No. 12(7)/E.Coord/2016
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block Delhi
Dated: 22nd June, 2016.
Subject: Action Taken on the observations/Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee contained in their Forty Second Report (16th Lok Sabha) on “Non-compliance by the Ministries/Departments in timely submission of Action Taken Notes on the Non-Selected Audit Paragraphs (Civil and other Ministries.”
The Public Accounts Committee in para 14 of 42nd Report (16th Lok Sabha) have observed as under:-
Para 14 :– The Sub-Committee, as the name itself suggests, has been tasked primarily to ensure compliance by Ministries/Departments of the Union Government in timely submission of Remedial Action Taken Notes on the Audit Examination . However, as mentioned in the preceding paras, A TNs on a large number of paragraphs pertaining to various Ministries selected by earlier Committees are still pending with the Ministries. Ministries are certainly aware of the importance our Constitution has attached to Public financial accountability and the elaborate mechanism it has put in place for the same . The Committee would like to be apprised of the mechanism in place with the Ministry/Department to attend the timely submission of ATNs and the efforts made in recent years to ensure compliance in timely submission of remedial/correction ATNs on Audit observations on Ministry’s functioning .
2. Instructions already exists for timely submission of Action Ta ken Notes on non selected paragraphs which has time and again been insisted upon by this Department for strict compliance. In spite of this, it is noticed that submission of ATNs on non selected paragraphs are not fully followed leading to adverse comments from the PAC. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to indicate by 15.07.16 to this Department the mechanism in place within the Ministry to attend timely submission of ATNs and efforts made.
(Annie George Mathew)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India