Case Law Details
Case Name : Nitin Gunwant Shah Vs Indian Bank (Supreme Court of India)
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
Supreme Court of India
This is a typical case of the abuse of the process of the legal system by unscrupulous litigants. The person entitled in law to the possession of any immovable property, which is in the occupation of some other persons whether a tenant, licencee or trespasser can evict such tenant, licencee or trespasser by obtaining a decree for eviction from a competent civil court.
Attachment and sale of immovable properties of a person, who is adjudged to be owing some amount to another person is one of th
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welcome judgement for fast to recover such bad loans,which are otherwise fully secured.
Good Judgement . Act immediately.
CA. Subhash Chandra Podder, FCA.