Can you use Pencil and/or Highlighter in Chartered Accountancy Examinations?
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, has maintained an abject silence on the following counts of information being sought under the Right to Information Act, 2005, which relates to the clarity on the restrictions imposed for the use of pencil and/or highlighter while writing the answer scripts of the Chartered Accountancy Examinations.
7. Provide about the restriction on use of highlighter for writing CA-Final examination
8. Provide about the restriction on use of pencil for writing CA-Final examination.
The significant issue is that ‘INSTRUCTIONS TO EXAMINEES QF FINAL NEW EXAM -July 2021’ as was issued by the Examination Department of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ambiguously provided that ‘Don’t use ink, other than black sketch pen, highlighter for underlining or highlighting’, the same being subject to different interpretations.
NOTE : The redacted portions as are marked in ‘Grey Colour’ in the PDF file attached herewith, contain the personal information, registration number and other information being unrelated and irrelevant to the present context. The said file as is created is meant for information purposes only, considering the issue(s) involved therein, being believed to be of social interests and/or importance.
Download ICAI Reply on use of Pencil and/or Highlighter in CA Exams
So does it mean we can use black sketch pen to underline and highlight?