Most of the time we don’t work on a new idea due to fear of getting made fun of by others. But, who are these others? Why do they decide what to do or what not to do by us? The other reasons for not working on a new idea or not getting into a new venture is that we may be so superstitious about date, day, time or think that the resources are not enough to get into it.
This type of thinking keeps us where we are in life currently. No progress or improvement curve. Straight line in life. In medical science, the straight line in ECG means dead. If we don’t want to be dead while living then we must ponder upon the thought that “Any Time is a Good Time TO START.”
- New Investment:-
Many new investors or even regular investors wait for the market to crash. So that they will invest and get benefited. But what would happen if you don’t have money at that time? Are you able to invest? So, instead of depending upon the outer things, do your inner work (homework) and start investing whenever you have surplus funds. Therefore, any time is a good time to start a new investment.
- New Venture:-
As I said in my introductory paragraph that due to fear of getting made fun of by others, most of the time we don’t even work upon good new ideas. And then we become jealous of others who worked upon the same idea and built a fortune. So, don’t think of what others would say if I fail in my new venture or project. Life is a learning journey. No one here is accomplished and or perfect. Therefore, don’t think about what others would think or say. Walk on your selected path and just remember that any time is a good time to start a new venture or a new project or work upon a new idea.
- New Habit:-
If you are thinking that you would get more time once your responsibilities towards your children and or towards your office or professional field get gradually less then you are making a fool of yourself. It would never happen. And situation would come in your life, where you have to forcefully do such stuff which you are currently postponing under the cover of insufficient time or it is not a right time to start with. Therefore, any time is a good time to start a new habit like exercise, walking, running, yoga, reading etc.
- Work on your Hobby:-
As I mentioned above, in the new habit point we give lot of excuses, reasons for being unable to do it. But, we don’t get one valid good reason to start it. Don’t wait for retirement to work on your hobby. No one is able to predict what tomorrow would bring. “Do it Today” keeps this mantra in your life. Here, I want to give my father an example. He was a superb pencil sketcher. However, due to household responsibilities early in his life and then in government jobs, he was never able to take out time for his hobby. Actually he kept his hobby secondary. At the end when he retired, within six days of his retirement he was no more. He thought that he would work on his hobby after retirement but that never came. Therefore, any time is a good time to start working on your hobby.
- Re-bonding a Relationship:-
Any kind of relationship to go on forever requires two pillars on which it is to be built. And those pillars must be strong enough and hold their hands together. Thank you and sorry are two words, if used at the right time would work as magic. Don’t wait what others would think or the other pillar would think when you think and want to take a first step forward to keep that relationship going on. Therefore, any time is a good time to re-bonding a relationship.
- Afresh:-
We face many ups and downs in life. These ups and downs show that our life is ticking like a heart. That is we are alive. No one wants a straight line. Whenever we face downfall in life, start afresh. Start from scratch. Don’t wait for the right time to come. It is always there. If you wait for the right time, right resources, you will remain far behind in your good fortune. Don’t let that happen to you. Therefore, any time is a good time to start afresh.
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