THE INSTITUTE OF Company Secretaries of India
Statutory body under an Act of Parliament
(Under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs)
23rd December, 2020
Important decisions taken by the Council of the ICSI at its meeting held on 19th December, 2020
1. Re-appointed M/s. Bansal Sinha & Co., Chartered Accountants and M/s. P K Chopra & Co., Chartered Accountants as the Joint Statutory Auditors of the Institute for the financial year 2020-21.
2. Re-appointed of M/s. Lahoti Navneet & Co., Chartered Accountants as the Statutory Auditors of the ICSI-CCGRT for the financial year 2020-21.
3. Approved the extension till 30th June, 2021 for the conduct of CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) through Remote Proctored Mode without Viva Voce.
4. One more attempt will be granted to the students of Executive & Professional Programme (2012 Old Syllabus) in June 2021 session of Examination. Further, with effect from December 2021 Session of Examinations, all remaining students under Executive and Professional Programmes (2012 Old Syllabus) shall be compulsorily switched over to 2017 New Syllabus.
5. Relaxation for complying with the requirement of Pre-Examination Test and One Day Orientation Programme for enrolment to Company Secretaries Examinations, December 2020 session only.
6. Approved the decision to carry forward the credit of Examination Fee received during June, 2020 & December, 2020 Session of Examination to June, 2021 Session of Examination in respect of students who “Opt-Out” from December, 2020 Session of examinations.
7. Extended the opt out facility to carry forward examination fees from December 2020 to June 2021 examination session for the students without giving any specific reason on or before 31′ December, 2020.
8. Resignation tendered by CS Siddhartha Murarka, Council Member from the Council w.e.f 12th December, 2020 was taken on record.