Reality of moderation/scaling of marks under Regulation 39(2) in all levels of CA examinations by the ICAI
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, has provided the quintessential details and data in respect of the application of Regulation 39(2) of Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 in CA Examinations, qua the following counts of information being sought under the Right to Information Act, 2005:
9. Provide the rules, regulations or other records pertaining to the exercise of moderation/scaling of marks of the CA students in all levels of CA examinations by the ICAI.
12. Provide the procedure about moderation/scaling of marks of CA students in the answer scripts, post evaluation by the examiners.
“It is informed that the revision of marks is done under regulation 39(2) of Chartered Accountants Regulation, 1988. The Examination Committee in terms of the Provisions 39(2) read with Regulation 176 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, is vested with the Authority to revise the marks. The standard criteria followed by the Committee for revision of marks under Regulation 39(2) is given below:
a. Report of the Respective head examination (Paper wise) on the performance of the candidates as well as of the Examiners on the evaluation carried out by them and views emerging during discussion on such report by the Committee.
b. Comments of the Director, Board of studies, academic wing of the institute covering the following aspects :
i) Whether the question paper covered the syllabus and if any, question or part thereof was out of syllabus
ii) Whether there was any ambiguity in the language or any printing mistake in any question affecting the performance of candidates.
iii) Whether the question paper could be answered in the prescribed time.
iv) Whether the questions were of the expected level of knowledge for particular level of examination.
c. Representations received from the candidates, members and public on the question paper.”
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