1. Use Keywords: Keywords are those words that are important in the provisions of law. These words will help us to remember provisions and also one can make notes from it in exam.
e.g. Section 152(1) “where there is no provision made in the articles of a company for the appointment of the first director, the subscribers to memorandum who are individuals shall be deemed to be the first directors of company until the directors are duly appointed and in case of a OPC an individual being a member shall be deemed to be its first director until the director or directors are duly appointed by the members in accordance with this section.
In the above company law section “keywords” are no provisions in articles, first director, individuals, subscribers to MOA, OPC. By remembering these words you can remember the provisions of section easily.
2. You can also create Mind Maps with respect to certain aspects of Company Law. Like you can create mind maps with respect to company law by linking various aspects of a related topic.
E.g. Charges ——-creation———modification————-satisfaction————what if not satisfied……
Forms to be filed
When, who to file
Within what time
In this way we can go so on and so forth.
3. Saying your notes out loud acts as a memory mechanism in your brain which help you remember your study notes better.
4. Note down Chapter wise forms and sections that are applicable. This will help you at the time of revision. Practice writing self-test questions. Also practice writing past ICSI papers. The more you practice the more are chances of your success.
5. You can consider using ‘SQ3R’ technique of studying. Under this technique one has to first review what they are proposing to study, then they shall understand whether any such things they have studied earlier, recollect what you know about the topic which you are going to study, recollect your earlier study, validate that same thing with what is written in the study topic, if there is something different correct your knowledge.
Then pose questions which come to your mind viz. How, when, where, what, who etc.
Try and find answers for this. If you get the answers jt down and keep on recollecting it whenever you get time. This will help you to remember the topic for long.
Next article will be on “study techniques for SEBI” and “How to solve SEBI sums”
(Author is an Associate Member of ICSI. He is also M.Com and LLB. He conducts coaching classes and online Test Series for CS in Kalyan (Maharashtra). He can be reached on what’s app at 9619571433 and vallabh.joshi87@gmail.com)