Telephone: 26196236
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110066,
Date- 04.05.17
No: Pension- Pen-I/17(10)2016-17/Jeevan Pramaan/2609
All ACCs (Zonal Offices)
All Regional P.F. Commissioner (In-Charge of Regions),
All officers-in-charge of SROs.
Subject:- Submission of Aadhaar as identity document by the Pensioners and Members of the EPS, 1995 — regarding.
Attention is drawn to this office letter No. Pen-I/17(10)2016-17/Jeevan Pramaan/28246 dated 31.01.2017 and letter No. Pen-I/17(10)2016-17/Jeevan Pramaan/32049 dated 28.02.2017 on the cited subject.
Various references have been received citing difficulties in submission of aadhaar along with pension claims from North East Region in general and Assam in particular as the aadhaar enrolment process is not substantial there. This has led to issues in settlement of pension claims.
The matter has been examined in light of the above and it has been decided that aadhaar may not be insisted for pension (10 D) claims for members working in establishments located in the North Eastern states till 30.09.2017.
However, all efforts be made for linking aadhaar for members and pensioners under EPS, 1995as early as possible.
(This issues with the approval of CPFC)
Yours faithfully
(R.M. Verma)
Addl. Central PF Commissioner