE/Exam. 2021/
dated: 14th April, 2021
Looking to the present situation of the pandemic and school closures, and also taking in account the safety and well-being of the students, it is decided as follows:
1. The Board Exams for Class XII to be held from May 4th to June 14th 2021 are hereby postponed. These exams will be held hereafter. The situation will be reviewed on 15 June, 2021 by the Board, and details will be shared subsequently. A notice of at least 15 days will be given before the start of the examinations.
2. The Board Exams for Class X to be held from 4th May to June 7th 2021 are hereby cancelled. The results of Class X Board will be prepared on the basis of an objective criterion to be developed by the Board. Any candidate who is not satisfied with the marks allocated to him/her on this basis will be given an opportunity to sit in an exam as and when the conditions are conducive to hold the exams.
(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj)
Controller of Examinations