Respected Member,
We have launched the new Self Service Portal (SSP) for automating all forms for Students, Members and Firms, on the 28th May 2019. We are pleased to inform you that a lot of functions are working perfectly and processing / approval of the same is being done within 48 hours.
We are also aware that in some member services the system are not working smoothly and members are facing problems. We, along with TCS team, who have developed this system are working round the clock to resolve them. We assure you that it will stabilize soon.
We realize that a lot of you have sent emails to the support centre email ids, including regional offices with your grievances.
Due to the huge traffic of emails and phone calls, we may not been have been able to respond to you in the most appropriate manner, and we offer our sincere regrets. We request your continued patience in this regard.
We also assure you that we will ensure that no condonation fees is levied on you due to the system error or due to your inability to fill any form on time.
Please read on for a few suggested measures to start using the platform for the forms already working in the system.
• Since only registered members to the new portal can access the forms, you need to register yourself with a signed declaration in order to get access to the platform. The uploaded signed declaration will be approved by the office, and you shall receive your username and password only after this.
• Members who have already registered with the new portal may start using your credentials (username : 6Digit MRN@ICAI.Org) and the password as provided. You may choose to use the “Forgot Password” option in order to reset your password.
• Registered members are requested to proceed to pay their annual membership fees, which is auto-calculated based on your profile.
• Members who have already applied for their credentials, along with their uploaded signed declaration, will soon get their username and password on their phones (SMS) and registered email-id.
With your continued support and patience, we are sure to arrive at Business-As-Usual soon.
Team ICAI.
Source- ICAI Email