COVID 19 Pandemic has changed our Life, Lifestyle, thoughts, behaviour and work life balance beyond our imagination. Nobody has imagined that the present Pandemic will occur at any point of time suddenly. No one was prepared for the same. This Article deals with existing circumstances, problems, benefits and disadvantages with respect to Working from Home (WFH) work environment caused due to COVID 19 Pandemic.
The Work environment before Pandemic used to be from Home to Office and now the work culture from home to home only. This work culture is however restricted to actual office work activities including Professionals rendering services especially Information Technology related services and other Service related activities. Pure manufacturing sector cannot be considered from work from a home point of view.
We shall discuss Benefits or advantages with respect to work from home . :
From Employees Point of View :
1) The most important benefit lies in better work – personal life balance leading to peace of mind.
2) Time spent on travel, traffic reduced leading to better health
3) Reduction in overall costs.
4) Better job satisfaction.
5) Adoption of latest technology like online meetings and other technology improving work efficiency (Digital Office).
From Company Point of View
1) Reduction in overall cost of office expenses and administration related expenses
2) Faster compliance and timely completion of work since employees are not tired due to travel and traffic.
3) By using online mode, monitoring of employees streamlined.
4) Improved work performance of employees through WFH, improves productivity of company and better output.
From Society Point of View
1) Improved standard of living due to WFH.
2) Better and Clean Environment
3) Online education facilities for children but deprived them from ground realities and playing on ground.
Disadvantages with respect to work from home :
From Employees Point of View :
1) Disturbances at Family Level, stress in handling both office and home work.
2) Simultaneous online classes of children and office work clashes
3) Overwork due to availability at home anytime.
4) Women face difficulties in work-home balances.
From Company Point of View
1) Supervision and monitoring of performance of employees working from home becomes a little bit difficult.
2) Sensitive data sharing and preservation of data becomes critical from a company point of view.
3) Productivity and timely results of work assigned is a little bit challenging.
Every coin has two sides. We have to consider both sides then only the coin has a Value. Similarly, every crisis like COVID 19 has thrown many challenges and opportunities to mankind. It is up to mankind and society to see the positive side or strengths and ignore negative sides or weaknesses. The same principle applies to the concept of WFH (Work from Home). Let us hope for the best and prepare for the worst in this trying time in the history of mankind.
Disclaimer : The views expressed in this Article are purely based on prevailing circumstances. Readers are advised to make sound judgement and the Author shall not be liable for any interpretation of facts. You may reach me at
this author has analysed employer and employees problems and advantages to both. very good.