Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
16-December-2016 17:25 IST
Norms and Procedure for Appointment of Non-Official Directors (NODs) on the Boards of Public Sector Banks (PSBs)/Reserve Bank of India (RBI)/Financial Institutions (FIs)/Public Sector Insurance Companies (PSICs)
The details of norms and procedure for appointment of Non-Official Directors (NODs) on the Boards of Public Sector Banks (PSBs)/Reserve Bank of India (RBI)/Financial Institutions (FIs)/Public Sector Insurance Companies (PSICs) are as follows:
I. Criteria of experience
The following categories of persons will be considered for appointment of Part-Time Non-Official Directors on the Boards of PSBs/RBI/FIs/PSICs:
• Persons of eminence with special academic training or practical experience in the fields of agriculture, rural economy banking, cooperation, economics, business management, human resources, finance, corporate law, Risk Management, industry and IT will ordinarily be considered. 20 years of industry experience at a senior position, established expertise in respective areas (successfully led a reputed organization, brought turnaround in a failing organization) would be preferred.
• Retired senior Government officials with total experience of 20 years and minimum 10 years of experience at Joint Secretary and above level. Retired CMDs/EDs of Public Sector Banks after one year of retirement. The ex-CMDs/EDs will not be considered for appointment as NoD on the Board of the PSB from which they have retired. Serving CMDs/EDs of a PSB will not be considered for appointment as NoD on the Board of any other PSB.
• Academicians Directors of premier Management Banking Institutes and Professors having more than 20 years experience.
• Chartered Accountants with 20 years experience (excluding audit experience) would also be preferred.
• However, the experience criteria may be relaxed with the approval of the Finance Minister in exceptional cases based on merits of the case.
• Wherever possible representation may also be given to women and the persons belonging to SC/ST/OBC community.
II. Criteria of Educational Qualification
An NoD should at least be a graduate in any stream preferably with specialization in Business Management, Risk Management, Finance, Human Resources and IT.
III. Criteria of age
The age of the Director, on the date of recommendation by Search Committee should not be more than 67 years.
IV. Criteria of Work Experience
Professionals/academicians should ordinarily have 20 years of work experience in their particular field.
V. Criteria of Disqualification
• A Director already on a Bank/Financial Institution (FIs)/RBI/Insurance Company, under any category, may not be considered for nomination as NoD in any other Bank/FI/RBI/Insurance Company.
• Persons connected with hire purchase, financing investment, leasing and other para-banking activities, MPs, MLAs, MLCs and Stock Brokers will not be appointed as non-official directors on the boards of Banks/FIs/RBI/Insurance Companies. Investors in a hire purchase, financing investment, leasing and other para banking activities would not be disqualified for appointment as NOD, if they are not having any managerial control in such companies.
• No person may be re-nominated as an NOD on the Board of a Bank/FI/RBI/Insurance Company on which he/she has served as Director in the past under any category for two terms or six years whichever is longer.
VI. Criteria of Tenure
An NoD would not be considered for nomination as a Director on the Board of a Bank/FI/RBI/Insurance Company if such Director has already been a NoD/Shareholder Director on the board of any other Bank/FI/RBI/Insurance company for six years, whether continuously or intermittently.
Based on above guidelines, Government has appointed 33 NODs on the Board of PSBs, FIs and RBI.
This was stated by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.