We only are responsible for our own acts and deeds. It is an old age human tendency that when we face failure in any aspect of life we blame others for that and when we succeed, we only remember our own efforts and nothing else.
Have we ever thought why this was happened? Why can’t we accept the responsibility for our own failures? If we don’t share credit of our success then how can we have a right to blame others for our own failure?
Growth in our personality and /or in our positive attitude is wholly depending upon how often we accept the responsibility for our own acts and deeds. If we don’t accept our failure and always blame others for that we will never able to learn from our mistakes.
There are people who always pointed others or held others responsible for their every failure in their own life and never give credit of success which is very contradictory approach towards living life.
When we start accepting and / or held ourselves responsible for our own acts and deeds, we will see the difference by way of positive attitude, able to learn from our past mistakes and / or failures.
So now onward always accept responsibility and be accountable for every deed of your own actions.
Have a Great Responsible and Accountable year ahead !!

Blaming others not accepting own responsibility