Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Complaints related to CRC
a. Stakeholder/professionals can raise a complaint on MCA website through link A complaint number (ticket number) would be issued to the complainant and it would be resolved within 3 working days.
b. If complaints related to Name Reservation or Company Incorporation are not resolved to the satisfaction of the stakeholders, they may file review by sending an email to The review will be done by a Joint Secretary level officer of MCA within 7 days. The stakeholder would also be informed about the decision of the review.
c. If the complainant is still not satisfied, he/she can file 2nd review by sending an email to (mentioning 2nd review in the title of the email). The 2nd review will be done by Secretary, Corporate Affairs within 7 days. The stakeholder would also be informed about the decision of the 2nd review.
d. In the 1st and 2nd review email, the complaint number along with the date on which it was raised should be clearly mentioned along with the details of problem being faced by them.